there is still something living in my shed and its time for it to die

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
I just noticed my previous thread I made on this subject is locked.
I'm going to devote the rest of today cleaning out the pump shed so I can prepare to eliminate whatever the hell is in there.
I found some gopher poison in the storage shed. I guess I'll clean the shed out as best as I can and then maybe mix the poison with something and put it in there and see what happens, unless anyone has a better idea. I can't really afFord to spend any money , otherwise I would probably buy a trap.



Well-Known Member
Dark, cold, reeks of sorrow and territorial pissings. Rays of sunlight pass thru the dilapidated roof to remind me of something I'd rather forget.


Virtually Unknown Member
wonder why the first thread got closed, @panhead any idea? OP did you research and see if that stuff works on possums and coons? wear gloves, don;t breathe any of the dust and make sure you wash whatever clothes you wear right away. if it's toxic to most mammals that's you too!


Well-Known Member
wonder why the first thread got closed, @panhead any idea? OP did you research and see if that stuff works on possums and coons? wear gloves, don;t breathe any of the dust and make sure you wash whatever clothes you wear right away. if it's toxic to most mammals that's you too!
Idk why the 1st one was closed , on the industrial bleach according to Mi OSHA its supposed to work on all feces as long as its saturated where no dust can be kicked up durring removal , if it were me near my potable water supply i'd opt for 50% to 100% industrial bleach in a garden sprayer along with a chemical filter mask , that industrial bleach is a strong sob with wicked fumes .


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I just noticed my previous thread I made on this subject is locked.
I'm going to devote the rest of today cleaning out the pump shed so I can prepare to eliminate whatever the hell is in there.
I found some gopher poison in the storage shed. I guess I'll clean the shed out as best as I can and then maybe mix the poison with something and put it in there and see what happens, unless anyone has a better idea. I can't really afFord to spend any money , otherwise I would probably buy a trap.

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Borrow @doublejj Hawken