The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
The cab plants are having a crazy growth spurt. I'm not sure how they're going to fit once they start blooming. God I hope at least one of them is female!!! If not, I'll be seriously bummed.

Two questions: can you take a plant that's been in dirt and put it in a hydro system, or is that totally unheard of? I mean, can you wash off the roots and transfer it?

The second question: how long will it take to see sex now that I've changed the lighting? I'm sooooo excited!
i dunno about the lighting since all of mine showed balls under 24/0...btw they are so fuckin male it's unbelievable...I dont have any females but I will have pollen...wink wink...I need to get some more seeds to see if I can get a pure fem...if I can get a pure fem then I can cross the pollen with that girl and make a shit load of seeds...but as it stands now I have to cross it with a tall ass sativa which I am not thrilled about...btw...littlebat...dont transplant your babies into hydro from will fuck up your hydro setup...there is no way to get those roots completely clean of shit


Well-Known Member
I'm reading all these websites about soil to hydro seems that some people do this regularly. I'm just thinking if both these plants turn out to be male, I could move some of the outdoor seedlings in.

I feel that at this point I should say nice things about the Supernatural nutes. They're very forgiving, and were very easy to use for my first grow. I've switched to FloraNova for bloom, but I definitely want to try a whole grow with Supernatural at some point.

Oh, and HT, send me your address again please!


Well-Known Member
Well.. EVERYONE got their back-to-school pictures taken today. There are a lot and I'm wiped, so I'll work on them tomorrow. Four of my SMS's have reached puberty, we have two boys with nice BIG balls (they're hittin' their ankles they're so big) and two girls with nice long girly hairs. I was so excited when I discovered it started jumping up and down and had to call my son. He's tripping out that his mom's insisting on growing from seed and (gasp!) planning on breeding. It's just not how he does things. 8)


Well-Known Member
HOW are all your plants showing sex already? My outdoor plants are nowhere close to showing. When I'm finally able to sex the ones in the cab, I'm gonna be jumping up and down. It will be so exciting after all this time of wondering!


Well-Known Member
Oh, no no, not all, only four. Four from my first two phases, the SMS plants. None of the Conquistadors are ready just yet (if they did, talk about precocious puberty!). I'm sorry, I'm a little wiped out, I didn't mean to confuse.

I wish I had this cloning thing down, though, if I could get it down then I'd send some clones to my son so he could grow them out indoors.


Well-Known Member
Oh, no no, not all, only four. Four from my first two phases, the SMS plants. None of the Conquistadors are ready just yet (if they did, talk about precocious puberty!). I'm sorry, I'm a little wiped out, I didn't mean to confuse.

I wish I had this cloning thing down, though, if I could get it down then I'd send some clones to my son so he could grow them out indoors.
seamaiden....if you wanna send him a clone I will show have to send a cant be rooted yet.


Well-Known Member
seamaiden....if you wanna send him a clone I will show have to send a cant be rooted yet.
Yes! Start a thread maybe?

Edit: He told me he's only been able to get clones to root on one occasion, he doesn't have good luck with it. Of course, do you think I can get him to join this site and read up on what's here? On second thought, that might be kinda weird.... :lol: Seriously, it shouldn't be THAT hard, it's just that it's not as easy as rooting geraniums or pothos.


Well-Known Member
Yes! Start a thread maybe?

Edit: He told me he's only been able to get clones to root on one occasion, he doesn't have good luck with it. Of course, do you think I can get him to join this site and read up on what's here? On second thought, that might be kinda weird.... :lol: Seriously, it shouldn't be THAT hard, it's just that it's not as easy as rooting geraniums or pothos.
all my clones are rooting just I am sure we can walk him through it...we will get him all fixed up...and I will do a thread on it tomorrow for ya...BTW...I wish my mom would send me a clone:-? lol


Well-Known Member
Finally got time to snap some pics of my outdoor plants! They're beginning to get smelly now. You pluck a leaf and your fingers smell like pot. I know it's supposed to be watermelon-flavored but to me it has a strong lemony scent. I'll be interested to hear what you guys think.

We got a big thunderstorm today with lots of wind and there are water bottles and little planters and dirt blown all over the terrace, so excuse the background detritus.

Hydro, you out there? How are your plants??

And Honkey, are you growing your plants in the shower? I have this image of you bathing in a sea of green. :)


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Well-Known Member
Really?? It seems like it's been forever just watching them veg! But I'm hoping to see something by the end of the month.

My cab plants are in their 12 hours of dark right now but I'll take some pics of them tomorrow! I'm gonna be so excited if at least one of them is a girl.


Well-Known Member
Really?? It seems like it's been forever just watching them veg! But I'm hoping to see something by the end of the month.

My cab plants are in their 12 hours of dark right now but I'll take some pics of them tomorrow! I'm gonna be so excited if at least one of them is a girl.
I will jump up and down with you.....look very closely at every node on em...very closely


Well-Known Member
I wonder how long it will take before they show?

It seems like they got enormous literally overnight. I cannot believe the speed of hydro vs. soil. I'm very glad to have had the experience of doing them simultaneously. I was all, "I'll start to flower them as soon as they're half the height of the cab with the res on the floor," and then I pulled the rest of the books out from under them and boom, the next day they were 3/4 of the way to the light.

I was out all day and didn't get a chance to look at them while the lights were on. I can't wait to see them tomorrow!

I had a job interview yesterday, and today I went back to gymnastics -- that's right, I said gymnastics -- for the first time in 25 years!! The interview went well (please keep your fingers crossed for me, I really really want this job, it has real health insurance and everything), and gymnastics was fun as shit. I'm SO sore right now, but can I just tell you that today I saw a 52-year-old woman do a roundoff/triple back handspring? She had the body of a 25-year-old. It was one of the most inspirational things I've ever seen!!


Well-Known Member
The texas heat is so fucking brutal right now,ive had to place every plant in mostly shaded areas.It rained a little for a couple of days after the tropical storm so i havent went and checked on any of the plants,ill probobly go out there tomorrow and take some pics Nice ones there little bat.Really like that bushy fucker in the green pot:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Really like that bushy fucker in the green pot:mrgreen:
I know, that's my favorite! I'll be so sad if it's not a girl! Looking at my plants, I realize they're kind of like sculptures. I just keep pinning down whatever I can, trying to keep them as short as I can.

Thanks for the finger crossing, Seamaiden. This is kinda my dream job. I'm trying not to think about it too hard.
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Well-Known Member
The cab plants...look at the size difference!! Is this normal?

Also, I can't get that damn mylar to smooth out no matter what I do. I hope it doesn't hurt that it's all wrinkled.


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Well-Known Member
I was all soma tose the last time i went out to the field and moved a couple of papayas around took me an hour to find them today,I was freakin out but i figured why would someone just steal 2 plants.anyway i found them.Im getting slow growth because of the heat though.Think im going to set my dro system back up in my house.Havent seen my little douchebag brother around so i think its safe.:mrgreen:I'll take some pics tomorrow morning i forgot the camera today.