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No worries. I am reporting all his posts to me to the mods. All is well in the world. Rub one out and stop being sad for me. I'm fine!
Already rubbed one out ;) fuck this fun ruiner. Hes been leg humping you for like a week now and being a fucking creep about it. Its pissing me off because we chat all the time so whenever your around he shows up to be a creepy stalker. Why dont these assholes understand what get lost means?
Ya, shouldnt i be mad?

I don't know. I am not mad. It is beautiful outside. I can't wait to get away from work.

Your a complete asshole. I dont like you.

I like you a lot.

And your following around our conversations like a prick to tryand fuck it up.

I am sorry this is hard for you to understand. I am not following anyone. I am responding to posts and tags about me. That is what is done on a forum.

Ya im mad, dont care if that makes you get all happy cause you pissed me off. Why dont you go fuck yourself scumbag?

Have a great day!
Already rubbed one out ;) fuck this fun ruiner. Hes been leg humping you for like a week now and being a fucking creep about it. Its pissing me off because we chat all the time so whenever your around he shows up to be a creepy stalker. Why dont these assholes understand what get lost means?

You want me to go away but you keep talking about me?

Have a great day!
Besides being dumb and untrue, that is a terrible simile.
You are not very bright, are you?
You are really struggling with this your/you're thing.

You are really struggling with this your/you're thing.

That is not true Skippy. yessica refused to keep this all to private messages. So she spammed the board with posts about me and tagged 157 times.

She said she was going to rape me. She said she was going to stalk me forever and make my life miserable.
She didn't like the argument she asked for.
Doesn't that sound butthurt to you?

I am not trolling her, I am doing exactly what she asked for.
She said some pretty bad things to me and about me.

I don't care. All humans are pieces of shit.

If that is what you want to believe, that is your deal.

She latched on to me and still has not let go.
You are a cute little guy.

You are really struggling with this your/you're thing.

Have a great day!
So this is butt hurt driving all this? Shes obviously told you to fuck off, why wont you? And no, she didnt tag you 156 times. You wish, your just inventing shit like i said to make it look like your a victim, not a scumbag.
Already rubbed one out ;) fuck this fun ruiner. Hes been leg humping you for like a week now and being a fucking creep about it. Its pissing me off because we chat all the time so whenever your around he shows up to be a creepy stalker. Why dont these assholes understand what get lost means?
Because they're boring tools that have nothing to say except trying to pick on other people?

Just a guess.

Come message me off of here. Maybe he'll tucker himself out eventually.
So this is butt hurt driving all this? Shes obviously told you to fuck off, why wont you? And no, she didnt tag you 156 times. You wish, your just inventing shit like i said to make it look like your a victim, not a scumbag.

She said she was going to rape me and stalk me forever.
I had to turn off tag notifications.

Because they're boring tools that have nothing to say except trying to pick on other people?

Just a guess.

Come message me off of here. Maybe he'll tucker himself out eventually.

See? She can't stop talking about me.
I bet you wish she was as obsessed about you, Big Guy.
Oh really? So if i stop quoting you, and yessica stops quoting you youll leave us alone? Really?

Tagging me, quoting me and talking about me are traditional ways of getting a person to speak to you on a internet forum.
Are you really this dumb or are you just epooning yessica?