South Carolina policeman charged with murder

Yeah, the cops are portrayed so wonderfully good in 90% of all TV shows and in many movies as well.

And remember than damned show "Cops"? It made the cops look like fucking heroes.

I used to respect cops in general. But I don't any more.
It never made them look like heros to me, normally they looked like the tools they are,
I was joking, but cops think otherwise.
I remember reading a few years back of a town or county in AZ trying to make it illegal but I couldn't find it.
And then there's this..

Lets hope common sense prevails.

In Illinois, it was illegal. Go figure, Obumbles home state. I think a federal judge struck down the law, but I could be wrong on that point.

<edit> Yep, the political boys in blue are protecting the head-cracking boys in blue from citizens' snooping. What is wrong with Illinois?

Under the new bill, a citizen could rarely be sure whether recording any given conversation without permission is legal. The bill would make it a felony to surreptitiously record any “private conversation,” which it defines as any “oral communication between 2 or more persons,” where at least one person involved had a “reasonable expectation” of privacy.

When does the person you’re talking to have a reasonable expectation of privacy? The bill doesn’t say. And that’s not something an ordinary person can be expected to figure out.

A law must be clear enough for citizens to know in advance whether a particular action is a crime. This bill doesn’t meet that standard, which should be reason enough for a court to strike it down if it becomes law.

But lack of clarity isn’t the only problem with this bill.

Although it appears to be designed to accommodate the Illinois Supreme Court’s ruling striking down the old law, the bill actually is designed to continue to prevent people from recording interactions with police.
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I gotta say tho, Brooklyn 99 is a funny cop show. Black gay monotonous captain, terry crews as sergeant and the lead character is a dead set ringer for JD off of Scrubs. Same kinda humour

I thought this conversation could use some comedic relief
It is NOT illegal to film police, in fact it's one of the few things that really protects you from their abuses.

Don't try it in Illinois. And wherever you do it, make sure there are witnesses around who can testify that your death at the hand of the police was murder.
Shooting a guy while he is running away is murder. I can't think of any way that could be justified. The gap in the video not withstanding.

I agree. In no way can this murder be justified. Yet Fox News is leaving doubt, and they should be ashamed.
Shooting a guy while he is running away is murder. I can't think of any way that could be justified. The gap in the video not withstanding.

We have a few instances where you can shoot someone in the back down here. Usually involves intruders that are getting away with no hope to recover the property they took.

I don't know how they would apply it in court, but it's there.
Shooting a guy while he is running away is murder. I can't think of any way that could be justified. The gap in the video not withstanding.

Don't want to go to prison? Don't post on a dope forum.

Don't want to get shot in the back? Don't run from the police.

Seems simple enough.