Vipar LED

I am sure they were decent to comparables at the time of there clone releases? Maybe handful years ago? Like said! VIPAR would have to pay me to take one and talk good about it! Ah huh!
I have 3 A51 panels of the xgs and Rw series and like them. This is just for personal use and some sharing so as far as yield I get more than enough. I learned about A 51 here and could afford them so the choice was easy. At the same time my friend went with 2 vipars and an Apollo because he wanted at least 3 panels to start and couldn't afford A51.

He's completed 3 grows and the results have been impressive. In the beginning I discussed with him the benefits of going with a better made panel like A51, Apache etc. he made his choice and I've never questioned him why. In the end I could care less what lights are being used, I want to see what you got going on under your lights. It just seems like more and more these light discussions turn into hate filled venom spewing contests which does nobody any good.

A lot of people like my friend are buying vipar and others until they can upgrade. Here in SoCal heat is an issue so people don't want hps. My friend told me he'll just use these for a couple years then upgrade to diy cob's when he can afford it. They've been going for just over a year now. I'm not here to hate or argue, just giving my one time opinion. Whatever you're using I hope it serves you well.
Agreed for the most part SocalRob. Though I kinda see some of it as stern love. The warranties with a lot of those places like vipar are also pretty documented, and not very good. For instance I was going to start with an Apollo or blackstar or Vipar, because it seemed cost effective. But then I started thinking well sure I could save money up front but would I really save in the end? With the failures pretty common among those. My buddy at the time was using the HTG supply LEDs and had issues after issues. Though HTG honored their warranty, though they also charge more and have been a pretty honorable company over the years. Any way seeing all of my friends problems, all the issues from the other options I found all over the interwebz I decided quality was a better investment. $200 saved could be $300 down the drain to tack on top of a replacement. So if costs and upgrade when you can afford are issues either splurge outside of your comfort zone and get quality or go CMH or stick with HPS. Because after all with all of this stuff it's not a matter of if it will break but when. Better to go with durability. Trying to save money could end up costing you a pretty penny in the end. Idk that's just me.
All the people that are new to LED. Stay away from vipar lights. This company will not be around very long. Spend the $ for quality unit.
He posts everywhere about how Vipars are bad ... he refuses to back it up.

Vipars are awesome. I back that up because I have a 600 watt Vipar and a 900 watt Vipar. This guy hates.

He posts everywhere about how Vipars are bad ... he refuses to back it up.

Vipars are awesome. I back that up because I have a 600 watt Vipar and a 900 watt Vipar. This guy hates.

Yes, Vipars can grow. HPS can grow better. DIY LEDs can grow even better. Period.
What exactly does that video back up? Doesn't look that good to me. Can you provide some number such as g/W figure g per area?
Yes, Vipars can grow. HPS can grow better. DIY LEDs can grow even better. Period.
What exactly does that video back up? Doesn't look that good to me. Can you provide some number such as g/W figure g per area?
Great question! The video establishes that ViparLED can get great results in the hands of a good grower.

My main point is that people who just spout out "Vipars Suck" are full of it.

Im not arguing that HPS will get best results.
Great question! The video establishes that ViparLED can get great results in the hands of a good grower.

My main point is that people who just spout out "Vipars Suck" are full of it.

Im not arguing that HPS will get best results.
Those are not great results, that's one small plant with a lot of electric running to it, just look at the sides of the tent, the Vipar light couldn't provide enough light so it needed side lighting, its not even having big buds on that plant I have grown buds just as large under a T5 and CFL's as side lighting that VIPAR does not impress me at all.
He posts everywhere about how Vipars are bad ... he refuses to back it up.

Vipars are awesome. I back that up because I have a 600 watt Vipar and a 900 watt Vipar. This guy hates.

Well I would imagine u could grow that plant with 300 actual watts over it. I grow that area with 150. Your a joke!
Great question! The video establishes that ViparLED can get great results in the hands of a good grower.

My main point is that people who just spout out "Vipars Suck" are full of it.

Im not arguing that HPS will get best results.

Well, I am one of them. Cheap chinese stuff with low efficiency. Why would you buy a ledpanel with an efficiency lower or equel to HPS? It cost more, but you do't get more out of it. And HPS is nowadays very cheap. The best advice is what Jimmy wrote: save for DIY or quality panel.
And that ends any discussion about how good a Vipar panel is...................
Lol I try to not be an asshole and just shit on things. But I remember my coming of light to LED then the brand and product confusion I ran into as just about everyone else. If it weren't for finding A51 and DIY I would not have the same aspect on LEDs, regardless of accuracy. Probably would have ended up either "saving" money and be pissed in the end or spending too much on something like CLW and not be truly happy. Coming from am HPS/CMH background. Other than DIY best bangs for your buck premade are raPid LEDs and area 51. apache hanging in there. Bonsai hero kinda fell off the map as far as references go. Then optics looks promising but have not seen anything myself. Just don't want newcomers mislead when it comes to things like blackstar and vipar and Apollo and some of the others that misrepresent LEDs in all areas of claims; price, warranty, durability, and yield. I had a very hard time making a decision. Thankful I understand a lot of the subject matter and given facts instead of marketing crap, a good portion thanks to members here, I made a choice I do not regret at all.