Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS

Good luck with that, I just got home, I need to hit myself in the head with a hammer until comatose...

Fuck insomnia.

Damn, that was 3 hours. I know myself.

Twat, shit bucket.

On a side note, I think I could work in the Alaskan fishery...I function surprisingly well on 48 seconds of sleep.
For me it totally depends on which stop on the crazy train I'm on.

I'm not fully bipolar, lithium and I wouldn't be a good fit. But, I can either sleep for 12 hours when I'm in a "low", or like zero hours when I'm in a high.

A couple of Zanax can solve that.
If I'm wound too tight for a bowl to help me relax that's my go to.
I've never tried, going to ask the doctor tomorrow. Or...today? FUCK. haha

Whats that shit like? I used to have a friend who was mildly dependent on it, and she would freak when she was running low.
I'm a little afraid to be dependant on another drug. My body is a little fuck-face sometimes, and the pharma drugs don't always have the intended effect.

For example, my friend took something on the plane for her anxiety. She's a nurse, and I don't even remember what it was. She said it helped her sleep, so I tried one.

I felt like I had done rails off a stewardess's ass in the bathroom. Energy for days...
Yea wifey is good to me. Shes grrreat! I just hope my contributions were apriciated... and encouraging
YOU are KILLING it. I'm very happy that you're so into sharing.
does anyone need me to PM them my dick pics? they were posted earlier but mysteriously vanished.

This is the most replies I think I've ever done in a post.

Can you believe some cunts used to report me for replying to individual posts, rather than a bunch at once?

Some people - fuck. haha
Hey @Alienwidow

Lets chat in here? I know people get pissy sometimes when you destroy the continuity of a thread.

Also, there's no CRYING IN BASEBALL...


EDIT: I fucking love that guy. I don't think I want a picture sig. But if I did, that might be it...
Hey @Alienwidow

Lets chat in here? I know people get pissy sometimes when you destroy the continuity of a thread.

Also, there's no CRYING IN BASEBALL...

View attachment 3394406

EDIT: I fucking love that guy. I don't think I want a picture sig. But if I did, that might be it...
My head feels like theres muppets in there and theyre all singing in the rain. I either gotta sleep or silence the muppets with a butterknife. I thought we were on this thread for the last three hours lol. Baaahahahahaa. I dont know where i am lolz.
My head feels like theres muppets in there and theyre all singing in the rain. I either gotta sleep or silence the muppets with a butterknife. I thought we were on this thread for the last three hours lol. Baaahahahahaa. I dont know where i am lolz.
Naw, we were in the T n A thread. But I can see the confusion.

I need to sleep so badly. But it's not coming. I'll get a cold, I can feel it coming on already. But, this is how she goes.
Naw, we were in the T n A thread. But I can see the confusion.

I need to sleep so badly. But it's not coming. I'll get a cold, I can feel it coming on already. But, this is how she goes.
Take some vitamins and sex. It cures what ails ya. March you little ass to that bedroom and close your eyes. Its bedtime zombie girl :p
Shit is Meta gonna be pissed we've been chatting like a couple of QUEENS in his thread?

Fuck, THIS is why I have it in my mind about girls and guy friends. I have a number of gay friends, and that totally works in the girl/ guy friendship.

I think I'm fighting this so much, because I was always a "hanging with the dudes" kind of girl. I didn't date as much as most of my girlfriends did. I didn't see the point a lot of the time. In high school everyone was sooooooooo angsty and aggravated all the time.

And then I just didn't meet anyone that I would date for a uber long time after that. Sex, for sure. But I did a lot of more casual sex with a consistent guy. But I would have never called many "my boyfriend'.

I've had, 2 real boyfriends. This one included. Most of the other guys were casual.

I've kind of always been a dick about dating. Probably because of my cray.

I feel like I've been writing for an eternity. Fuck I'm stoned. I love this house guest.

EDIT: Night night!