good thing i have an old pickup truck. 1988 gonna do it?
Man, I don't know but I'd give it a try. It's supposed to work on people

Also, a small engine lawn mower or a charcoal hibachi are "good" sources of CO.
If it works, its better than using poison. Too much of a chance of killing somebody's dog or cat.
Edit: Ok, I looked it up, ths is from an EPA bulletin on CO emissions:
"The EPA motor vehicle program has achieved considerable success in reducing carbon monoxide emissions. EPA standards in the early 1970’s prompted automakers to improve basic engine design. By 1975, most new cars were equipped with catalytic converters designed to convert carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. Catalysts typically reduce carbon monoxide emissions upwards of 80 percent. In the early 1980’s, automakers introduced more sophisticated converters, plus onboard computers and oxygen sensors to help optimize the efficiency of the catalytic converter."
If all depends on how well your pickup is running.
So, maybe, maybe not but if it doesn't work, I don't know what harm it would be if it didn't work. Its not like you have a clean way to do it otherwise.
The next time I have to dispatch a rat, I'm going to try my mower exhaust.
Don't post pictures, please.