another wonderful Charleston South carolina fficer


Well-Known Member
Well then quit letting it happen. We all need to stand up to this be and it would stop.
See, my opinion Is Not worth two cents. Here is the deal. We (working tax payers) pay (be it indirectly) The salaries of every public official. be it beat cop, judge, or janitor. To protect and serve. Now that means keeping my wife and daughters safe from drunk drivers, rapists, drug dealers, and dirtbags. So don't take this the wrong way, all of my comments are general and not meant to be accusatory. And if you don't have kids you may not get it but Id rather they yank you out of the car and send you to jail than fuck around wondering if you are a threat because you copped a paranoid pissy attitude while missing the true suspected offender that's on his way to rob your mom much less mine.

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
My two cents isn't worth a plug nickel.... but here goes.
I get a little fed up with all the finger pointing and accusations against the "just us" system. Don't take that to mean I believe the officers have no fault .....but......Think people!
Most of us pay our taxes and therefore their salary. So They are doing what I, You, We pay them for. I have yet to see a single case where the situation escalated to violence before some idiot gets mouthy and/or refuses to cooperate.
So, if we are both innocent standing on a corner and a cop walks up and says "face down on the ground with your hands behind your head" I lay down, you yell and jump around....asking why? ..... and get shot.
Who is in the wrong?
or the Cop....Who by the way just got a call that two people matching our descriptions robbed the store around the corner and shot the clerk. check this and let me kno how u feel


Well-Known Member
See, my opinion Is Not worth two cents. Here is the deal. We (working tax payers) pay (be it indirectly) The salaries of every public official. be it beat cop, judge, or janitor. To protect and serve. Now that means keeping my wife and daughters safe from drunk drivers, rapists, drug dealers, and dirtbags. So don't take this the wrong way, all of my comments are general and not meant to be accusatory. And if you don't have kids you may not get it but Id rather they yank you out of the car and send you to jail than fuck around wondering if you are a threat because you copped a paranoid pissy attitude while missing the true suspected offender that's on his way to rob your mom much less mine.
I have three kids. I tell them all the time to stand up for themselves if bullied. I don't put it in the hands of cops to protect me or my family. I will tell a cop if they are wrong. If I'm pulled out of the car and arrested for standing up for my rights, so be it.
You make wild claims. Someone running deserves to be shot. That's crazy. Also you don't know the whole story. I have an uncle that did 18 months over child support because the mom was using the money on drugs. He bought what the kid needed and give the kid money. Some in this world would say that anyone that smokes weed is worthless and deserves jail or worse. Fact is that guy was shot in the back. That's cowardly and now the kids will never see their father again.

That is why my state changed child support from a criminal matter to civil.

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
Ok you must just be a bad ass. Lets see. Cops, Road block, resisting inspection, You do realize a roadblock already has its warrant.
do realize road blocks are illegal to use to check for a crime being committed? the "DUI Check points" are not pen in as that, it is to check for license, registration and insurance. tho they call it DUI, cause you can smell alcohol and obtain probable cause which does not need a warrant.
Edit: sounds like a Police State/ not free


Well-Known Member
I have three kids. I tell them all the time to stand up for themselves if bullied. I don't put it in the hands of cops to protect me or my family. I will tell a cop if they are wrong. If I'm pulled out of the car and arrested for standing up for my rights, so be it.
You make wild claims. Someone running deserves to be shot. That's crazy. Also you don't know the whole story. I have an uncle that did 18 months over child support because the mom was using the money on drugs. He bought what the kid needed and give the kid money. Some in this world would say that anyone that smokes weed is worthless and deserves jail or worse. Fact is that guy was shot in the back. That's cowardly and now the kids will never see their father again.

That is why my state changed child support from a criminal matter to civil.
I never said leave anything to the police. I never said I didn't teach my children not to stand up for themselves AND for what they believe in.

You have it right I don't know the whole story. And I doubt either of us likely ever will.
I am sorry for your uncle but if the problem was her on drugs then pursuing that avenue and establishing a method of support/custody through the courts would have kept him out of jail and been better for the child than being left in a bad situation ( I don't know the whole story that's just how I see it tonight ) I have been a pot head a lot of years and have done shit I may or may not regret. You can ask my Girls my position on Drugs and the need for intervention. I grew up in the woods. ...... and for them a log chain being your only clothing and raw meat your only food will break a physical addiction.

Shooting someone in the back may or may not be cowardly. I don't know the whole story.


Well-Known Member
That warrant means nothing. They would have to have a warrant with your name and vehicle listed. License, registration, insurance is all they can ask for since your driving.
you mean like the ones he didn't possess while driving a vehicle 'that he was gonna buy, but doesn't have paperwork for..friend is letting him drive around for a few day while he decides if he wants?" AND a warrant?

the cops shot 8 many times was the suspect hit?

when my ex used his gun for the first time in the line of duty wasn't until he was retired from his first; onto his second..traffic stop, guy fleed..smashed into a tree, ran, shot in the back (gun emptied) and hospitalized.

he was put on paid leave while all was investigated (2 months).

shoot: justified.

when someone is fleeing, the object of the game: bring it down. there's no time to position yourself while running, stop, take careful aim and shoot one round.

that's cop show fantasy.


Well-Known Member
the object of the game: cuff and stuff.

a warrant is a warrant.

scott caused his own death running from a child support warrant.

judgement: for the defense
even his police department view his actions as murder. you know thats why he's been charged with murder rather than just a slap on the wrist

doesnt that make you wonder if perhaps your views are fucked up? you know even his colleges dont agree with you


Well-Known Member
Ok you must just be a bad ass. Lets see. Cops, Road block, resisting inspection, You do realize a roadblock already has its warrant.
Your wrong a road block is actually illegal. They call them safety checks there illegal. You can drive or any road with out being stopped or harassed in the United states. Sounda like you need to learn the laws. But as I can see you have lips and no dock so keep moving old man


Well-Known Member
That warrant means nothing. They would have to have a warrant with your name and vehicle listed. License, registration, insurance is all they can ask for since your driving.
You and I should find road blocks and puss the police off cause it tices my pickle to prove them Bastards wrong


Well-Known Member
You and I should find road blocks and puss the police off cause it tices my pickle to prove them Bastards wrong
Your last two statements are why I was talking. This could have been a good conversation. But you sir were just trolling.
And I was high enough to want to play your game.
Have a good day ....... "Part of the Problem"


Well-Known Member
yeah, he had his priorities right..he was a wanted man running away who ended up dead.

case dismissed!
Does innocent until PROVEN guilty mean anything to you..your attitude is what allows this shit to happen..someone is wanted by the police..for whatever reason..and they are automatically guilty and should follow every commend given to them? And when they don't the police have the right to use deadly force..because a legal citizen who may or may not be the guilty party..refuses to follow orders..fascist much?? What about in a new york style stop-and-frisk when you get stopped for walking down the street and are accosted by police..


Well-Known Member
See, my opinion Is Not worth two cents. Here is the deal. We (working tax payers) pay (be it indirectly) The salaries of every public official. be it beat cop, judge, or janitor. To protect and serve. Now that means keeping my wife and daughters safe from drunk drivers, rapists, drug dealers, and dirtbags. So don't take this the wrong way, all of my comments are general and not meant to be accusatory. And if you don't have kids you may not get it but Id rather they yank you out of the car and send you to jail than fuck around wondering if you are a threat because you copped a paranoid pissy attitude while missing the true suspected offender that's on his way to rob your mom much less mine.

the guy was hinky the whole time.

that cop did not know if there was a outstanding warrant? driving a vehicle with no papers..?

dude, c' know you just brought it.
even his police department view his actions as murder. you know thats why he's been charged with murder rather than just a slap on the wrist

doesnt that make you wonder if perhaps your views are fucked up? you know even his colleges dont agree with you
that cop is the unfortunate recipient of a national witch hunt


Well-Known Member
Your last two statements are why I was talking. This could have been a good conversation. But you sir were just trolling.
And I was high enough to want to play your game.
Have a good day ....... "Part of the Problem"
No I know my rights, I know the constitution, I know the laws. My job is in a highlyrics patrolled area for.drugs and I see literally 20 people pulled over a day. I have a 2Dr Tahoe so I right the certain constitutional ammendment on my windows and pull my truck by the police stop. The police get pissed and attempt to harass me but it does not work. The police hate me. I don't not do it all the time though as it takes a lot of time.


Well-Known Member
But you mad it sound as if you were up in his face. And I don't believe it stopped there. Either way,
My point is that instigation of hostility is interpreted by each individual differently. Example: I am not a large man, I've been in confrontations where there was security on hand that thought they could defuse the situation. Well, It didn't go well for me because there came a point at which I felt threatened that the cop was going to get us both hurt so Like my dad said. If its going down Its better be on top. Ya we both went to jail. But I wasn't put in the piss tank. Just held and released.
Too many trolls insighting discord these days. Put forth a concerted effort, get a job and stay out of troubles way. Trouble wont come looking for you.
"If you're not doing anything don't have anything to worry about" keep believing


Well-Known Member
If I get a ticket or a citation or etc I jury trial eveyone. I get off a lot for lack of evidence but have been also been found guilty


Well-Known Member
See, my opinion Is Not worth two cents. Here is the deal. We (working tax payers) pay (be it indirectly) The salaries of every public official. be it beat cop, judge, or janitor. To protect and serve. Now that means keeping my wife and daughters safe from drunk drivers, rapists, drug dealers, and dirtbags. So don't take this the wrong way, all of my comments are general and not meant to be accusatory. And if you don't have kids you may not get it but Id rather they yank you out of the car and send you to jail than fuck around wondering if you are a threat because you copped a paranoid pissy attitude while missing the true suspected offender that's on his way to rob your mom much less mine.
so you'd rather have the police indiscriminately throw innocent people in jail because they didn't like how they acted..OPENLY STATING YOU WANT TO INFRINGE ON FREE PEOPLES RIGHTS..because they "might be a scumbag" and they "might harm my family" want to infringe on a whole nations rights over some hypothetical're a f'ing douche!.