IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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hi im new 2 this site and still trying 2 figure it out and would greatly appreciate it if u could point me in the rite direction of a not so expensive good set of led lights and some advice on colour or a site that could help?
Area51 RWs or wait for their vero29s to come out! If you need asap? go with optic lighting vero29 3000k for straight flower or 4000k for full spectrum!
Don't get suckered by todays warranty bullshit! The days of selling panels with warranties are over with the cobs. I believe a good warranty these days consist of the company covering u for 2 years and after that a wholesale price on parts. Everything built from now on should be user friendly with bolt on service and your good to go without losing a panel! That's were the cob comes in! No one should even consider a HOTSPOT unit now! KIND,PLATINUM,ADVANCED,HYDROGROW,BLACKDOG,CALILIGHTWORKS, or alike units! These units are obsolete in my opinion! THEY USE TWICE THE AMOUNT OF WATTS TO COVER AN AREA AS THEY SHOULD! THEY USE 2-3 YEAR OLD TECH WITH SUBPAR COMPONENTS AND THEN SELL AT NEW TECH PRICES! BUT HEY YOU GET A 5 YEAR WARRANTY!
Where did you come up with the idea that these lights use twice the watts? I believe that is an overestimation
I have a KIND K5 750 and it flowers a 2ft6 x3ft6 at 430 watts! I have 2 Area51 RW150s and they cover way more than that at 310watts! I have working knowledge with the Hotspot fixtures
The price of the KIND K5 750 $1200 430watts! Area51 RW150 x3 is $1200! What would everyone on RIU choose? 3 A51 RW150s or KIND K5 750?
I have a KIND K5 750 and it flowers a 2ft6 x3ft6 at 430 watts! I have 2 Area51 RW150s and they cover way more than that at 310watts! I have working knowledge with the Hotspot fixtures

That's not twice the watts and what is "way more"? And I wouldn't consider Advanced or California Lightworks the same caliber as Kind. I'm just trying to make sure folks that come into this thread aren't given misinformation.
That's not twice the watts and what is "way more"? And I wouldn't consider Advanced or California Lightworks the same caliber as Kind. I'm just trying to make sure folks that come into this thread aren't given misinformation.
The KIND 8.75 sq ft The RW150s 12 sq ft The KIND covers 8.75 sqft with 430 watts The 2 A51 RW150 12 sq ft with 310 watts .. So the same amount of wattage compared 430 watts of A51s would cover 17 sq ft. So yes it looks double to me! And Advanced LED and Cali Lightworks are hotspot overpriced units! Why would someone wanna purchase a CaliLightworks or Advanced unit? When they could have multiple Area51 units for the same price?
The KIND 8.75 sq ft The RW150s 12 sq ft The KIND covers 8.75 sqft with 430 watts The 2 A51 RW150 12 sq ft with 310 watts .. So the same amount of wattage compared 430 watts of A51s would cover 17 sq ft. So yes it looks double to me! And Advanced LED and Cali Lightworks are hotspot overpriced units!

Well, I would recommend more than 310w of any light source for an area larger than 3x3, but that's just me. And I disagree with your assessment of Advanced and California Lightworks.
Well, I would recommend more than 310w of any light source for an area larger than 3x3, but that's just me.

34w/sq ft grows well with Area51. It depends somewhat on the height of the plants. 30 for short plants, 40 for tall? My lights with epi-whatever lights (similar to Kind, et. al.) need 25% more to be equivalent.

I agree that I wouldn't categorize Advanced with Kind. But, they're not the most transparent company either. They play the "proprietary spectrum" game.

I'm not a fan of California Lightworks. On the one hand they've begun saying they use Osram. They don't use a rebranded case (not that that's important, but it shows it's more than a simple rebrand like Kind, et. al.).

But, the company seems flim-flamy to me. They publish PAR numbers that are "adjusted" (disclosed in a small footnote.). They play up the "blend-a-matic(tm)" nonsense. I spoke to them once on the phone about their spectrum and I was incredibly unimpressed with the double-talk I received. They just talked around my points. Didn't seem honest in the slightest degree.

Maybe I caught them on a bad day. But, I'd never recommend California Lightworks. They seem like Cammie McKenzie (HydroGrowLED) with a better light.
That's not twice the watts and what is "way more"? And I wouldn't consider Advanced or California Lightworks the same caliber as Kind. I'm just trying to make sure folks that come into this thread aren't given misinformation.
It would take almost 3 RW150s to get 430watts! The coverage area is almost doubled when you go with a quality unit like Area51 and Optic Lighting! So why would someone want a hotspot unit like Advanced,California Lightworks,KIND,Platinumetc.ect? When they could have multiple quality units like Area51 and Optic? PAR readings and Coverage areas are so misrepresented by these companies also!
The KIND 8.75 sq ft The RW150s 12 sq ft The KIND covers 8.75 sqft with 430 watts The 2 A51 RW150 12 sq ft with 310 watts .. So the same amount of wattage compared 430 watts of A51s would cover 17 sq ft. So yes it looks double to me! And Advanced LED and Cali Lightworks are hotspot overpriced units! Why would someone wanna purchase a CaliLightworks or Advanced unit? When they could have multiple Area51 units for the same price?
You can find KIND units much cheaper than that. I have a L450 (270 watts) in a 6 sq foot tent and its performing beautifully when checked the wattage it was actually 280. I paid 450 for it and have been super impressed. I currently have 2 autos flowering right now under 24/0 for 6 weeks and are doing really well. They lights run very quiet and cool. I have heard Area 51 Make a really good product, and I don't doubt that they do, You'll def pay for it though. You can grab 2 kind L450s (560 actual watts) for 900 or 2 RW 150s for $810 for (300 actual watts). Not saying anything bad about Area 51 as I'm sure it's a great product, but I wouldn't go bashing the other brands as if they'll burn your house down. Some people don't have the budget for Area 51.
I have a 10' x 10' tent that I would like to run a SoG & Ebb n Flow system. What are the best LED lights to cover this area?

Someone told me to get 4x AdvLed Diamond 650's ..

And I've also read through this thread and it looks like A51 & Optic works well. What do you guys think about these in a 10'x10' setting? I can wait for new tech to come out, there is no rush on the purchase. :mrgreen:
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You can find KIND units much cheaper than that. I have a L450 (270 watts) in a 6 sq foot tent and its performing beautifully when checked the wattage it was actually 280. I paid 450 for it and have been super impressed. I currently have 2 autos flowering right now under 24/0 for 6 weeks and are doing really well. They lights run very quiet and cool. I have heard Area 51 Make a really good product, and I don't doubt that they do, You'll def pay for it though. You can grab 2 kind L450s (560 actual watts) for 900 or 2 RW 150s for $810 for (300 actual watts). Not saying anything bad about Area 51 as I'm sure it's a great product, but I wouldn't go bashing the other brands as if they'll burn your house down. Some people don't have the budget for Area 51.
Why would someone want 2 kind l450s at 560watts? When they could cover the same area with 2 rw150 at 310watts?
And why would someone wanna buy KIND old L series? Wouldn't u want there new K5 series like the one I own! Oh by the way my KIND K5 750 is now being used as a veg light in a 4 x 4. 1150 dollar veg light!
I have a 10' x 10' tent that I would like to run a SoG & Ebb n Flow system. What are the best LED lights to cover this area?

Someone told me to get 4x AdvLed Diamond 650's ..

And I've also read through this thread and it looks like A51 & Optic works well. What do you guys think about these in a 10'x10' setting? I can wait for new tech to come out, there is no rush on the purchase. :mrgreen:
It would take 16 area51 rw150s to cover that area! Same as optic, it would take the same 200watt vero29 or cxa3070. 6 to 7 grand! I would go with the 16 units over say 4 -750 watt units.being able to control the light from multiple units is way to go in my opinion. Stay away from single fixture hotspots. It's about getting the light even across canopy . You are looking in the rite direction with a51/optic.
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U could also get 16 KIND L 450s for less if you wanted a lesser quality unit. The L series came out about 3 years ago now maybe more?
Thats a lot of lights! Any other options? How will the temperature be?
It would take 16 area51 rw150s to cover that area! Same as optic, it would take the same 200watt vero29 or cxa3070. 6 to 7 grand! I would go with the 16 units over say 4 -750 watt units.being able to control the light from multiple units is way to go in my opinion. Stay away from single fixture hotspots. It's about getting the light even across canopy . You are looking in the rite direction with a51/optic.
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