there is still something living in my shed and its time for it to die


Well-Known Member
I think im leaning towards an opossum, but I'm not 100%. I don't think it's a gopher, but I figure gopher poison probably works the same for oppossums hopefully.
As long as they eat enough it should work it's gonna be a nasty clean up though you need to get them out before they start to rot. A spear would be more humane pellet gun even better thing put down a cat like nothing thing had a broken back though just walked 20 feet away shot him in the head. You may be able to find a .22 handgun or rifle for pretty cheap used shit I'd let you borrow mine but ain't no opossum up here so your probably a good ways away.

Just make damn sure you can get all the dead out if you poison them or....... :spew:


Well-Known Member
30 rack and a pellet gun/.22/ .30-06/ get the idea..have a pot of potatoes and vegges waiting..MMM MMM possum soup..IDK..I've never eaten possum..but i would:bigjoint:

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
OP you already have all your answers in your other thread. What has it been like two weeks and you still haven't done anything? Get off your lazy ass clean the shit up and seal it off. Boards, nails, hammer. Build up dirt around the perimeter. Gopher poison on a opossum? Probably take a week for it die. Dumb idea.

Those saying to shoot a nocturnal animal have fun with that. Bet he hasn't even called local wildlife authorities to see if they have a cage to borrow. As already suggested in last thread.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
OP you already have all your answers in your other thread. What has it been like two weeks and you still haven't done anything? Get off your lazy ass clean the shit up and seal it off. Boards, nails, hammer. Build up dirt around the perimeter. Gopher poison on a opossum? Probably take a week for it die. Dumb idea.

Those saying to shoot a nocturnal animal have fun with that. Bet he hasn't even called local wildlife authorities to see if they have a cage to borrow. As already suggested in last thread.
I'm amazed with the amount most of us smoke, eat, inject we can grow anything at all.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
They add denatonium benzoate to it now jimmy. I'm disposing any left over antifreeze that's untreated.

The United States just became a safer place for our pets — or at least it will in time. This past December the Consumer Specialty Products Association and Humane Society Legislative Fund announced that antifreeze manufacturers throughout the United States have finally agreed to voluntarily add a bitter flavoring agent to their normally sweet-tasting products, rendering them less enticing to pets (and children).


Well-Known Member
They add denatonium benzoate to it now jimmy. I'm disposing any left over antifreeze that's untreated.

The United States just became a safer place for our pets — or at least it will in time. This past December the Consumer Specialty Products Association and Humane Society Legislative Fund announced that antifreeze manufacturers throughout the United States have finally agreed to voluntarily add a bitter flavoring agent to their normally sweet-tasting products, rendering them less enticing to pets (and children).
That sucks.


Well-Known Member
Get a tray with 2 in walls(like a baking tray).fill it with fresh ammonia (household type) . Put it in shed about 5 pm; morning the critter will be gone. Gather up all the materials needed to seal entry ways to the shed today. Repair shed tmo morning.

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
My a.d.d. took over yesterday and I took out my car battery instead. Today I shall devote to cleaning out the shed.. Ya its been about two weeks since I posted. But it's been in my mind for about two years. how do you clean up shredded cactus mixed with dog shit? gloves won't help much, cactus go right thru. Can't use a shovel because there pipes and stuff everywhere, same with a rake. and it smells pretty bad. I Guess I'll start with a broom head and dust pan


Well-Known Member
My a.d.d. took over yesterday and I took out my car battery instead. Today I shall devote to cleaning out the shed.. Ya its been about two weeks since I posted. But it's been in my mind for about two years. how do you clean up shredded cactus mixed with dog shit? gloves won't help much, cactus go right thru. Can't use a shovel because there pipes and stuff everywhere, same with a rake. and it smells pretty bad. I Guess I'll start with a broom head and dust pan
Do you know how to make gifs?

Dr. Jon

Well-Known Member
If it's a possum or raccoon - which sounds most likely, if you're in Michigan as I kind of gathered - you can't buy any legal poison strong enough to kill them. A big raccoon will go over 30 lbs., any poison strong enough to kill it would also kill a person. Opossums are dam near prehistoric, they don't die easily. Had a friend shoot one 4 times with a 9 mm before it died. In my experience, your best bet is a coniber style neck trap, in a size #160. Costs about $8-9 at your local hardware store. Set it where you see sign. Canned cat food for bait will work fine. They take bait readily.

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
If it's a possum or raccoon - which sounds most likely, if you're in Michigan as I kind of gathered - you can't buy any legal poison strong enough to kill them. A big raccoon will go over 30 lbs., any poison strong enough to kill it would also kill a person. Opossums are dam near prehistoric, they don't die easily. Had a friend shoot one 4 times with a 9 mm before it died. In my experience, your best bet is a coniber style neck trap, in a size #160. Costs about $8-9 at your local hardware store. Set it where you see sign. Canned cat food for bait will work fine. They take bait readily.
that's a good idea I could afford that. I'll see if the local hardware store has any. I'm in the beautiful state of nm :D


Well-Known Member
Those saying to shoot a nocturnal animal have fun with that. Bet he hasn't even called local wildlife authorities to see if they have a cage to borrow. As already suggested in last thread.
Why's that? It's no different than hunting any other animal..gotta know their habits and lifestyle. I'm not proud of it but we used to go possum fishing as a kid..saltwater gear, treble hook..some rotten fruit...low drag on the reel..they put up a good fight.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Why's that? It's no different than hunting any other animal..gotta know their habits and lifestyle. I'm not proud of it but we used to go possum fishing as a kid..saltwater gear, treble hook..some rotten fruit...low drag on the reel..they put up a good fight.
Was more so pointing out the hassle of fucking around in the dark.
I've put down a couple nosy coons. Took my dog to tree them, someone to hold the flashlight and me to aim between the glowing eyes. Not the same as shooting in daylight.
You eat the possum or just "sport" fishing?