I agree it's pretty invasive. But the counter argument would be the obvious; if you aren't up to no good, what's the problem? Yes, I know, that's not much of an argument, but I'm playing devils advocate here.
the problem: privacy and you are entitled to this. this is not nazi germany but it seems like the portion of government can't generate enough revenue..thank's righties..you want to hear what scumbags the IRS is?..i did an OIC (i owed money in excess of $10k). my claim was researched and trust me they looked at everything before they approved the file to make certain i wasn't hiding money..pawn 'loan receipts' and consistent energy disconnects proved my claim. the following year, those bastards audited me and now they want a few thousand dollars form a full-time student with no income..the thing is if you don't pay the OIC from a few years ago, gets terminated and you owe everything. nice little scheme they've got

cop shows at your door without a warrant and wants to do a 'check' because someone thought they smelled something..you gonna let them in? why not? same thing..those cops who came to my house tried that little trick..'why not if your not hiding anything'? because this is still america and you are not the 'german ss'..that's why!
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