Super Soil (Can the base soil be located at lowes?)


Active Member
I didn't see any thing I would use ready made, BUT grab enough peat moss, organic compost, & perlite (not miracle grow perlite, hell nothing that says MG on it since youre growing organic) to mix up 12-15 cu ft at a 1/3:1/3:1/3 ratio and you will be fine. you may wanna add a little extra lime for the peat moss unless you can replace half of the moss with some coco coir.
I didn't see any thing I would use ready made, BUT grab enough peat moss, organic compost, & perlite (not miracle grow perlite, hell nothing that says MG on it since youre growing organic) to mix up 12-15 cu ft at a 1/3:1/3:1/3 ratio and you will be fine. you may wanna add a little extra lime for the peat moss unless you can replace half of the moss with some coco coir.
Thanks for the quick response, would you mind telling me what is wrong with this?

I am genuinely curious!
Thanks again!
I would go with 1/3 mix of peat/coco, compost/ worm castings, perlite/rice hulls, and then Ammendment your soil.

If need be tho I don't think thiswould hurt you at all. It is an organic potting soil but would like to see the ingredients in the mix before making a decision.
I agree with ^^^^. if you can find the ingredients list, it may be fine. it looks way better than anything else they offer. ive googled and binged it and I cant find the ingredients listed anywhere.
buy premiere peat moss, coco, perlite. If you add coco when you use the soil , you won't need perlite. Quality worm castings and compost will have to be bought some where else. If you are in Cali. Check out hydro scape landscaping. They sell high quality castings, compost, and rock dust cheap. Make your worm bin. Making your own castings and compost is far higher quality than any store bought.
if your doing an oitdoor grow patio plus seems to work prettg well for me everything else ive tried has ended with catastrophic results from lowes or home depot
here goes, I found a little more

that's what ive found. the regular potting mix (no details on the outdoor mix) consists of compost (made of biowaste from the wastewater treatment plant next door and a non woody organic compost), peat moss, and pumice. it actually doesn't look that bad.
I forgot to mention I am growing indoors. I live in Colorado and am growing legally so stealth is not a problem. I really am just trying to get what i can from Lowes since I have a gift card there.

I just got back from Lowes and the Eko Outdoor potting soil which I've linked to above shows to contain the following ingredients: "EKO Compost, sphagnum peat moss, pumice and dehydrated poultry waste".

Also I found out lowes also carries this pro mix(thumbnail attached)

I'm thinking about using the pro-mix instead.


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Pro mix is decent. Add 1 cup of prilled dolomite lime for every 5 gal bucket (some folks use 1 cup for every 3 gals). Just pH your run off, after about 4 wks it will drop w/o the lime. I used to mix it half n half with ffof until i switched to happy frog.
I have a $100 lowes gift card, and all I have left to get is the "8 large bags of high quality organic potting soil" It would be great if I could pick this up at lowes.

Here's a list of the soil they show to carry:!&rpp=16&page=1

I was looking specifically at this one, what do you guys think?


Miracle Grow Moisture Control, just add some peat...I usually put a half gallon Peat into a Square Ft of Mix.I picked up a truck full of some new Jungle Mix this week..Look's Sweet.
Miracle Grow Moisture Control, just add some peat...I usually put a half gallon Peat into a Square Ft of Mix.I picked up a truck full of some new Jungle Mix this week..Look's Sweet.
Youve been on here alot longer than i, so i ask this with respect: wont the synthetic ferts in MG destroy the microbial web of the organic supersoil?
pro mix is good. Lowes in SoCal stopped carrying it.. I usually grab premier peat moss by the bale at lowes. Then coco tek from the hydro shop. Lowes here doesn't have coco. Then worm castings and compost and rock dust from hydro scape land scaping supply. Then crab meal, neem meal, kelp meal from the hydro shop. That's my mix.
Update to this very old thread.

I do not recommend purchasing soil at lowes/home depot.

The soil I purchased was for indoor use, after a week or using I was infested with nats. I brought this up with a manager I know at lowes, and he told me that the soil is stored outside so he wouldn't be surprised if the bags had nat larva or other insets in the mix...
Update to this very old thread.

I do not recommend purchasing soil at lowes/home depot.

The soil I purchased was for indoor use, after a week or using I was infested with nats. I brought this up with a manager I know at lowes, and he told me that the soil is stored outside so he wouldn't be surprised if the bags had nat larva or other insets in the mix...
Sorry, just saw this thread. Pretty much everything base mix you get at lowes is going to be shit... literally. Most of them (if not all) contain biosolids. The only thing I would get at lowes is the peat moss. Fungus gnats aren't a big deal. Depending what you have available you can if nothing else knock them back pretty easily.

Sorry, just saw this thread. Pretty much everything base mix you get at lowes is going to be shit... literally. Most of them (if not all) contain biosolids. The only thing I would get at lowes is the peat moss. Fungus gnats aren't a big deal. Depending what you have available you can if nothing else knock them back pretty easily.

I've used pro mix from lowes before they stopped carrying it locally
used Roots Organics Happy frog, etc etc for bases but now I like the idea of mixing the coco and peat and perlite yourself might try that next
I've used pro mix from lowes before they stopped carrying it locally
used Roots Organics Happy frog, etc etc for bases but now I like the idea of mixing the coco and peat and perlite yourself might try that next
Look for the plain peat moss such as premier or lakeland brands. You will need to "lime" the peat yourself. Add 1c Oyster shell (or other calcium carbonate source) per cu ft. Wouldn't be a bad thing if you could also add 1/2-1c gypsum powder as well. I much prefer pumice over perlite if you can find it locally (not always easy to find). Scoria, aka your standard lava rock, will also work.


Look for the plain peat moss such as premier or lakeland brands. You will need to "lime" the peat yourself. Add 1c Oyster shell (or other calcium carbonate source) per cu ft. Wouldn't be a bad thing if you could also add 1/2-1c gypsum powder as well. I much prefer pumice over perlite if you can find it locally (not always easy to find). Scoria, aka your standard lava rock, will also work.


thanks for the pointers !
I have gypsum green sand, dolomite lime and basalt already but ill look into getting calcium carbonate source or oyster shell powder I believe is available locally last time I checked :) peace brother