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Christians not wanting to do business with gays...just shows how ignorant they are of the very book that they follow!
........ I understand your point and I would agree to it, human to human...but if you are going to live your life according to a book you should follow the rules of the book if you expect to reap of the fruit [rewards]...What if we differentiate by catering external events?
If they don't feel comfortable being exposed to homosexuality, who says we should force them to experience that exposure?
What if they say: "i don't want to participate in, or witness a gay wedding, but i have no problem serving anyone who comes to the store."
Would that be acceptable?
What if it was something else that made them feel uncomfortable, just as a matter of principle or personal preference?
You can't legislate imposed traumatizing of people who simply do not feel comfortable in a given scenario.
It's possible they have some kind of mental/emotional/whatever "condition," which makes them overly sensitive to the idea of other people doing 'unconventional' things with their own bodies.
Example: i would never agree to cater a man-hating-feminist convention, regardless of the sexual preferences or gender identity of any of the participants.
A gay business owner would never cater to an anti-gay rally (or maybe they would?).
No one should be forcibly coerced into enabling or facilitating something that causes them personal distress.
If someone has an irrational fear of "gay," that's a mental defect (as are all irrational fears, aka phobias).
What i'm getting at is: despite the fact their reasoning is crippled and perhaps invalid...
As long as religion is allowed to continue openly, people are going to have crippled reasoning and invalid opinions (because all valid opinion must remain compatible with all available facts).
If you raise someone that way from birth (religious), you can't expect them to "just change now because we said so." That's an irrational expectation. Psychic imprints are set. If the person is made to feel uncomfortable because of something 'wrong' in their mind... should anyone be legally obligating them to encounter a type of trauma they've tried to avoid their entire lives? Probably not.
Gays should speak out against the inherent injustice in such cases, but also realize that the best you can do is legislate the prevention of Undue Harm.
Anyone forcing anyone to interact, is Bad. It's ALMOST the same as 'rape'. There are many ways to be traumatically and intimately violated, without involving genitals or even direct physical contact.
You realize if they actually followed the Bible, they would kill them instead of just not doing business with them? Or is that your preference?Christians not wanting to do business with gays...just shows how ignorant they are of the very book that they follow!
Sorry, you don't get to define whether the other person is or is not traumatized. They do.We have reality shows where people who have never even met before get married..... celebrity marriages that last days... and the 'Christians' have no problem with it....
These businesses who hide behind the bible and say "I don't want to serve a gay person" seem to think its perfectly OK to serve... blacks, adulterers, shaven men, non-virgin unmarried women....
Now replace "gay" with any other persecuted group in history.... and its offensive and wrong... "I won't serve black people" "I won't serve Jewish people" it is an act of discrimination, and a violation of civil rights...
You don't have to like them, you don't have to like that serve them.... but if you want the freedom to not be discriminated against for believing your own fairy tales.... you have to give others that same freedom to live their own lives.
Traumatizing? No. Sorry, unless the person is fucking Amish or similar, today's culture and media is saturated with m/m and f/f relationships, and situations with transgendered peoples....
There ARE countries and cultures that actually DO follow religious rules, and would not allow homosexuality... this country however, is based explicitly on a freedom from any one set of religious rules...
And not to mention, if homosexuality were not allowed, because of and by the church.... what the hell is the purpose of an alter boy? Cuz if its not for the priests to molest I think someone should inform the church.... Everyone seems to look the other way when that happens... hide the pedophile and pretend the priest wasn't engaged in homosexuality as well as child molestation....
The church is just a shield for people full of hate hide behind and throw rocks.....
this is the new testament era from what I understand, so they wouldn't have orders to kill them...but the book plainly states that you would have to do your business in another order to not be around certain the book says, if a man claims to be a church member and is of those that straddle the fence,with him do not have business don't even eat with that person. and also it say you want to judge someone, judge those that are members of your church [the holier then thou people]...and don't fret about outsidersYou realize if they actually followed the Bible, they would kill them instead of just not doing business with them? Or is that your preference?
You realize if they actually followed the Bible, they would kill them instead of just not doing business with them? Or is that your preference?
I try to live by the ten commandments, tho you couldn't call me religious.
Except possibly burning in Hell for all eternity
Jesus is quoted as saying "Faith without works is dead". Believing in something without adhering to it's tenents is without merit.
"Then shall he say also unto them on the LEFT hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels", "but the right into life eternal"
it is not natural to be gay
If your straight and you see two of the same sex of people which are the same sex as you, fucking each other in a porn (how ever you come across it lol) does it not make you feel sick in your stomach? If you don't feel some type of gross-ness when that happens then you are not straight.
muslims are going to be able to have FUCKING SHARIA LAW IN AMERICA...You should be worried that your daughter is going to be murdered for cheating on her muslim boyfriend.
What I don't understand is this; why do they focus on gays? It says right in the same chapter that tattoos are bad, talks about shelfish etc...There are sooooo many things to judge people over why did they pick homosexuality? My theory is that their religion is based on guilt and guilt makes them feel bad. Most people aren't %100 percent heterosexual and the guilt they feel makes them feel bad so in other words: gay = guilt = bad feelings = gay is badChristians not wanting to do business with gays...just shows how ignorant they are of the very book that they follow!