Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS

I will consider your apology if you go pour me a fresh drank. 4 fingers of cheap vodka, and a splash of Kahlua. I'm done with furnett. It's way too Frisco hipster trash anyways....
That shits horrible. Just drink jager. Why should you have to chase a drink with gingerale to make it taste good. At least you get nice and white girl wasted after a bottle.
Do you know how horrible and embarrassing it is to not be able to maintain a erection because you snorted a teener of coke in an hour.... I do.. it sucks.. the more coke women due the wetter they get. The more we do the limper we are :( the world's not fair.. and Damn I need a rail now.. you can never just have one..
Shit, my brother. If anyone knows, it's me. So gakked out you can't even remember how to use your own phone? Yea, better believe I know. That's cause I only fuck with real fishscale. Def not anywhere close to as pure as yours. But, we should still man-date. I have respect for your big-swinging cock. You are a man of integrity, and honor who raises the tone of this forum by being a part of it. Thank you for your faith in me. Your instincts do you credit.

Coke and rent a whore and do that frustrated limp dick hump. Sweatin all over her cute lil asshole. Sexual aggression with 10% boner. :-x
Lol... More then once for a few lines a chick will blow my limp Dick like chewing gum.. just cuz I can't get it up don't mean it don't feel good. Frustrating not being able to keep it up or bust a nut though.
I banged this black+asian Dominican chick who was God-high on coke; chick was in complete sexual bliss ecstacy like a sex zombie. Shit was hot as fuck. Fucking drugged out hot chicks is heavenly. Thank you Amoral God for allowing this :eek:
Lol... More then once for a few lines a chick will blow my limp Dick like chewing gum.. just cuz I can't get it up don't mean it don't feel good. Frustrating not being able to keep it up or bust a nut though.
I know the feels. I was tumbling all around the bed with this Colombian chick trying to drill her with coke-cock. She's like "tu no puedes. Mucho coca. Mucho coca"

Then i think i came without gooping.
Soo glad to see I'm not the only scumbag on this site... SQUAD^^^^!!!!!!!!
Castro.jpg Dude, I've rewritten the book on scumbaggery. Ive done some completely reckless shit in my life....and im still at it. Planet earth is a fuckin playground. Amoral God designed all this for me to fuck with and indulge in. It's like free roam mode in GTA .