Is there any trick to make my ISO mix taste better?


Well-Known Member
Ive been using 99% Iso on mid grade it tastes kind of funny but tastes fine in a j..
Was doing from what i seen on a reliable video on YT..
Is there any way on making it taste better?
Would there be any food flavours that could used or something similar?(guess not )
Thanks for your time , Turf

PS have a bubbler with titanium nail
How do you make it

And what does taste funny mean? Plastic like and phenolic..the cannabinoids arent all that tastey

Yea you can add flavors. What we're doing is basically making a cannabis essential oil. The terpenes and esters arent any different than those found in non cannabis sources. You can add a citrus flavor too it etc pretty easily
How do you make it

And what does taste funny mean? Plastic like and phenolic..the cannabinoids arent all that tastey

Yea you can add flavors. What we're doing is basically making a cannabis essential oil. The terpenes and esters arent any different than those found in non cannabis sources. You can add a citrus flavor too it etc pretty easily

I do 30-40 seconds in a glass jar with about 5 grams of herb I strain it through mesh cloth a number times
then i put it on pyrex dish over pot water until all solvent gone, i purge it on a plate over pot water..

If you do not mind how do you add the flavors?
Put up the video, always good for a laugh
And lets see pics

..temps, filtering, the purge, how you break up the bud, rh of the material, age of the material. Will have the biggest impact

As to adding flavors, thats as simple as purchasing quality essential oils of your liking
Basically what clear extracts does. Add terps to their crappy oil to make it taste good. You can add anything you want but in my opinion its better to learn to properly make oil instead of learning how to make mediocre oil taste good
I do 30-40 seconds in a glass jar with about 5 grams of herb I strain it through mesh cloth a number times
then i put it on pyrex dish over pot water until all solvent gone, i purge it on a plate over pot water..

If you do not mind how do you add the flavors?
No ive not tried the freeze tec..have to freeze bud and iso next time.

A frozen QWISO technique will pick up less chlorophyll and water solubles. There are different techniques for doing so and here is one:

Purging is critical with Iso, as it isn't tasty and human sensory threshold for odor is about 7.84 mg/sq/meter, which is about 7.8 ppm.

Have you tested for residuals?
A frozen QWISO technique will pick up less chlorophyll and water solubles. There are different techniques for doing so and here is one:

Purging is critical with Iso, as it isn't tasty and human sensory threshold for odor is about 7.84 mg/sq/meter, which is about 7.8 ppm.

Have you tested for residuals?

After i scrape it up I put it on cooking paper where purge on plate thats over pot boiling water for 20 min it makes tiny bubbles i let cool .
My next mix i will ad the advice is there reason on having herb freeze over night other than freeze for say 3 ,4 hr's its certainly frozen at these times no?
I would recommend freezing a few hrs. Then breaking up the bud..slowly..careful not to let it get too warm. You will have to put it back in the freezer every so often. Use scissors that are "frozen" as well as the holder of ye herb. Freeze the filter..
Filter in stages, big to small..
Dont scrape and add to whatever. Keep the surface area high and in a thin film. Just use that original dish​
Bubbling how? I hope your not starting to decarb, ive never seen mine bubble but i always used a crockpot when i did it like this..
Either way thay sounds like the problem. Which was my original assumption, youve put it over boiling water losing most your goodies. The cannabinoids dont taste very good
I would recommend freezing a few hrs. Then breaking up the bud..slowly..careful not to let it get too warm. You will have to put it back in the freezer every so often. Use scissors that are "frozen" as well as the holder of ye herb. Freeze the filter..
Filter in stages, big to small..
Dont scrape and add to whatever. Keep the surface area high and in a thin film. Just use that original dish​
Bubbling how? I hope your not starting to decarb, ive never seen mine bubble but i always used a crockpot when i did it like this..
Either way thay sounds like the problem. Which was my original assumption, youve put it over boiling water losing most your goodies. The cannabinoids dont taste very good
The first part not sure what i should do exactly can u elaborate plz

Yeah this what i done..what should i do in this case i guess use a fan over heated surface or something with fan it be evaporated in couple hours?
I cut mine up before freezing, so that there isn't opportunity for frost to form on the trichomes, due to the low relative humidity in the freezer.
The first part not sure what i should do exactly can u elaborate plz

Yeah this what i done..what should i do in this case i guess use a fan over heated surface or something with fan it be evaporated in couple hours?

Easier to get a good purge using heat and vacuum.
The answer to your post is easy. By starting w quality solvents that are food grade such as ethanol, carbon dioxide, isobutane, etc, that denaturing agent is used to make one ill if consumed and doesn't get used in any recipes I regularly use as isopropyl distills at exactly the same temperature as ethanol, so any residues left behind are essentailly a denaturing product until the water portion is evaporated as well. Its not to convincing of an extraction solvent either. Acetone used in minute amounts increases yield to any old bho method. Acetone is considered GRAS, can be obtained in food grade, and is produced naturally by our bodies chemistry.
The answer to your post is easy. By starting w quality solvents that are food grade such as ethanol, carbon dioxide, isobutane, etc, that denaturing agent is used to make one ill if consumed and doesn't get used in any recipes I regularly use as isopropyl distills at exactly the same temperature as ethanol, so any residues left behind are essentailly a denaturing product until the water portion is evaporated as well. Its not to convincing of an extraction solvent either. Acetone used in minute amounts increases yield to any old bho method. Acetone is considered GRAS, can be obtained in food grade, and is produced naturally by our bodies chemistry.
Is that a nail polish remover..My sister 100 % Pure Acetone would this work? Thanks
Hey all..
What would be the best way to purge something simple i dont have access to any pump unfortunately ..
Thanks Turf
Dont use acetone..
Keep it in the pyrex or whatever collection vessel you choose. It will be in a thin film, once it appears dry, before you scrape or do anything heat to about 110 for about 4hrs. Put it on a hot water bath or heating pad. Make sure you have airflow.
The idea is to just purge the solvent, not to evap all low weight compounds and end up with i was saying its probably over purging that caused the fowl taste. Its easy to tell by appearance and iso is much easier to purge than butane
Ive a pyrex dish that can fit in a pot water i would need a thermometer for the water ?
110 C or F? Thanks
Dont use acetone..
Keep it in the pyrex or whatever collection vessel you choose. It will be in a thin film, once it appears dry, before you scrape or do anything heat to about 110 for about 4hrs. Put it on a hot water bath or heating pad. Make sure you have airflow.
The idea is to just purge the solvent, not to evap all low weight compounds and end up with i was saying its probably over purging that caused the fowl taste. Its easy to tell by appearance and iso is much easier to purge than butane
You dont really need a thermometer, if you can put your finger in the water and it feels hot its fine. Pain=too hot
We're actually pretty sensitive to just a few degrees
However i personally dont use heat. But it will get rid of any uneasiness