Besides being dumb and untrue, that is a terrible simile.
You are not very bright, are you?
You are really struggling with this your/you're thing.
You are really struggling with this your/you're thing.
That is not true Skippy. yessica refused to keep this all to private messages. So she spammed the board with posts about me and tagged 157 times.
She said she was going to rape me. She said she was going to stalk me forever and make my life miserable.
She didn't like the argument she asked for.
Doesn't that sound butthurt to you?
I am not trolling her, I am doing exactly what she asked for.
She said some pretty bad things to me and about me.
I don't care. All humans are pieces of shit.
If that is what you want to believe, that is your deal.
She latched on to me and still has not let go.
You are a cute little guy.
You are really struggling with this your/you're thing.
Have a great day!