Naughty Thread 2.0 - You think?

Oh, some people are VERY rude.

Some people on here, follow members around gathering information, and then when they feel like it they try to use that information to "break" the other one.

It's kinda funny - like watching an episode of Degrassi Junior High, but the "bully" is more like the lawnmower man, who thinks he's Neo, and acts like one of the Olsen Twins.

That's the best I can explain it.

Oh, and no nips, tip, lips (vaginal), clits, pussy, dicks, balls, taints, or assholes.

NO NUDES. People that run the site "have to" go around and erase nudes, I think? I don't really know - I haven't even been here a year yet.

Anywho - this is for fun nudes.

Awhile back we started one for member nudes. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?

Some weird jealous members got all butt hurt and ornery about it - and then made up a bunch of sock accounts to troll it so hard and put up so many tranny pictures that the threads (I think there were 3) all got shut down.

The first one was the best. This one, might be good eventually. Who knows.

We are at the mercy of the psychosis of really really bored people. hahahaha

Thank you

You would figure people would have a more chill or numb personality here. Why stress? When we are growing the best stress breaker?

I suppose the F word isn't welcome. I can't help it because its in the name of the medicine I'm growing. F@@King Incredible. Can't wait to try it! Well F....

Thank you

You would figure people would have a more chill or numb personality here. Why stress? When we are growing the best stress breaker?

I suppose the F word isn't welcome. I can't help it because its in the name of the medicine I'm growing. F@@King Incredible. Can't wait to try it! Well F....

Oh - fuck you in your fucking arse hold all SWEARS are welcome.

Here's some tips:

1. If you say something that is construed as "racist", even if you don't mean it and it was just a misunderstanding, you will get followed around and trolled.

2. If you say "gay" or "fag" and even if you're just kidding, you might get trolled. Some members can say whatever they want, and no one cares. But some members can't - it's a strange dynamic.

3. Some mods allow bums, and others don't. I'm not sure what the ruling on this is.

4. NIPPLES GET ERASED. I think people actually go around and when they see nudes they press the REPORT butting like 100 times or something.

Who fucking knows. But - if you follow those simple rules, you'll be ok.


If you air brush a nipple out then the Boobies look funny. Thats like taking the cherry off the sundae. Not a problem. :wall:

Maybe like one or two nip slips are ok.

I think in HERE though, we may be monitored. I don't really know. I just know some people get pissed about the nipple.

Some MEMBERS get pissed. I got followed around and called an attention whore and a slut for posting boobs pictures of myself without nipples.

It's a very strange thing, in my opinion.

Anywho - you seem very nice - WELCOME.
Need a sausage alert before this post.

SAUSAGE ALERT!!!!!!!:spew:
Ooooh - that's a breaking of rule #2.

Never say anything bad about the gays. First off, I love them.

Second off - it's a very easy "hot topic" button for the trolls. They will use it against you to try to get other members on the bandwagon to HATE with them.

It's a funny thing - lord of the flies!

Anywho - it's ok, you might not like big muscle man cock. But I think he's pretty.
Oh - fuck you in your fucking arse hold all SWEARS are welcome.

Here's some tips:

1. If you say something that is construed as "racist", even if you don't mean it and it was just a misunderstanding, you will get followed around and trolled.

2. If you say "gay" or "fag" and even if you're just kidding, you might get trolled. Some members can say whatever they want, and no one cares. But some members can't - it's a strange dynamic.

3. Some mods allow bums, and others don't. I'm not sure what the ruling on this is.

4. NIPPLES GET ERASED. I think people actually go around and when they see nudes they press the REPORT butting like 100 times or something.

Who fucking knows. But - if you follow those simple rules, you'll be ok.


Oh Ok

I'm proudly growing some Fucking Incredible. The name was put on it because everybody that smokes it says thats fucking incredible. Can't wait to get hit hard by this indica.

So basically its like the real world when it come to racism. Those words are even more insulting then fuck or motherfucker. But hey that will never change. Never Ever will that change!

Like your style

Oh Ok

I'm proudly growing some Fucking Incredible. The name was put on it because everybody that smokes it says thats fucking incredible. Can't wait to get hit hard by this indica.

So basically its like the real world when it come to racism. Those words are even more insulting then fuck or motherfucker. But hey that will never change. Never Ever will that change!

Like your style


Oh there are for sure some racists out there, and some people that don't understand gay people.

But I think there's a vast difference from someone who may be a little ignorant to the trials and tribulations of minorities and make some "off colour" remarks - and those people that are joining the KKK and starting a lynch mob. Here, depending who you are, you will get treated the same. Sometimes.

I half think that the people that get vastly trolled are often just growing competitors, or someone's jealous.

Why else would you take so much time to TRY as hard as you can to make someone else look bad?

Anywho - I'm getting off topic. You seem very nice - NEW FRIEND!

I'm Canada. Nice to meet you!
Wrong kind of pie:hump:
Have you not met @Flaming Pie yet?

She's cool as hell. Grows like a mother fucker, is a new mom, and suuuuuuper hot. Nicest tits.

And she's very in love with her hubby and talks about sex a lot, which is super fun to read.

She's like Sue Johanson from the sunday night sex show. But with WAY nicer PIES.