Well-Known Member
For your good, I'll let you figure it out. Solving puzzles improves cognitive function.Wtf you quote me for biatch?
Just cos you didn't get the funny...
For your good, I'll let you figure it out. Solving puzzles improves cognitive function.Wtf you quote me for biatch?
Just cos you didn't get the funny...
You only ever planted a seed after you made your millions . . . right?I worked for minimum wage in the past. Now I make a living wage.
How the fuck did that ever happen?
Poor little minimum wage workers never had a chance.
Are you people serious?
You're also a 40+ fucktard who grew up with the world handed to him (gen X) who ended up spending time in a federal prison, so keep throwing rocks, dumbassI worked for minimum wage in the past. Now I make a living wage.
How the fuck did that ever happen?
Poor little minimum wage workers never had a chance.
Are you people serious?
sHe went to prison for something we've all done...don't be a dick (although that is obviously very difficult for you).You're also a 40+ fucktard who grew up with the world handed to him (gen X) who ended up spending time in a federal prison, so keep throwing rocks, dumbass
You only ever planted a seed after you made your millions . . . right?
Thought so.
Just thought I'd point that out.
You're also a 40+ fucktard who grew up with the world handed to him (gen X) who ended up spending time in a federal prison, so keep throwing rocks, dumbass
"Since the 1980s, we've been redistributing wealth upwards thanks to neoliberal ideology. We were told that giving the wealthy a bigger piece of the pie would make the pie bigger for everyone. But all they managed to do with that redistributed wealth was shrink the rate at which the pie grew.
It's time we admit that this experiment in upward redistribution has failed, and increase the taxes on those who had their taxes decreased courtesy of this economic farce.
Following WWII, there was a rapid growth in progressive taxation and social welfare spending in most of the rich capitalist countries. Despite this (or rather partly because of this), the period between 1950 and 1973 saw the highest-ever growth rates in these countries – known as the "Golden Age of Capitalism."
Before the Golden Age, per capita income in the rich capitalist economies used to grow at 1–1.5% per year. During the Golden Age, it grew at 2–3% in the US and Britain, 4–5% in Western Europe, and 8% in Japan. Since then, these countries have never managed to grow faster than that. When growth slowed down in the rich capitalist economies from the mid 1970s, however, the free-marketeers dusted off their nineteenth-century rhetoric and managed to convince others that the reduction in the share of the income going to the investing class was the reason for the slowdown.
Since the 1980s, in many (although not all) of these countries, governments that espouse upward income redistribution have ruled most of the time. Even some so-called left-wing parties, such as Britain’s New Labour under Tony Blair and the American Democratic Party under Bill Clinton, openly advocated such a strategy – the high point being Bill Clinton introducing his welfare reform in 1996, declaring that he wanted to "end welfare as we know it."
In the event, trimming the welfare state down proved more difficult than initially thought. However, its growth has been moderated, despite the structural pressure for greater welfare spending due to the ageing of the population, which increases the need for pensions, disability allowances, healthcare and other spending directed to the elderly. More importantly, in most countries there were also many policies that ended up redistributing income from the poor to the rich. There have been tax cuts for the rich – top income-tax rates were brought down. Financial deregulation has created huge opportunities for speculative gains as well as astronomical paychecks for top managers and financiers. Deregulation in other areas has also allowed companies to make bigger profits, not least because they were more able to exploit their monopoly powers, more freely pollute the environment and more readily sack workers. Increased trade liberalization and increased foreign investment – or at least the threat of them – have also put downward pressure on wages.
As a result, income inequality has increased in most rich countries. For example, according to the ILO, of the twenty advanced economies for which data was available, between 1990 and 2000 income inequality rose in sixteen countries, with only Switzerland among the remaining four experiencing a significant fall. During this period, income inequality in the US, already by far the highest in the rich world, rose to a level comparable to that of some Latin American countries such as Uruguay and Venezuela. The relative increase in income inequality was also high in countries such as Finland, Sweden and Belgium, but these were countries that previously had very low levels of inequality – perhaps too low in the case of Finland, which had an even more equal income distribution than many of the former socialist countries.
According to the Economic Policy Institute, between 1979 and 2006, the top 1% of earners in the US more than doubled their share of national income, from 10% to 22.9%. The top 0.1% did even better, increasing their share by more than three times, from 3.5% in 1979 to 11.6% in 2006. This was mainly because of the astronomical increase in executive pay in the country, whose lack of justification is increasingly becoming obvious in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis (see above about shareholder value maximization). Of the sixty-five developing and former socialist countries covered in the above-mentioned ILO study, income inequality rose in forty-one countries during the same period. While the proportion of countries experiencing rising inequality among them was smaller than for the rich countries, many of these countries already had very high inequality, so the impacts of rising inequality were even worse than in the rich countries."
I don't ever post in this section anymore but this thread has compelled me to do so.
Long story ahead.
First, what some are apparently missing is the fact of inflation. Price and quality of goods go up every single year (mostly) while most labor stays the same. The people who have been working at places like walmart who wanted to make a living wage do. They had the initiative and will to succeed and they moved up and started making a living wage while the lazy individuals stay where they are at complaining and living beyond their means.
I've seen it to many times where someone who has a problem, no matter what it may be, spending their paycheck before they even get it. What I mean is that they go to cash advance places and get an advance at a very high % rate. Their paycheck is spent before they get it.
At that time when I worked around people like that I was myself making $7.50 an hour and I lived in a 1 bedroom apartment with no cable and free dial up internet from Aol. I also had a car payment and insurance to pay for as well as food and utilities. I never applied for government assistance and I would always work overtime and do odd jobs for extra money. This went on for a very long time as I had dropped out of high school at 17, obtained my GED as part of the requirement and went to work. It wasn't until I reached 30 and needed a change and realized I was never going to make my goals if I didn't go back to school.
Fast forward to today and now I have graduated college with a degree in information technology, but with the knowledge that I had already learned over the years and the ability to properly interview I found myself landing a position making almost 60k before even graduating and now that I have I'm due to make even more. I have also payed back the majority of my student loans and have been saving for a house that we will have in 9 months.
The problem isn't corporations or fat cat CEO's, its people being lazy. The fact of the matter is everyone has the ability to make a living wage if they try and the people that don't do not deserve it. I don't care about excuses, there are 24 hours in a day and a lot of time being wasted on doing something other than being productive or bettering yourself. (If you are on RIU and complaining about not making a living wage, then you are not doing enough to better yourself)
The next step in my plan is to open an IT consulting type business. (still working on the exact business plan) But when that time comes and I have employees, I will have competent employees and if you do not meet my expectations your ass will be terminated on the spot and replaced with someone who wants to work. My business will pay people what they are worth and there will be advancement opportunities and yes, my employees will make me a shit ton of money and I will use said money to pay for my 2nd house with some farm/hunting land that I will take care of in my spare time.
If anyone has a problem with that, fuck you, I don't care. I came from nothing and have worked my ass off to get to where I'm at.
So there you have it folks, its not about rich white people being greedy or republicans or conservatives. Its about setting out to be something and making something of yourself. Something you can be proud of, something you can pass on to your children so maybe, just maybe they don't have as hard as a struggle as you.
Hard work and initiative pays off in the end if you are willing to work for it.
On an unrelated note: While me and my wife were out fishing today we came across two ducks and I had picked up an acorn and tossed it toward the ducks. Well, the ducks thought that I was attempting to feed them and started waddling over to my truck. I didn't really have anything to feed them but some sixlets, so I thought it would be funny to feed them candy. I started tossing the candy towards them and they gobbled down the chocolate. As we began to walk to an open area to go fish I turned to my wife and said " them ducks must be democrat." Not being political and having a look of confusion, I said, it doesn't matter that the ducks don't or probably shouldn't eat chocolate, they did for the simple fact that it was free and they didn't have to work for it.
(then again, maybe that was related)
No we all have not attempted to sell POUNDS across state lines and then rat on our friends.sHe went to prison for something we've all done...don't be a dick (although that is obviously very difficult for you).
that's cuz your a spineless brit..... the only more spineless people I can think of are the French.... shame on you Winston Churchill must be turning in his graveNo we all have not attempted to sell POUNDS across state lines and then rat on our friends.
Spineless for not selling pounds across state lines ? or for not snitching on my friends. oh by the way I'm not brit, but I'm sure I can teach you a few things about your neck of the woods. Maybe we can hang out during the taste of Chicagothat's cuz your a spineless brit..... the only more spineless people I can think of are the French.... shame on you Winston Churchill must be turning in his grave![]()
No we all have not attempted to sell POUNDS across state lines and then rat on our friends.
Naw over a million people in a small area. I had to wait three hours to get a fucking Turkey leg that was expensive as he'll.. you have fun though.. Chicago is the place to be this year. You got the taste you got sporting events you got the greatfull dead doing there last concerthere it's gonna be a madhouseSpineless for not selling pounds across state lines ? or for not snitching on my friends. oh by the way I'm not brit, but I'm sure I can teach you a few things about your neck of the woods. Maybe we can hang out during the taste of Chicago
I don't ever post in this section anymore but this thread has compelled me to do so.
Long story ahead.
First, what some are apparently missing is the fact of inflation. Price and quality of goods go up every single year (mostly) while most labor stays the same. The people who have been working at places like walmart who wanted to make a living wage do. They had the initiative and will to succeed and they moved up and started making a living wage while the lazy individuals stay where they are at complaining and living beyond their means.
I've seen it to many times where someone who has a problem, no matter what it may be, spending their paycheck before they even get it. What I mean is that they go to cash advance places and get an advance at a very high % rate. Their paycheck is spent before they get it.
At that time when I worked around people like that I was myself making $7.50 an hour and I lived in a 1 bedroom apartment with no cable and free dial up internet from Aol. I also had a car payment and insurance to pay for as well as food and utilities. I never applied for government assistance and I would always work overtime and do odd jobs for extra money. This went on for a very long time as I had dropped out of high school at 17, obtained my GED as part of the requirement and went to work. It wasn't until I reached 30 and needed a change and realized I was never going to make my goals if I didn't go back to school.
Fast forward to today and now I have graduated college with a degree in information technology, but with the knowledge that I had already learned over the years and the ability to properly interview I found myself landing a position making almost 60k before even graduating and now that I have I'm due to make even more. I have also payed back the majority of my student loans and have been saving for a house that we will have in 9 months.
The problem isn't corporations or fat cat CEO's, its people being lazy. The fact of the matter is everyone has the ability to make a living wage if they try and the people that don't do not deserve it. I don't care about excuses, there are 24 hours in a day and a lot of time being wasted on doing something other than being productive or bettering yourself. (If you are on RIU and complaining about not making a living wage, then you are not doing enough to better yourself)
The next step in my plan is to open an IT consulting type business. (still working on the exact business plan) But when that time comes and I have employees, I will have competent employees and if you do not meet my expectations your ass will be terminated on the spot and replaced with someone who wants to work. My business will pay people what they are worth and there will be advancement opportunities and yes, my employees will make me a shit ton of money and I will use said money to pay for my 2nd house with some farm/hunting land that I will take care of in my spare time.
If anyone has a problem with that, fuck you, I don't care. I came from nothing and have worked my ass off to get to where I'm at.
So there you have it folks, its not about rich white people being greedy or republicans or conservatives. Its about setting out to be something and making something of yourself. Something you can be proud of, something you can pass on to your children so maybe, just maybe they don't have as hard as a struggle as you.
Hard work and initiative pays off in the end if you are willing to work for it.
On an unrelated note: While me and my wife were out fishing today we came across two ducks and I had picked up an acorn and tossed it toward the ducks. Well, the ducks thought that I was attempting to feed them and started waddling over to my truck. I didn't really have anything to feed them but some sixlets, so I thought it would be funny to feed them candy. I started tossing the candy towards them and they gobbled down the chocolate. As we began to walk to an open area to go fish I turned to my wife and said " them ducks must be democrat." Not being political and having a look of confusion, I said, it doesn't matter that the ducks don't or probably shouldn't eat chocolate, they did for the simple fact that it was free and they didn't have to work for it.
(then again, maybe that was related)
But McDonalds should pay $25 an hour to their unskilled and replaceable staff cos rich people's are too post!
I would simply like to know what ever happened to boot straps?
Every human being is provided with a set.
They are very much worth pulling oneself up with.
It works 98.5% of the time. Even in the current USA!!! Remarkable!
It is simply about gumption or the lack thereof.
Relying upon the Government to pull on your bootstraps for you reflects a dire deficiency of gumption.
This is fixable.
AS Nike said...JUST DO IT!
So simple.