doublejj's BIG 2015 adventure.....

JJ you couldnt ruin this thread if you tried ...
MADD respect to you pc and crew. making stoney dreams come true ...
thank you for your service jj you bear the weight of 1000 men ... wish i could help shoulder the load ....blazing one for all the fallen . thank you for keeping me free!:clap::clap::clap:keep-calm-and-love-your-soldiers-4.png
Thanks for all the support everyone. I can usually evade these feelings most of the year, however they seem to always overwhelm me on Memorial Weekend. I cannot help but reflect on those friends I left behind on the battlefield. I tend to get very self absorbed & self reflective & I don't wish to be the bummer. So I tend to stay to myself & let every else enjoy their Holiday BBQ's...

Hey JJ,

I understand ya brother. The thing to remember though, is you aren't alone. i know we can be closed mouthed SOBs about the things that happened down range, but you are far from alone. This weekend is hard for many. Hell it seems most holidays are. 4th of july can be rough as well. I know the VFW out here did a chicken feed as well during this weekend, something to consider maybe...I know its not my place to suggest anything, Just saying what has helped me to get thru.

Stay free, stay high

My deepest apologies to everyone. I have turned Memorial day into a painful groundhog day like re-occurring cycle, that I dread all year & then spend then next year trying to mend relationships I ruined. It was a lot worse before I quit drinking. My wife understands or at least just excepts it and gives me my space. This is such a turmoil for me, I sooo wish to celebrate the memory of my battlefield buddies yet it just throws me into a downward spiral that I have trouble recovering from.
It is best for me to stay home & away from normal people I don't spend the next year without friends...
This will be over soon & we will get back to growing here....I promise