RON PAUL for president 2008! (You know you want him)

Who do you believe?

The MainSream Media(MSM) and gov't. "The kids need the fluoride in the tap water" YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water

Or scientists and doctors?
YouTube - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water
YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________

YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

YouTube - 911 WTC Basement Explosions video and photographic proof

YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation |

Zeitgeist - The Movie

(America; Freedom to Fascism)
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

(Ring of Power)
Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 -
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 -

(The Money Masters)
The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

(Esoteric Agenda)
Esoteric Agenda -

(End Game)
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(The Great Global Warming Swindle)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on

After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all this BS propaganda. The MSM is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.

YouTube - Plans Against Dissidents "A widespread awakening is taking place. Especially,the truth about 911, and the reasons for the Iraq war are unfolding..... Operation- Garden Plot"

The REVOLUTION has begun!


Garry Garry Garry,
what to do what to do with you with you. GG.
Umm it was the "weak" summit appearance that led to the missile incursion. So I think your argument is moot.
Better to prevent a nuclear standoff before it begins, no? I mean Kennedy brought us to the BRINK! Now that's something that you would want to leave off your resume.

Maybe your a Kennedy fan and that's ok. Kennedy is a likable president as long as you don't dig beneath the surface. Then it's not so good. He'll always get a pass anyways becuz, yah know ......

Moral of the story, when you go to deal with dictators, don't forget your balls. Later on, it's a bit late.

People, the deal on removing missiles from Cuba was the US removing missiles from Turkey. A little known fact to make Kennedy look tougher.
Yah, it took that and a naval blockade to save face. That and the possibility of mutual destruction. Better to ward off that kind of confrontation.

Obama is not going to scare the Ruskies, that's for sure. They are eating this election up with special relish I'd bet.

By the way, not to bash Kennedy but he was also behind installing the "secret" taping system in the oval office. The same one that Nixon used. Jack Kennedy and his brother Bob knew they were being taped, their guests did not. Quite self serving. Nixon just got caught.

Shh.. Cracker, people really don't want to know about this kind of stuff. They think that the man who was assassinated was totally innocent of wrongdoing, too. Why, he was infallible!
i can't tell you how excited i am for obama to steal more of my hard earned income to pay for some decrepit loser to get a triple bi-pass because they ate too much mcdonald's.

i can't tell you how excited i am for obama to steal more of my hard earned income to pay for some decrepit loser to get a triple bi-pass because they ate too much mcdonald's. sheesh.

Oh good, another anti-fascist enters the forum. Welcome freedom lover. :)

And of course you have right to, thats part of being and American. I'm not, but we all must do what we feel is best.
Exactly, just make sure you are making an INFORMED choice. I'm figuring that most Obama ppl are NOT informed. How could they be?

Heck, Obama is not informed himself!!

Buy your McCain Wafflehead dolls here only $39.95.
Funny how most here have short memories.
McCain has gone against everything he stood for so that he could become electable to the republican party.
I think most need to go back and look at McCains Voting record over the past 20 years to see what McCain is really about.

As I said before, shades of John Kerry, I was for it before I was against it.....
After the hate this country has gained for Bush I doubt a republican of any type has a chance of winning, though I guess Obama being such a curve ball could help chance that. That being said, personally I'll probably go Republican so I guess some of us are still insane enough.
Well to be honest I'd rather choose Obama rather than McCain, I look at it this way you are exactly right when you say that Americans are lazy and like to be led around by the nose, especially seeing that George H.W. Bush became the president and I bet quite a few of you voted for his sorry ass. All he has done is to find a new way to pronounce nuclear, way to go Yale grad, tax the fuck out of the middle class until now it is the haves and the have nots, start a war that no one wanted, put us further in debt, highest unemployment rate in history, I could go on and on with this etc..,

Not to sound racist but factual the white men have fucked this country up beyond repair and I just think a black intelligent man can't possibly do any worst, what I think is that you all are afraid that he will do such a good damn job restoring our allies in Europe, fixing Social Security, health care, ending this costly ass fucking war, while Iraq is making so much money on their oil they have no where to put it all, rebuild our military, fixing the infrastructure, helping us become independent from oil. Cuz you see he doesn't own an oil company so he has nothing to gain by keeping us on oil.

Besides who are the GOP kidding this is going to be like taking candy from a baby and they are trying to save face so John McCain will still have pride and dignity when he loses because that is what is going to happen. Statistically he can't win unless the GOP tries to committ fraud. Amongst African-Americans contrary to all belief Obama has 99-100%. He has 60-65% of the Hispanic vote and I will see that rising because of this new law "turn yourself in" the families of these immigrants are going to be bitter at the GOP hooray what geniuses!!!! The GOP is not know for the intellectual thinking or the wits. And hold on to your hat but Obama has 30-35% of the White vote, it doesn't matter whether the are the working class or not because the Census is not divided that way if you are Caucasion you put Caucasion it doensn't matter if you work or not.

So let's see McCain has 0% of the African-American vote,
Maybe 20% of the Hispanic vote
Maybe 40% of the White vote (leaving room for the 17%) undecided voters and considering the GOP is not happy with the Candidate that was chosen which is another topic for another day.

I'd say McCain's has about a snowballs chance in hell. He can thank his good friend and comrade George H.W. Bush for destroying the GOP for his own egocentric rules and grandeur.

Just to let you all know geniuses, Off shore drilling will not lower gas prices for another 10 years so what's the use. We need relief now, and using our oil reserves will just screw us worse than what we are now.

Thank you


I know this going to piss off a lot of yellow bellies, but McCain has flip-flopped so much all he needs is a tank top and a pair of shorts and he will be dressed for the beach!!!! (LOL) And since we are talking about McCain because I 'm not one to gossip so you didn't hear this from me, (But) when one goes to the military there is a 50/50 chance that a war could happen. So why does he feel like he is a martyr for the US, his plane was shot down, he was held as a POW for 5 yrs. People they whooped his ass, broke his arms, and God knows what else, wouldn't that be a strong indicator that when they offered his dumb ass a way out he should've taken it. I mean it don't make sense for all of us to get our ass whooped twice, once in the war, and once being held in captivity. That's 2 ass whoopings 1 war. Had it been me it would have gone down a little different. I would have let them give me a ride back to the U.S., I mean somebody has to get away to get help. I signed up for the military alone, every man for his motherfuckin' self and God for us all. Complete stupidity, staying there didn't do him any good.

His damn arm is so stiff if he had to push the button to fire a Nuclear Bomb in retaliation we are fucked because he won't make it to the button in time. Before Cindy McCain can get over there to WD-40 his arm we will be obliterated!!!!

And if I haven't pissed you McCain voters off yet sit back light up and read this, I got some shit for your ass!!!
OK as everyone knows John Edwards have been raked over the coals for cheating on his wife, it's immoral but not illegal, but they want to end his career, in which I think he should just ride it out, hell they wanted to impeach Clinton for getting some head. So why is it that John McCain cheated on his wife, left his kids, and married now,Cindy McCain but he can run for president like the famous conservative Shawn Hannity said, "How can we trust someone that can not be truthful in a marriage , faithful to his family, but we are to trust him to run the free world." These were Shawn Hannity's words about John Edwards and Colmes said Well John McCain has done the same thing 30 yrs. ago, but because he was held captive, had PTSD and a war vet, we should sweep it under the rug. You sad little Republicans and your double standards.
John McCain can't be loyal to his family how are you going to be loyal to the people.
........ especially seeing that George H.W. Bush became the president and I bet quite a few of you voted for his sorry ass.

Bush was my Gov 6 years before he became President. Believe me, I knew what we were getting into with his sorry ass. I just didn't think it would get THIS bad.
You are absolutely correct SomeBeech the true definition of stupidity is doing the same thing and expecting different results, think about it.
Well if he sucked as a Governor, did you all think he was going to be Mr. Morality in the white house, no offense but I think that is why Texas, Ohio, and few other states are having really bad natural disasters in your states because you all new he was useless but you all put his ass in the white house anyway. Karmas a bitch, then you are left homeless, lifeless, and penniless. That goes for Missour too are those levee broke for a reason. He didn't do a damn thing when the people of New Orlean's levee broke and all those people died, then the Pastor Hagee said God was doing a cleansing, well I guess God doesn't show partiality because Tornadoes hit Kansas, Iowa, Indiana, and then Texas had big tornadoes as well as sink holes. Missouri, Missippi, and all the states that The Great Mississippi and the Missouri runs through was killing people and destroying their homes I don't know sounds like Karma to me. What you do to someone on Monday, Karma will be knocking on your door Thursday for pay back.