I'm hiding behind SCIENCE...

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What? This is a strange request even from you yess.
hahahah, have we met?


Sorry you weren't in the other thread.

I'm not a big gal for dick pics. To each their own, but I don't care for them too much.

But I have ALWAYS wanted a collection of penis dressed up.

Like a fireman, or a knight, or a super hero.

Or just a face drawn on the tip/ testicle.

Is that strange? hahah Meh - seems normal to me. If I have a dink, I'd be doing it for sure.
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Alright, who's the first dude to draw a face on their junk?

so far:

Women: 3

Men: 0
Alright, who's the first dude to draw a face on their junk?

so far:

Women: 3

Men: 0
youve seen me full shirt off with nipples out, granted the photo wasnt great but this isnt fair! We dont have much to leave to the imagination once monty comes outta the cage. Yet im still sitting here looking at my dick hanging out of my jeans thinking about photos
Like Deeeeeese...
When is hulk hogan going to be ready?
So you like dick but only tiny, flacid ones dressed as Vikings? Of course yessi that seems perfectly reasonable.lol

as much as I would love to, I'm afraid I can't help. You see my dicks just signed a development deal with universal. Might not come to anything but I don't think they want him doing amateur work. You know how these things are. Agents, 3rd parties, blah, blah Hollywood.
Ok, are we under the cloak of invisibility or something? Why aren't people bothering us in here? This is soooooo great!!!


So you like dick but only tiny, flacid ones dressed as Vikings? Of course yessi that seems perfectly reasonable.lol

as much as I would love to, I'm afraid I can't help. You see my dicks just signed a development deal with universal. Might not come to anything but I don't think they want him doing amateur work. You know how these things are. Agents, 3rd parties, blah, blah Hollywood.
Totes. That's why I don't bring my box-o-cow-tongues out to play. It's huuuuge in Japan.
Good market.

Did you know that all fetishes can be traced back to one segment of Japan known locally as "deviants way" they say that every street has its own dominatrix and people go for jelly wrestle matches during their lunch hours.

Disclaimer - this may all be made up
Do you know where "Bukake" comes from? The word I mean? If you do - then we are both awesome! It's my favourite factoid, and I came about it randomly.


I don't know why I asked a question, Like you were going to answer, and then I would wait. I hate waiting.

Bukake in Japanese means "to put on top of". So you can go to a restaurant in Japan and order a popular dish called "Bukake rice" which means: rice with a bunch of shit on top of it.

(veggies and meat - not poop, ya weirdo's)
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