I could care less about your most liked status. Didn't even know you had it until now so it seems to me that you are the one who does in fact care about likes. I bet you even went to notable members just to see where I stand. LoL
I was just making you aware I find it amusing that no one could even say a real reason why they liked you and then you got all mad threatening to locate an individual. Yea, those posts are still visible so you may want to get your little buddies to take care of that for you.
Herp derp I know what type of router you have herp derp I don't care what people think about me.. LoL
You see, you think I care about you or anyone else on this forum and I don't. As for you, you got so upset that someone was asking why anyone liked you and I guess you also noticed that no one could really give a reason besides that you give them stuff. LoL
So post pics and contribute nothing like your oh so favorite person buck.
Honestly, I have enjoyed how pissed off buck has gotten that I'm back here posting in this section. It is making me grin so big. I love it. And yes, there it is... there is a little tingle as well.
That got me thinking.If you can't even make enough money to live you should probably just kill yourself. After all, what's the point of living if you can't even live. Make some room for those who are actually capable. Get out of the way or get left behind.
I've maid some pretty decent change selling pills.
That got me thinking.
Wonder how many people in this section will end up overdosing before their time is supposed to be up? I mean, life is hard when everything isn't given to you, yet, somehow drugs that can kill you are easily affordable.
They actually aren't affordable. I've maid some pretty decent change selling pills.
So many feelbads hurt. Mmmm....I can't wait until fdd2skunk starts screaming snitch (again)....
I'm gonna say most. I know one who is here right now who has probably tried and failed a couple times.I wonder how many of them wish they were dead but simply lack the courage to actually pull the trigger.
Ouchies. My wittle feewings. Ge a dick SGT. You are a fucking clown.What is even funnier is pin is an even worse human being than I.
The ones calling names and not contributing to the actual conversation are the ones who's feelings are hurt.So many feelbads hurt. Mmmm....I can't wait until fdd2skunk starts screaming snitch (again)....
You idiots do realize I'm not a child anymore right?
You don't honestly think that I would ever need to be brave in your presence do you? LoL