Hi still new. Been away for a while. This thread is cool. Funny entertaining. Problem. The warning at the top. Whats wrong with behaving rudely? Like it also says we are adults. If we want to come in here and be rude why can't we? Because if your high even the ceiling is funny.
Did peoples feelings get hurt in the past

Peace and stay on the grass!
Oh, some people are VERY rude.
Some people on here, follow members around gathering information, and then when they feel like it they try to use that information to "break" the other one.
It's kinda funny - like watching an episode of Degrassi Junior High, but the "bully" is more like the lawnmower man, who thinks he's Neo, and acts like one of the Olsen Twins.
That's the best I can explain it.
Oh, and no nips, tip, lips (vaginal), clits, pussy, dicks, balls, taints, or assholes.
NO NUDES. People that run the site "have to" go around and erase nudes, I think? I don't really know - I haven't even been here a year yet.
Anywho - this is for fun nudes.
Awhile back we started one for member nudes. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?
Some weird jealous members got all butt hurt and ornery about it - and then made up a bunch of sock accounts to troll it so hard and put up so many tranny pictures that the threads (I think there were 3) all got shut down.
The first one was the best. This one, might be good eventually. Who knows.
We are at the mercy of the psychosis of really really bored people. hahahaha