Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Damn I hate injury to my back. Fucked up an old slipped disc injury.

Now I just gotta wait it out. Most boring day of my life in awhile. I can't deal with not being able to get up and out. And do shit.

Makes me realize how easy it is to take shit for granted
Damn. I remember the last time I popped something. Had to have my brother come over and take care of the baby.

I couldn't raise my arms to do anything.
Seriously. I can't fuckin move. When I stand up it feels like my lower spine is gonna crack in half. But I can't sit still...for to long.
Can you smoke? Take a heavy indica and a muscle relaxer (if your doctor has prescribed you any). Icy hot patches work wonders on the muscles that tense around an injury like that.

Menthol soaks into your skin and causes increased blood flow to the area which heats and helps relax those muscles.
No muscle relaxers. Well that I know of. I may have some from a past time.

I've been smoking. What sucks is that I forget and try and get up all gungg ho n shit.

I do have a hot compress going

Thanks for the tips BTW oh and this thing I bought in Vegas in Jan is sick. Forgot I had it. Just smoked some pot too....feels nice.

But fuck I got shit to do. Aint nobody got time fo DAT!

Gotta be mobile. Hope everyone has a good day also BTW


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Dude its basically a stun gun. If you touch the contacts with your fingers you're all "zerrrpp". LMAO

Feels like a real massage. Says like only 1 hr max. But I do it all day and night.

Fuck didn't realize how bad my disc was. I got this for that. And yesterday I just went to move the garden hose...and ERKNJERK!!

I got the hose on one of those wheel based type shit. Always the little thongs that set it off.

Oh and fuck it GMOs to boot

Oh and ya the device feels like massage. Skin gets nb after awhile..


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Someone got me a tiny cactus in a tiny plastic pot. It can sit in the palm of my hand. And my hands are small lol. Anyway, if I wanted to replant this bad boy...do I do that in dirt? Or is this a sand creature thing?

What type of cactus is it? Is there a label on the pot? Probably well draining soil will work.

I add peat moss and stuff to my soil when I transplant them into my yard, but I live in a desert.
My god damn neighbor refuses tomove his car.

1.talk to his wife
2.push that shit outthe way
3. steal his speed and liqour
4. kill him after talking nice