Hey guys. So a few weeks ago I inoculated a substrate jar with spores for the very first time. And things are going pretty well so I figured I would update you guys on what's been going on and see what I should do once the jar is fully colonized.
- I inoculated 2 jars with about 5cc each. (I was having trouble with the syringe and fucked up)
- One jar started colonizing and is now at about 90%. The other didn't do anything and was tossed last night.
- The strain I chose was B+
- I bought a grow kit from
- The 1/2 pint jars that came with the kit contains brown rice flower, vermiculite, liquid worm castings, and bee pollen.
So the one jar that survived is completely colonized except for the bottom. No strange smells or discoloration so far. It should be done within the next week. I plan to wait a week after full colonization just to ensure the mycelium is fully established.
-is the dunk and roll method necessary, or can I just birth and stick into the fruiting chamber?
-what does it mean when someone says they're on their second or third "flush"?
-is there still a good chance of infection even though the jar is almost done?
-how many grams dried do you think this one 1/2 pint cake will produce?
-what's the easiest way to innoculate more jars without having to buy another syringe?
All comments are appreciated, and I will answer any questions you may have
- I inoculated 2 jars with about 5cc each. (I was having trouble with the syringe and fucked up)
- One jar started colonizing and is now at about 90%. The other didn't do anything and was tossed last night.
- The strain I chose was B+
- I bought a grow kit from
- The 1/2 pint jars that came with the kit contains brown rice flower, vermiculite, liquid worm castings, and bee pollen.
So the one jar that survived is completely colonized except for the bottom. No strange smells or discoloration so far. It should be done within the next week. I plan to wait a week after full colonization just to ensure the mycelium is fully established.
-is the dunk and roll method necessary, or can I just birth and stick into the fruiting chamber?
-what does it mean when someone says they're on their second or third "flush"?
-is there still a good chance of infection even though the jar is almost done?
-how many grams dried do you think this one 1/2 pint cake will produce?
-what's the easiest way to innoculate more jars without having to buy another syringe?
All comments are appreciated, and I will answer any questions you may have