look the kids say that every election. the wacky guy is going to win (McGovern, Dukakis, Gore (really whacky), Kerry .. in the end the middle class will decide who wins.

The question is will gun sales spike in October?
Will there be riots in November?

2 good questions.

Xenophobia is a fear or contempt of that which is foreign or unknown, especially of strangers or foreign people.[1] It comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "foreigner," "stranger," and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear." The term is typically used to describe a fear or dislike of foreigners or of people significantly different from oneself.
Hmmmm.... I have stated before that I am not a politically savvy man, but FISA sounds alot like the Patriot act that was enacted by the bush administration.
Hmmmm.... I have stated before that I am not a politically savvy man, but FISA sounds alot like the Patriot act that was enacted by the bush administration.
You're partway right. The bit you've got wrong is pinning in on the Bush administration. It was the Congress who actually enacted it, and who keeps it going. Its inception came about during the Clinton years.
All of you B. Hussien O'Bama fans should keep in mind that at the present time we are suffering from the effects of the FED's skewed monetary policies. We are in the middle of the mortgage debacle caused by the FED's easy money policies. As a result, the dollar has fallen, oil has spiked, and as anyone who goes grocery shopping can attest to, we are experiencing INFLATION. Therefore, whomever the next president is, will have to deal with that before anything. Forget O'Bama's campaign promises of increasing taxes on "The Rich." It won't fly. Whomever the next president is, wiil have to concentrate, not on expanded government programs, but on economic growth ... and tax increases won't cut it.

Here's my new bumper sticker: This Fall, Fire Them All.

You never answered my first question
Look up FISA yourself. It's not terribly difficult. Anyone who wants to enter into political debate should come to the table prepared. I am prepared. You should too.

Unless you're an Obama supporter. Then all you have to say is...

Obama! Yeah! He's the man! I believe! He's for change!

...and of course completely disregard his voting record.
Based strickly on past voting behavior, America will elect McCain. Americans LOVE to have the Congressional majority in one party and the Prez another party.
Xenophobia is a fear or contempt of that which is foreign or unknown, especially of strangers or foreign people.[1] It comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "foreigner," "stranger," and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear." The term is typically used to describe a fear or dislike of foreigners or of people significantly different from oneself.


1 : not acceptable
2 : not pleasing or welcome


1 a: the manner of conducting oneself
b: anything that an organism does involving action and response to stimulation
c: the response of an individual, group, or species to its environment
2 : the way in which someone behaves; also : an instance of such behavior
3 : the way in which something functions or operates
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Can you just imagine Barack Obama squaring off with Vlad Putin? It would be a repeat of Kruschev/Kennedy.

There is a very good reason why other nations are rooting for Obama. They sense his weakness. World economies are driven by competition and it's always nice when the big boy (U.S.) makes a faux pas and elects a "Jimmy Carter". It sort of gives Europe a leg up on us.

Obama (an empty suit) can only get elected if the world stage is at peace. Good luck with that one.

I wonder if Jimmah Carter is available as VP for Barack? That would be complete.

If I remember right....and history tends to support this, Kennedy won that little showdown. Kruschev removed the missiles from Cuba.

Yes, the missiles were removed garry, but your timeline is off. it was the talks that made Kruschev put the missiles in there in the first place. It was the perceived weakness (and rightfullty so, kennedy was out of his depth).

They were removed when Kennedy and Congress put a naval blockade around the island.

By the way DanKdude, I like your little propaganda cartoons .. funny if highly inaccurate. Still funny.

The bit about the constitution at the bottom is nice too. Just realize that terrorist invade the public safety and the writ of habeas corpus does not belong to them. Also, it only applies to US citizens. I mean it is our constitution, not the U.N.'s.

Actually the last one isn't all that inaccurate, infact it's spot on.
And the one with McCain hugging Bush, you can't make this shit up.
McCain is a RINO (Republican In Name Only) But I'm glad all you guys are fooled.
McCain has reversed himself on just about every position he has held over the years just so he can be electable. Shades of John Kerry.


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Yes, the missiles were removed garry, but your timeline is off. it was the talks that made Kruschev put the missiles in there in the first place. It was the perceived weakness (and rightfullty so, kennedy was out of his depth).

They were removed when Kennedy and Congress put a naval blockade around the island.


lol The "perceived" weakness was a mistake for the Russians and they lost. Kennedy had BALLS to stand up against a hard leader. Timeline has nothing to do with it. Your argument is moot.