ginsberg's dire warning coming true already


Well-Known Member
Clearly this is an epidemic. Gays everywhere are being dragged into the streets after drinking from a hetero-only water fountain. They don't get loans. They can't go to good schools. I'm surprised we even let them vote! Yeah, totally the same thing.

I hate to break it to you, but being gay is not the problem with these shop owners. It's not like they administer a gay test when you walk through the door, give me a fucking break. It's all about acting appropriately in public and it doesn't matter what culture/sub culture/lifestyle you come from.
why are you mocking gays for wanting equal protection of the law?

why do you feel that gays aren't "acting appropriately in public"?

i have not witnessed this personally.

you must be one of those left wing minority democrats.


Well-Known Member
I said acting inappropriately was the real problem with anybody who gets ejected from a store, not for being gay or belonging to some other lifestyle or culture.
actually, you were speaking directly about gays when you mentioned acting inappropriately in public. you even made up this awesome fake story about how you can't even go to CVS without being hassled by these unruly gay types.

hence why it should be OK to deny them service.

i mean, if there was a law protecting them in place, they would just abuse it to win lawsuits.


Well-Known Member
why are you mocking gays for wanting equal protection of the law?

why do you feel that gays aren't "acting appropriately in public"?

i have not witnessed this personally.

you must be one of those left wing minority democrats.
considering i live in the gay mecca next to SF..i've not once in the 30 years i've lived here seen a tranny in the womens bathroom or a gay couple acting any different than any other couple in public..then combine that with the smaller percentage of gays elsewhere? i just can't see what people complain about. yet while in tampa over the weekend, i was made to feel uncomfortable seeing a couple at the hotel praying over breakfast (in public) or the churches which have people outside holding those signs asking about 'your being saved yet'?..that's more obnoxious imo..atheists' don't do they complain about the 'possiblity' of being made to feel uncomfortable, yet the bible thumpers utilize the same indoctrination practices that they are fighting against, that don't even exist.

bible thumpers of the world: quit trying to make us you!:finger:

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
One thing that we as consumers can do is to not support those businesses. That is about all I can think of that is positive.


Well-Known Member
One thing that we as consumers can do is to not support those businesses. That is about all I can think of that is positive.
nah, we can also petition the government for a redress of grivances and actively petition for legislation that removes the "special rights" that these bigots want while granting equal rights and protection of the law to our LGBTQQGQ* friends.

although, be warned, some left wing minority democrats likes @Glaucoma will mock us for this, claim that gays just want laws so they can abuse them and sue people, and throw out wild allegations of gays acting inappropriately in public.

*LGBTQQGQ = lesbian gay bisexual transsexual queer questioning and genderqueer.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
nah, we can also petition the government for a redress of grivances and actively petition for legislation that removes the "special rights" that these bigots want while granting equal rights and protection of the law to our LGBTQQGQ* friends.

although, be warned, some left wing minority democrats likes @Glaucoma will mock us for this, claim that gays just want laws so they can abuse them and sue people, and throw out wild allegations of gays acting inappropriately in public.

*LGBTQQGQ = lesbian gay bisexual transsexual queer questioning and genderqueer.
As long as it doesn't make me a terrorist to petition I am all for it, equal rights for all. We all deserve the chance to make our own destiny without having a piano strapped to our backs. (mainly minorities carrying this huge weight but starting to be the poor too.)

I am all for taking back our country and giving the people a voice again, the majority of us want a clean healthy planet.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member