Hydro nutes on soil, good or bad?

Árboles verdes

Well-Known Member
Can anyone help me out I was wondering if I can use my hydro nutes on my soil plants, if so, what would be a good mix for them? I understand you have to water it down way more than the hydro
You can use hydro nutes in soil. Keep an eye on your ph, ppm. Hydro nutrients are very concentrated. So you dont want to start off full strength. Start with 50% work yoir way up (Depending on what stage of growth your plants are in)

With that being said a lot of hydro nutes you simply don't need if your growing in good soil. dont be fooled by all these new nutrients. They basically are all the same crap with different names.

If i were to choose a hydro nutrient for soil i would go with GH flora series. But ive used others that work just as well.

Hope this helps.
I haven't found one that doesn't work in soil. soil also has natural buffers so pH shouldn't be as much an issue as in an inert medium. you will want to start off at a lower rate but only because the soil will initially have some nutrient. With most soil by the time you flip your lights there isn't much left in them anyway so you can hit it pretty hard.
Can anyone help me out I was wondering if I can use my hydro nutes on my soil plants, if so, what would be a good mix for them? I understand you have to water it down way more than the hydro

I used GH Flora 3-part in soil. I had good results. But, it was different than using soil nutrients in soil. It was more immediate acting, more like it was just me and the plant. To be honest, I think that was ideal for being a new grower.

Using it was so different that when I changed to GrowMore Sea Grow, I had terrible problems. Instead of getting burnt tips as immediate feedback to overfeeding, I had salt build up which took a month or longer to manifest itself as a lockout condition. Once I got through that learning curve (feeding less, taking a more hands-off approach to feeding, just letting my plants grow with a steady rate of food that requires some soil biology to contribute to making nutrients available) I'm having as good or better results as GH 3-part.

Why are you asking the question? Why are you considering hydro in soil?
Yes, I still have some left so I want to use it, has anyone heard anything about BIG TIME ROOTS, or BIG TIME ENZYME? That's what I have right now, I'm thinking of going with rock nutrients
Yes, I still have some left so I want to use it, has anyone heard anything about BIG TIME ROOTS, or BIG TIME ENZYME? That's what I have right now, I'm thinking of going with rock nutrients
I use the rock root tonic in my DWC and it works great. Ive never used it in soil though.

2 ml a gallon at every reservoir change and I had very healthy white roots. Alot of people dont like the Rock line.
Using hydro nutes on soil probably won't kill the bacteria off, only lower the population, but it's also counter-intuitive. Hydro nutes use nitrate N rather than ammonium/urea based N, which is meant to feed the plant directly rather than feed the nitrifying bacteria. Once you stop using the hydro nutes, the bacteria will just grow back when the nitrate level decreases. Not too big a deal, but still pointless.

If you want to use hydro nutes, it makes sense to use an inert medium. For soil, you should build a good soil from organic(peat, compost, shit) and inorganic (like loam, sand, lime) parts with enough nutrients to last for weeks. If you do use synthetic nutrients on soil, it should be urea based, not nitrate based. Jack's classic or even miracle grow is fine for that. There's many ways to go about that.. but hydroponic nutrients really make a lot more sense in inert mediums.
I'm not worried about killing the microbes. I'm worried about what microbes I'm chasing away with that relationship.

Mycorrhizae won't engage the plant root of plenty of P floating around already. When we take away the microbe's job, they go dormant, and other microbes take over. No idea what that new microbial relationship would look like, but safe to say it's not the relationship that has evolved over the millennia.

The biggest issue might be the loss or at least reduction of the immune system boost the proper microbes bring
yeah bro. you could use miracle grow, too. As long as you dont overuse it, almost any fertilizer will work. weed isnt much different than anything your mom grows in her backyard
Yes, I still have some left so I want to use it, has anyone heard anything about BIG TIME ROOTS, or BIG TIME ENZYME? That's what I have right now, I'm thinking of going with rock nutrients
DONT BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM. he started to make fun of a 18 yr vet grower by telling me Zamzows isnt as cheap and sucks (Zamzows thrive, works great on soil ) i have used em all even pond enzyme, hygrozyme sensizyme growmore bio cozyme then we email a little sh_t talk back and forth because he pulled up some DUI charges from another state and my date of birth ect!!!!!!!!!! His name is Jason Smith i just got done changing my credit card info that he already has because i bid on ebay for a bottle for 50 bucks and won the bid. now he wants 80 telling me do the math.(thats how the sh-t talk started) Look this guy is creepy and is getting your INFO when you buy from him. BIG TIME ENZYME is a rip off in more ways than one. Please buy from anyone but him. it also kills TLO tea microbes i was using it only in flush
yeah bro. you could use miracle grow, too. As long as you dont overuse it, almost any fertilizer will work. weed isnt much different than anything your mom grows in her backyard
thats true but it kills microbes. i found tlo to be the cheapest way to grow it takes practice so not to have a nute taste. but on to synthetics cutting edge 3 part, ful power (fulvic, OMRI), cheapest molasses earth juice (if hydro pay the money for bud candy), super thrive, liquid kelp. and many more i
yeah bro. you could use miracle grow, too. As long as you dont overuse it, almost any fertilizer will work. weed isnt much different than anything your mom grows in her backyard
thats true but it kills microbes.

That's true, but can be ameliorated by using organic supplements like 1/8-1/4tsp molasses to promote microbial activity (regeneration), fulvic/humic acids, kelp, fish emulsion, etc.

It's all about balance for most people. Most people don't have time to make their TLO soil. That doesn't mean they have to "let perfection be the enemy of good."

I'm using Grow More Sea Grow. I like it's balance between synthetic (fast-acting) and organic (slow-acting) components. I add Liquid Karma, molasses, fish emulsion. I'm getting good results, no nute burn, no salt build-up (after I learned to watch for it and get my amounts fed correct). The smoke is smoother and richer than when I used purely synthetic GH 3-part.

It works good enough for me weighing the convenience versus "cooking" my own soil, brewing teas, etc.