I'm actually voting to keep Obama as far away from the Presidency as possible. The Senate is too close for comfort, as it is. Marxism belongs in the history books, not implemented by our government.
Because, I believe what he says.....for better or for worse, he has always worn his politics on his sleeve. And, I think Obama will collapse our economy. I think McCain will only cause a recession.

I would have voted for the 2000 McCain. But he has changed his ideals a great deal. Classic politico.
Because, I believe what he says.....for better or for worse, he has always worn his politics on his sleeve. And, I think Obama will collapse our economy. I think McCain will only cause a recession.

While we are voting for the same person, I think you need to brush up on your economics a bit there. Presidents usually don't cause recessions. Congress is typically the culprit. Thus is the case here.

Don't get all fixated on the Presidential race. It's CONGRESS which needs to be TURNED OUT. They are all pathetic. Every last one of them. Every incumbent running for reelection should be turned out. Every one.
While we are voting for the same person, I think you need to brush up on your economics a bit there. Presidents usually don't cause recessions. Congress is typically the culprit. Thus is the case here.

Don't get all fixated on the Presidential race. It's CONGRESS which needs to be TURNED OUT. They are all pathetic. Every last one of them. Every incumbent running for reelection should be turned out. Every one.

You are right. They ALL need to be replaced.
While we are voting for the same person, I think you need to brush up on your economics a bit there. Presidents usually don't cause recessions. Congress is typically the culprit. Thus is the case here.

Don't get all fixated on the Presidential race. It's CONGRESS which needs to be TURNED OUT. They are all pathetic. Every last one of them. Every incumbent running for reelection should be turned out. Every one.

McCain+Lib House+Lib Senate=cap and trade, open borders=recession

Obama+Lib House+Lib Senate=Marxism=economic collapse

Which of my figures is askew?
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They are all on a nice 5 week vacation to show their support for the peoples suffering .. well done.

Who gets 5 weeks off at a stretch anyways?
I'm not sure you can equate open borders with recession. The term "open borders" is suspect. Illegal intrusions are down about half right now. that's pretty good. It just takes a bit of real enforcement. Besides the economy is discouraging them for free.

Like I said Presidents don't influence the actual economy per se to the point of actual long term direction. It's more like they "ride" it. Clinton was fortunate to ride the tech bubble (he had no part in it otherwise) in the 90's. That sort of thing makes you look great. Even so, he still blew it. Pishtosh.

Recessions don't happen quickly, its sort of like an earthquake. It has to build up past the point of no return.

Will the next President ride a recession? I think it's about 50/50. If Obama gets in, he may find himself hamstrung by the present tense to give us the "change' he promises.

"Change" I can't believe ppl fall for that over and over and over and ad infinatum.

Hitler brought change didn't he? Just an extreme example to point out the rhetoric.
You know at this point i figure the more vacations they take, the less damage they can cause us.
It's all about regulatory power. I read the other day that the monies needed (from you Joe taxpayer) to fund the OVERSIGHT regulatory government "industry" is now greater than CANADAS GDP!!

Has anybody mentioned,

I did not see a reason to vote for him. Can someone narrow the focus to 25 words, and show me why to vote for Obama?
I'm not sure you can equate open borders with recession. The term "open borders" is suspect. Illegal intrusions are down about half right now. that's pretty good. It just takes a bit of real enforcement. Besides the economy is discouraging them for free.

Like I said Presidents don't influence the actual economy per se to the point of actual long term direction. It's more like they "ride" it. Clinton was fortunate to ride the tech bubble (he had no part in it otherwise) in the 90's. That sort of thing makes you look great. Even so, he still blew it. Pishtosh.

Recessions don't happen quickly, its sort of like an earthquake. It has to build up past the point of no return.

Will the next President ride a recession? I think it's about 50/50. If Obama gets in, he may find himself hamstrung by the present tense to give us the "change' he promises.

"Change" I can't believe ppl fall for that over and over and over and ad infinatum.

Hitler brought change didn't he? Just an extreme example to point out the rhetoric.

Recessions can happen very quickly, easily within the span of a year. And, they often follow Presidential elections.

Open Borders=(12-20 million illegal aliens=12-20 million legal _(fill in the blank,ie Mexican) americans, lower case A)

And the ones, the illegals, that were here before the down turn in incursions?

Like I said Presidents don't influence the actual economy per se to the point of actual long term direction.

They can and they have. The Square Deal, the New Deal, the Great Society, etc. This is especially true when the the executive and the legislative are controlled by the same party.
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While immigrants' use of some welfare programs is higher than natives', Table 12 shows that most households, immigrant or native, do not use the welfare system. On the other hand, even though most households do not use the welfare system, the programs listed in Table 12 cost the government some $500 billion annually. Moreover, there are other means-tested programs not listed in the table that are linked to those reported in Table 12. For example, 15 percent of immigrant households reported having at least one child receiving subsidized school lunches, compared to only 6 percent of native households. There are many possible reasons to support high levels of immigration. But if the benefit to the United States is one of them, then selecting only immigrants who can support themselves and their children and do not need government assistance would make sense.

This is just welfare; lets see about prisons, unemployment, medical, etc etc......................
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March 25th, 2008

Illegal immigration is now impacting all aspects of our society like nothing the history of our country has ever seen.

At this moment there is said to be 21,437,347 illegal immigrants in our country! We catch approximately 4,200 Mexicans trying to cross the border illegally every week, and that is only 23% of those who try.

As of today there are 360,931 illegal’s incarcerated in the U.S. prison system. That is 360,931 illegal convicted felons that are getting free food and a free roof over their head from your tax money. Here is a number you’re not going to hear on CNN or MSNBC. Since 2001, the government has spent $1,397,951,146 of our tax money to pay for illegal incarcerations. It is also said that there are about 674,286 illegal immigrant fugitives living in our country today. Every day there are an average of 12 Americans that are murdered by illegal’s. For those of you who can’t count that would be more than 21,900 murders by illegal’s since September 11, 2001. In California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas alone, more than 53% of all investigated burglaries are perpetrated by illegal’s.
For those illegal’s who have managed to stay out of jail, they have found other ways to rob the public. Since January of 2006 there has been $26,876,799,435 of American money wired back to Mexico. Since 1996, the U.S. government has spent $397,450,673,658 on Social Services for illegal immigrants. In the state of California alone, between the years of 1993 and 2003, 62 hospitals went bankrupt and were forced to close down due to the financial burden of supplying illegal immigrants with free health care. And Hillary Clinton wants free health care for the entire country?! Ha! Keep dreaming. 43% of all Food Stamps issued are to illegal’s. 41% of all unemployment checks issued in the United States are to illegal immigrants. 58% of all welfare payments made in the U.S. are issued to illegal’s. Less than 2% of all illegal’s in this country are picking crops, but 41% are on welfare. Now yes, most of them just want to come here to work, have a family, and start a new life, but they need to learn to wait in line just like the rest of world.

Put a bounty on them, $5000, dead or alive!
Has anybody mentioned,

I did not see a reason to vote for him. Can someone narrow the focus to 25 words, and show me why to vote for Obama?
:lol: Why do you think Cherry ducked out? We've already been round and round about that.
Honestly man, all u have done is dodge everyones questions... .. everyone is throwing facts at u.. and u keep saying "obama 08 guys.. yeah! YEAH!!" fuckin idiot...


Actually i know your answer.. " My beleefff is my bellleeeff guysssss!!111!one!!1,"

OBAMA gonna Win Anyways....So, It really dosent matter,LMAOkiss-ass
Get back at you in November, tell me what you think Then.:blsmoke::blsmoke: