My 24 Plant Outdoor Grow of 2008 (Pics)


Well-Known Member
They are fuckin' huge compared to the last time I saw them 6-7 days ago, they have definately added at least 6 inches and multiple nodes, QUITE AWESOME if you ask me!!! Haha sorry I'm all giddy after seeing how huge they grew after only 7 days in the earth!!!

The branches on all of my ladies have at least tripled in size, they are finally starting to flower I think, still a little early to tell for sure...

Do you guys like my pre-flower PORN?!?!?!?
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Well-Known Member
2 days later...:twisted::twisted::twisted:

I started these 2 Gravity babies just as a late season experiment, i've done it before and the plant becomes a 12 inch tall cola basically I think its a really cool thing to do if you grew a ton of them...could be an idea for the future...


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Well-Known Member
Nice plants! Subscribed! They look like they are doing really good outside. The sun really makes a difference lol. Well good luck, and I will be watching for updates. :blsmoke:


Active Member
Inverted i live in minneapolis, my plants are located about an hour north of me. Where are you located, ill have to post my pics up on here of my outdoor white widows. 2 of them are like 6-7ft tall MAssive fucking beasts. im thinking alot of yield will be coming !?! anyone else think the same
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Active Member
my plants have already preflowered, last time i checked like 2 -3 weeks ago. Im hoping to see mad bud production on them when i go to see them next


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: I'm smiling because when I checked on my babies tonight I noticed that the majority of them have just begun flowering, no groups of pistils yet but there are single pistils at every node basically and they are just forming at the top of the plant! :blsmoke:

So here's a nice picture update!

BTW I tried to get a picture of every plant I have at this location. Sorry for the blurriness but I pretty much point and shoot when I don't want flashes all over the place at night... (there are only a couple plants shown more than once...heh so awesome.) :twisted:



Well-Known Member
You seem to be doing a fantastic job, and with all the extra soil and sun I'm hoping you get a huge yield. I suspect you will. And you have balls of granite for doing a grow that big (especially on your own property). You 'da man, for sure.

If I could give one constructive criticism, I'd say your plants look a little bit over-watered to me. This is only my second year growing. So take whatever I say with a grain of salt... you probably have much more experience then I do, so I'm probably making myself look like a dick. Sorry if that is the case. But they look a little droopy in the leaves and the stems. When mine start looking like that I lay off the water for a good week or two (or perhaps even longer if the plants get rain or dew), and they start looking a lot more perky and grow faster.

Instead of watering I dig up/mix up the first inch of soil to let air down into the root system. I try not to water unless I can feel absolutely no moisture 2-3 inches down into the soil.

Then again, it could just be the strain your growing. Right now I'm growing Afghan.


Well-Known Member
You seem to be doing a fantastic job, and with all the extra soil and sun I'm hoping you get a huge yield. I suspect you will. And you have balls of granite for doing a grow that big (especially on your own property). You 'da man, for sure.

If I could give one constructive criticism, I'd say your plants look a little bit over-watered to me. This is only my second year growing. So take whatever I say with a grain of salt... you probably have much more experience then I do, so I'm probably making myself look like a dick. Sorry if that is the case. But they look a little droopy in the leaves and the stems. When mine start looking like that I lay off the water for a good week or two (or perhaps even longer if the plants get rain or dew), and they start looking a lot more perky and grow faster.

Instead of watering I dig up/mix up the first inch of soil to let air down into the root system. I try not to water unless I can feel absolutely no moisture 2-3 inches down into the soil.

Then again, it could just be the strain your growing. Right now I'm growing Afghan.
The plants are droopy looking because they are sleeping,my plants do the same thing at night and perk up when the sun comes out :peace:


Well-Known Member
Yes they are droopy because its nighttime, that and if anything they are drooping because they are dry, I keep them very dry until they are almost wilting then blast them with nutes and water so they are soaked for a few or four days and then I repeat, thanks for the constructive criticism though!


Well-Known Member
Looking good,I see you have a few still in pots do you plan on putting them in the ground?
LOL funny story, last time I went to put the rest in the ground, first hole right away the fucking shovel SNAPS...fucking shit.... so I have to wait until I get paid on Wednesday to buy a new one and finish my work finally, I already know i'm robbing the shit out of my yield by not getting them out of those pots but they still have 2 full months left to grow so thats plenty of time for them to recover and bush out a little more! The 12 that have been in the ground will definately be pulling in some weight though...

Get High :blsmoke: :peace: