★ Atomic Squat ★

Here you go Stoned Farmer. Thought you were at the show, butthole! Or is it done? Any good or what?

I barelymade it out. my brother was super hungover today. said we wouldleave saturday at 5am. He woke up said let's go at 4:30 and drove like a fiend.

cwught the end of joey cape, I'm finally using my phone to post, had to step outside. this mdma is kicking myass has me all jittery nd shit or its the speed. music still going but im stumbling drunk. I need to pound a few more beers and go back in.

I'll post somevideo when I get ome tuesday.

fuck joeycape was god like to my ears. bummed I didn't arrive earlier, but its my fault I kept him up drinking all night and doing droogs.

I'm feeling twacked on this m though. some of the best I've doe in a while. barely ever need to leave and sit outside and I rave a lot