If a starving person is caught stealing food poll..

starving and caught stealing, disciplinary action?

  • eye for a eye

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • arrested and charged at taxpayers cost.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • decision made by store owner.

    Votes: 17 56.7%
  • government program to help starving at taxpayers cost.

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • nothing. give back the food with a warning.

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters
I'm going to post this same thread in the politics sub forum and see how answers might compare to TnT..
Ive got a soft spot for hungry people & desperate people , if i was in store & wittnessed the take down i'd probably pay for the food they took .

I watched an elderly grandmother get snatched for stealing batterys & a few packs of superman underwear for her grandkids a few days before xmas , security & the cashier were making an ass out of her , i told em both to fuck right off & paid the $63 for the lady , even then they wanted to prosecute till i told em if they did i was getting a refund for her items .
I honestly wouldn't even go out of my way to stop the dude or say anything I just wouldn't care starving people should be able to take food from stores without getting in trouble i mean they're starving people, whoever would wanna get that person in trouble is an asshole
I honestly wouldn't even go out of my way to stop the dude or say anything I just wouldn't care starving people should be able to take food from stores without getting in trouble i mean they're starving people, whoever would wanna get that person in trouble is an asshole
What if the person caught stealing had $33 dollars on him and a 2011 H&R rebate card?... when he could easily had paid for it.
What if the person caught stealing had $33 dollars on him and a 2011 H&R rebate card?... when he could easily had paid for it.
I'd tell him to pay for it, and let him off with a warning I won't be so nice next time, but I'd do that to anyone who could've paid for it but decided to steal it, i have to steal lighters from walgreens when I run out since I rather spend all my money on bud, bacon jerky, and Lemonheads. But whenever I stole lighters it was because at the time I did not have the money to buy one.

I would just let the guy off with a warning and make him pay for it, if he said no or tried to do something stupid I'd either snatch the merchandise out his hand or I would do whatever I had to do to protect customers, employees, and myself.
i totally agree with helping the starved but u have to ask why is that person in the situation their in?
i know of a heroin addict wo livws on the streets gets paid off welfare like may others who manage on that money yet he cannot? their is so many different types of starving people some i would help and some i would not
Bunch of fucking rats and that one bitch with the food pantry fuck that they give people shit I tried that government cheese and shit before they gave us a box of what they called "food" I couldn't even give that shit away. But of course all them middle class snobs with their nose in the air, they wouldn't eat from the food panty but will tell the poor too.
i totally agree with helping the starved but u have to ask why is that person in the situation their in?
i know of a heroin addict wo livws on the streets gets paid off welfare like may others who manage on that money yet he cannot? their is so many different types of starving people some i would help and some i would not
Good answer.
who ever decided to sell apples from gods free tree is to blame.

society doesn't work for somepeople just like forums don't work for finny, and its not useally their fault society doesn't work, would you give finny a job or let him starve ?

if you would then you're a good person.

if you said " fuck that" then you're to blame for starving people ...... Period.

that's my two shits worth :)
who ever decided to sell apples from gods free tree is to blame.

society doesn't work for somepeople just like forums don't work for finny, and its not useally their fault society doesn't work, would you give finny a job or let him starve ?

if you would then you're a good person.

if you said " fuck that" then you're to blame for starving people ...... Period.

that's my two shits worth :)
i totally agree with helping the starved but u have to ask why is that person in the situation their in?
i know of a heroin addict wo livws on the streets gets paid off welfare like may others who manage on that money yet he cannot? their is so many different types of starving people some i would help and some i would not
Scientists say addiction is a disease, well Aids is a disease too.. If you let person still and get away with it, we then everybody is going to steal from you.. seems practical to let the store owner choose the faith, but that might be difficult for stores like walmart, where if they had a choice, you would be blended with the 80/20 ground beef..
Scientists say addiction is a disease, well Aids is a disease too.. If you let person still and get away with it, we then everybody is going to steal from you.. seems practical to let the store owner choose the faith, but that might be difficult for stores like walmart, where if they had a choice, you would be blended with the 80/20 ground beef..

good point with the walmart stores.

i was speaking personally what i would do
Ive got a soft spot for hungry people & desperate people , if i was in store & wittnessed the take down i'd probably pay for the food they took .

I watched an elderly grandmother get snatched for stealing batterys & a few packs of superman underwear for her grandkids a few days before xmas , security & the cashier were making an ass out of her , i told em both to fuck right off & paid the $63 for the lady , even then they wanted to prosecute till i told em if they did i was getting a refund for her items .

Really, even after the items had been paid for? Hope you stopped shopping there. Seriously.

However, there needs to be some type of disciplinary action, but it needs to be geared towards getting this person on their own two feet. Fines and jail time have little if any positive effect, and should only be used for those who just wont try. Feed these people, but impose some type of community service. Keeps them out of jail, but it helps them pay back to the people who are helping feed them.

Community service should be used more often for many things. Could even utilize everyone's personal skills in this selection, or a pairing system of some kind. Never know, you might just always have a life skills coach who has too many speeding tickets looking for a way to reduce fines. Make this person help pickup trash with the guy who was stealing bread, both might gain something from it.