Vipar LED

I have a 300w from the wall vipar and it does pretty decent this is my 2nd cycle with it, it's nothing to brag about but it does pretty good for a cheaper panel. I'm loving my DIY cree cxa 3070 3000k AB bin tho running them at 700 mA but I'll be upgrading the driver hopefully soon still gonna run them at 700 but hopefully 200w instead of 110w. Lemon Kush is under the DIY and CBD Critical Mass Is under the vipar. I'll get some better up close shots once I'm off work.


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I have a 300w from the wall vipar and it does pretty decent this is my 2nd cycle with it, it's nothing to brag about but it does pretty good for a cheaper panel. I'm loving my DIY cree cxa 3070 3000k AB bin tho running them at 700 mA but I'll be upgrading the driver hopefully soon still gonna run them at 700 but hopefully 200w instead of 110w. Lemon Kush is under the DIY and CBD Critical Mass Is under the vipar. I'll get some better up close shots once I'm off work.
Would u buy another. Vipar
Wolf your committing the ultimate sin around here....the 600w and 900w versions, aren't that amount in fact. One reason, shady led's are so openly mocked around here....Specs, specs specs....stay true or keeping misleading, all while spouting about how you are try to keep others from being "misleading"....[facepalm][/facepalm]

Thats the only problem....not your love of Vipar
All the people that are new to LED. Stay away from vipar lights. This company will not be around very long. Spend the $ for quality unit.
This statement doesnt help newbs or anyone else. It'd be helpful to provide some evidence or anecdote as to why the lights aren't worth buying.
I haven't used a vipar LED panel but the shroud of secrecy and deception involved in the marketing techniques speaks volumes.

@Eraserhead (area51) is a straight up dude that doesn't hide behind anything, has a continuous stream of positive results and makes quality panels.

I bought a 80w hans and its really good, I bought 3 rw75s and they are awesome. Just invest in quality and live with peace of mind that you get what you pay for, much like everything in a consumer world its wise to go with reputable companies rather than chance it at dodgy company and have to invest twice and end up buying what you should have bought the first time.

Do yourself and your wallet a favour and buy right the first time, its the best decision in the long term scheme of things.
Well, I am one of them. Cheap chinese stuff with low efficiency. Why would you buy a ledpanel with an efficiency lower or equel to HPS? It cost more, but you do't get more out of it. And HPS is nowadays very cheap. The best advice is what Jimmy wrote: save for DIY or quality panel.
I went with LED
Well I would imagine u could grow that plant with 300 actual watts over it. I grow that area with 150. Your a joke!
900 watt VIPAR is here :)
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I went with led because I have nowhere to exhaust heat

They are quieter since its in my bedroom.

We have helecopters flying around here and there is a low heat signiture

I went with Vipar cause I cant afford an expensive name brand and at this point I am sticking with them...

I was able to get the 900 Watt for 305 bucks australian... Thats pretty fucking cheap.

With the money I saved I bought a ne 3x3x6 GrowPro2.0 Tent (luxurious ;)

I am going to switch it but for now I want to see if the existing setup can handle the 900.

Im not going to address people who hate on budget panels anymore... I am going to remain positive.
yes I know your name brand 2,000 panels have a better par rating
yes I know that MH will perform better
yes I promise to admit I am a fool if I dont get at least 10 ounces off this scrog.
yes if I dont get at least 10 ounces off this scrog I will publicly opologize to the cunts who have told me Vipar sucks
Yes I know im throwing electricity away..ThugLife

All that I ask is that if you Hate LEDs or want to post that my system is shit...please let me know your comment is based on personal experience and not on how many forums you have read .

1st results with a 600 watt Vipar
2x2 tent SCROG
Northern Lights Auto(Vision seeds)
Canna COCCO and the entire Canna Nutrient Line with Canna Additives
Ph: 5.5
EC: 1.6-1.8
Results: 8.5 ounces of dry off one plant (Nothing amazing but I am happy)

I switched the 600 with a 900 Watt Vipar (temps are still perfect so far)
I also switched the 5 gallon airpot with PLATINUM HYDROSTAR 40
4 plants from seed

No other changes.

Vegged for 7 weeks
They just started preflowering today 8 weeks from seed
Flipped it to 12/12 last week.

Ill post a journal Im just too lazy now.

Lets just see if VIPARS the correct hands with primo nutes and one of the sickest little drip systems on the planet.
Your panels are shit. U won't be around very long because once people educate thermselves on 2015 tech! Your so called panels will end up in some pile! Somewhere. The is where the shit goes down in the horticulture LED world. Its admirable that you come on here and defend your "panels" but your panels are still JUNK.
I would start out with a A51 RW75 for $199 and work my way up. Skipping the headaches caused by your HOTSPOT "PANEL". Is it legal to even call a Vipar a panel? U use double the watts needed to cover a area! Can you explain why? The A51 RW150. For $398! Will put your 300watt shitbox. To shame!
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(Nothing amazing but I am happy)

Starting with your first post at this forum, 8.5 ounces of a single, advertized as "8 weeks from seed, up to 50 gr/seed" Vision Seeds NL autoflower in a relatively small 5 gallon smart port, is more than amazing, regardless the lights. Especially for a first time led grower, and even more especially giving it "1 month veg". While you also stated having grown using LED for over a year and HID for several years more at that time, your second post was a general beginners question on ventilation.

The last couple of days you've done real magic with 300, 600 and 900 watt set-ups, do you remember you had 3 plants before? Hocus pocus now there are 4.

"Reviews" like yours only hurt Vipar's reputation (even more), hurt this forum and most importantly hurt yourself. You pretend to be happy, but your messages tell a rather different story.
You could have gotten a sunsystem LEC and gotten the same result with only about 350w.... You're using 3 times as much electricity to get the same thing done. 900w in a 3x3 and your only hope is 10oz? After a 2 month veg!? That's dismal, .01 grams per watt... 30 grams per year...

Heat is a function of power displacement. Running 600 extra watts is going to give you a bigger heat signature. Your tent is a joke at best.
Would u buy another. Vipar
No I wouldn't buy another one its not that efficient I can make a panel that uses less watts and produces more that's why I went with the cob DIY panel, it only draws 110 from the wall and I think it's a lot better the buds are almost the same size and there 2 and half weeks apart. The vipar will be replaced eventually with another DIY. I mean it produces decent buds for the price but it's nothing to get excited about. And usually when vipar says its 900 or 600 they only actually draw half from the wall like my 600 only draws like 300w from the wall. Here's some more pics of my garden. Critical Mass under th vipar is almost 6 weeks into flower and the lemon kush under my DIY is almost 4 weeks into flower.


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