Filtered water for less


Well-Known Member
If you live in an area with high calcium water, or just bad water to begin with and you are looking to get your ppm down to a reasonable level. I bring you....THE MR. CLEAN AUTO DRY CAR WASH. Ok so seriously, you are asking me grave, what the hell does this have to do with me and my hard water. Well I read about this on some other forums and thought I could help a few people out here with it. The starter filter that comes with it does about 30 gallons, and the real filters do about 3 times as much so each filter filters about 100 gallons at the price of 6.50 a filter thats about 6 and a half cent s a gallon for water thats 20 ppm. You can tear apart the actual gun and turn it into a nice wall unit, it's very small and portable. You need a garden hose or garden hose attachment to put it on your sink. Ace is the only local place I found that carries em, but who knows do a lil reasearch and find yourself one, at the price ratio of most 200 dollar R/o units you can get a small home unit for 30 bucks, it takes it about an hour to fill up a 35 gallon rez. If you have any questions lemme know. Obviously you don't use the soap.


Well-Known Member
I read about this too in one of the weed publications. Looked interesting, but I was curious on how to convert the system for usage indoors in a small bathroom or in a kitchen.



Well-Known Member
I read about this too in one of the weed publications. Looked interesting, but I was curious on how to convert the system for usage indoors in a small bathroom or in a kitchen.

Well, I didn't take mine apart, cause it works as is. But from looking at it looks like a screwdriver is all you need to take it apart.


Well-Known Member
This is something I'm looking at:

Charley's Greenhouse & Garden greenhouses supplies charlies kits hobby garden accessories orchids winter green house

It is $ is their verbage:

"Eliminate the harsh toxic effects of chlorine in your greenhouse and garden. The result will be healthier, faster growing plants that have more resistance to pests. The replaceable Chlorgon Water Filter removes total chlorine, as well as lead, rust, sediments and odors… Plus, it is pH balanced. Simply attach to your hose bib and hose. Flow rate 2.5 gpm. Size 4" x 3". Replace the Cartridge annually for best results."

Charley's Greenhouse supply is a great supplier too.

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Well-Known Member
This is something I'm looking at:

Charley's Greenhouse & Garden greenhouses supplies charlies kits hobby garden accessories orchids winter green house

It is $ is the their verbage:

"Eliminate the harsh toxic effects of chlorine in your greenhouse and garden. The result will be healthier, faster growing plants that have more resistance to pests. The replaceable Chlorgon Water Filter removes total chlorine, as well as lead, rust, sediments and odors… Plus, it is pH balanced. Simply attach to your hose bib and hose. Flow rate 2.5 gpm. Size 4" x 3". Replace the Cartridge annually for best results."

Charley's Greenhouse supply is a great supplier too.

The problem with that is it's not going to get calcium, which is a huge factor in alot of people's water, and for cheaper you can buy the mr clean gun :p


Well-Known Member
Good point...damn those water spots on my car :mrgreen:

I mean if you look at the efficiency, price per gal it's just as good as a R/O machine, THE only drawback I see is it takes a while to make some water. Cause even with R/O machines there are 2ndary costs, you gotta replace those film filters ( not sure how often, but you still gotta do it). I mean 20 ppm water seems like a good place to start for me ;)


Well-Known Member
Filter replacement frequency is very much dependent upon the water it's filtering. I wouldn't expect it to last long with our water up here, for instance (it's already killed a 3yo water heater, we had to replace a sensor that was completely caked with mineralization). YMMV.

Personally, I would not rely on a filter simply to remove chlorine (which is no longer the usual means by which municipalities treat their water, they now usually use chloramine, safer and more stable), as sodium thiosulfate is damn cheap if you buy the dry concentrate crystals.

As soon as my PUR filter is spent (which I'm just about hitting) I'm going to get another Mr. Clean carwash kit for my grow. :)


Well-Known Member
I can't say how much this is helpful, Obviously if your water is really bad the filter is gonna go bad at a quicker rate, but at least they are only 6.50 from ace, and you could have 10 of em you already bought laying in a box. I dunno started using it a few weeks ago, never turning back,


Well-Known Member
I think the Mr. Clean filter is a great idea. Like I said, I'm going to get another kit from Walmart when this PUR filter is used up. The filter for over $40, though.. not so sure about that. I'd have to see how it's actually made, and I'm incredulous that it only needs replacing annually.


Well-Known Member
I think the Mr. Clean filter is a great idea. Like I said, I'm going to get another kit from Walmart when this PUR filter is used up. The filter for over $40, though.. not so sure about that. I'd have to see how it's actually made, and I'm incredulous that it only needs replacing annually.
Wait what filter is 40 dollars? the mr clean filters are 6.50 but they need replaced after each 90 or so gallons you make...


Well-Known Member
Sorry, this one.
This is something I'm looking at:

Charley's Greenhouse & Garden greenhouses supplies charlies kits hobby garden accessories orchids winter green house

It is $ is their verbage:

"Eliminate the harsh toxic effects of chlorine in your greenhouse and garden. The result will be healthier, faster growing plants that have more resistance to pests. The replaceable Chlorgon Water Filter removes total chlorine, as well as lead, rust, sediments and odors… Plus, it is pH balanced. Simply attach to your hose bib and hose. Flow rate 2.5 gpm. Size 4" x 3". Replace the Cartridge annually for best results."

Charley's Greenhouse supply is a great supplier too.



Well-Known Member
If you live in an area with high calcium water, or just bad water to begin with and you are looking to get your ppm down to a reasonable level. I bring you....THE MR. CLEAN AUTO DRY CAR WASH. Ok so seriously, you are asking me grave, what the hell does this have to do with me and my hard water. Well I read about this on some other forums and thought I could help a few people out here with it. The starter filter that comes with it does about 30 gallons, and the real filters do about 3 times as much so each filter filters about 100 gallons at the price of 6.50 a filter thats about 6 and a half cent s a gallon for water thats 20 ppm. You can tear apart the actual gun and turn it into a nice wall unit, it's very small and portable. You need a garden hose or garden hose attachment to put it on your sink. Ace is the only local place I found that carries em, but who knows do a lil reasearch and find yourself one, at the price ratio of most 200 dollar R/o units you can get a small home unit for 30 bucks, it takes it about an hour to fill up a 35 gallon rez. If you have any questions lemme know. Obviously you don't use the soap.
^^ Click the link greensurfer, and here is a link for the cheap filters.


Well-Known Member
Filter replacement frequency is very much dependent upon the water it's filtering. I wouldn't expect it to last long with our water up here, for instance (it's already killed a 3yo water heater, we had to replace a sensor that was completely caked with mineralization). YMMV.

Personally, I would not rely on a filter simply to remove chlorine (which is no longer the usual means by which municipalities treat their water, they now usually use chloramine, safer and more stable), as sodium thiosulfate is damn cheap if you buy the dry concentrate crystals.

As soon as my PUR filter is spent (which I'm just about hitting) I'm going to get another Mr. Clean carwash kit for my grow. :)
You know, I've yet to see evidence that chlorine causes damage to MJ. Do you know of any?