update on my first mushroom grow

Hey guys. So a few weeks ago I inoculated a substrate jar with spores for the very first time. And things are going pretty well so I figured I would update you guys on what's been going on and see what I should do once the jar is fully colonized.

- I inoculated 2 jars with about 5cc each. (I was having trouble with the syringe and fucked up)
- One jar started colonizing and is now at about 90%. The other didn't do anything and was tossed last night.
- The strain I chose was B+
- I bought a grow kit from midwestgrowkits.com
- The 1/2 pint jars that came with the kit contains brown rice flower, vermiculite, liquid worm castings, and bee pollen.

So the one jar that survived is completely colonized except for the bottom. No strange smells or discoloration so far. It should be done within the next week. I plan to wait a week after full colonization just to ensure the mycelium is fully established.

-is the dunk and roll method necessary, or can I just birth and stick into the fruiting chamber?
-what does it mean when someone says they're on their second or third "flush"?
-is there still a good chance of infection even though the jar is almost done?
-how many grams dried do you think this one 1/2 pint cake will produce?
-what's the easiest way to innoculate more jars without having to buy another syringe?

All comments are appreciated, and I will answer any questions you may have :)
Considering doing a grow myself. Where did you get the spores if you don't mind me asking, I've been looking for a reputable place to order from. I believe when people say they are on their second or third flush, they are referring to their second or third "crop" from the same cake. And Im pretty sure you can take some chunks of mycelium and inoculate more jars, or do your own spore print and mix up your own syringe. Also if there is no bacteria growth yet your probably in the clear.
Considering doing a grow myself. Where did you get the spores if you don't mind me asking, I've been looking for a reputable place to order from. I believe when people say they are on their second or third flush, they are referring to their second or third "crop" from the same cake. And Im pretty sure you can take some chunks of mycelium and inoculate more jars, or do your own spore print and mix up your own syringe. Also if there is no bacteria growth yet your probably in the clear.
I got the spores from a website called microsporetech.com, but i just went there now and I can't find their list of syringes which kind of worries me. I didn't place my order more than a few weeks ago.
I did order from another website a week after I inoculated my jars because I thought they didn't work. But I canceled because I started to see mycelium in one of my jars while the new spores were being shipped. These guys have a deep freeze syringe that you can actually put in the freezer or if you're shipping during the winter then you won't have to worry about your spores being destroyed. They also have a few other unique syringes available. They seem pretty reputable. The only thing is you have a two syringe minimum. Earthstongue.com
I might have to look more into how to print spores. and do I take the mycelium from the cake or would I be able to cut a certain part of a mushroom and drop it into a jar? I want to touch my cake as little as possible.
Right on, thanks. I'll definitely be looking those up. Spore prints are easy to do. Separate the stem from the cap and place the cap, gill side down, on a piece of paper. Leave it there for a while and bingo. Ya, you can cut a tiny price of mycelium off the cake, hardcore growers actually look for certain properties in the mycelium, and will cut out certain sections to use to reinoculate more cakes...kinda like cloning in a way. I'm sure you could also you actual chunks of the mushrooms to inoculate jars, but spores or mycelium is ideal.
Anyway I'm interested to see how it turns out for you. Keep us updated
Right on, thanks. I'll definitely be looking those up. Spore prints are easy to do. Separate the stem from the cap and place the cap, gill side down, on a piece of paper. Leave it there for a while and bingo. Ya, you can cut a tiny price of mycelium off the cake, hardcore growers actually look for certain properties in the mycelium, and will cut out certain sections to use to reinoculate more cakes...kinda like cloning in a way. I'm sure you could also you actual chunks of the mushrooms to inoculate jars, but spores or mycelium is ideal.
Anyway I'm interested to see how it turns out for you. Keep us updated
Thanks man I will. If printing a spore is that easy then I'll definitely go that direction. This whole process has definitely been fun and interesting to me so far. I'm really looking forward to my first harvest :)
5 cc's is a lot of solution. Odd's are your other jars went bad because of too much moisture in the jars 1cc is more then enough. Remember for every little bit of cluster you can see in your syringe there are millions you cannot. Yes, there is still a good chance of infection once its done and its had a couple flushes. Hawkseye is pretty much the OG of syringes and I have only ever had one problem w/ them over many years which they rectified. The most efficient method for you starting out IMO for inoculating jar's and not buying another syringe are LC(Liquid Cultures) once you get that down you can move onto other advanced teks. As for how much you will get there is no way to answer that, maybe 2 grams maybe 15. You did MS(Multi-Spore) inoc, so there will be no consistency. Ya, you can birth w/o dunk and roll but it's not recommended. Essentially, your cold shocking the cake(immitating a heavy rain) put it in a bowl of water in your fridge over night, then roll in vermiculite which will act like a humidity buffer/top layer of soil that the hyphae will extend through and form knots, which turn into pin's. Hope that help's out man
5 cc's is a lot of solution. Odd's are your other jars went bad because of too much moisture in the jars 1cc is more then enough. Remember for every little bit of cluster you can see in your syringe there are millions you cannot. Yes, there is still a good chance of infection once its done and its had a couple flushes. Hawkseye is pretty much the OG of syringes and I have only ever had one problem w/ them over many years which they rectified. The most efficient method for you starting out IMO for inoculating jar's and not buying another syringe are LC(Liquid Cultures) once you get that down you can move onto other advanced teks. As for how much you will get there is no way to answer that, maybe 2 grams maybe 15. You did MS(Multi-Spore) inoc, so there will be no consistency. Ya, you can birth w/o dunk and roll but it's not recommended. Essentially, your cold shocking the cake(immitating a heavy rain) put it in a bowl of water in your fridge over night, then roll in vermiculite which will act like a humidity buffer/top layer of soil that the hyphae will extend through and form knots, which turn into pin's. Hope that help's out man
I only did 2 jars with 5cc each. It was probably more like 6cc in one and 4cc in the other. I really tried to put only 1cc in each but that syringe was a bitch to handle. I'm sad because it was pretty wasteful. What does it mean to multi-spore? Thanks for the comment.
You should use that cake to inoculate a monotub, you can use coco and vermiculite as the substrate, throw in a little used coffee grounds and some aged horse manure if it's available..you'll go from counting grams to counting ounces
You should use that cake to inoculate a monotub, you can use coco and vermiculite as the substrate, throw in a little used coffee grounds and some aged horse manure if it's available..you'll go from counting grams to counting ounces
I'm sorry, but the idea of growing anything i'll be eating in any kind of manure is just fuckin gross to me lol. I'd love to be able to count ounces though because I do plan on selling once I really get the ball rolling. I'm trying to keep it basic and discreet for the time being because I do still live with my parents. I'll be moving into my own apartment within a couple of weeks though. when that happens I'm definitely gonna look into upgrading to get a bigger yield. But for now, a personal supply is all I really need.
Thanks for the comment. :)
I'm sorry, but the idea of growing anything i'll be eating in any kind of manure is just fuckin gross to me lol. I'd love to be able to count ounces though because I do plan on selling once I really get the ball rolling. I'm trying to keep it basic and discreet for the time being because I do still live with my parents. I'll be moving into my own apartment within a couple of weeks though. when that happens I'm definitely gonna look into upgrading to get a bigger yield. But for now, a personal supply is all I really need.
Thanks for the comment. :)
Lots of organic vegetables are grown in poo...just saying...
I only did 2 jars with 5cc each. It was probably more like 6cc in one and 4cc in the other. I really tried to put only 1cc in each but that syringe was a bitch to handle. I'm sad because it was pretty wasteful. What does it mean to multi-spore? Thanks for the comment.
Multi spore refers to just nocking up strait out of a syringe you have multiple genes from multiple spores competing against each other to pass there genes on and creating there own rhizo's if I remember correctly, which is why you will have no consistency in your growth or potency.

This guy seems to know wassup;-)
Yeah that was one of the first threads I read when I started looking into this. I was almost turned away because it made it seem like I needed to clean the whole house and dedicate an entire room for the whole operation. I understand sanitation is a big step to take but this thread made it seem kind of over the top. Still a great thread though
Multi spore refers to just nocking up strait out of a syringe you have multiple genes from multiple spores competing against each other to pass there genes on and creating there own rhizo's if I remember correctly, which is why you will have no consistency in your growth or potency.
Yeah I see what you mean. Some of the mycelium in my jar doesn't seem as well formed as other parts. I'm sure I can become more advanced later on for a more consistent result
Yeah that was one of the first threads I read when I started looking into this. I was almost turned away because it made it seem like I needed to clean the whole house and dedicate an entire room for the whole operation. I understand sanitation is a big step to take but this thread made it seem kind of over the top. Still a great thread though
Not over the top,needed for saftey ...but you came here for advice,but know what to do so ......I'm confused...have a good time,good luck!!!
Hey guys. So a few weeks ago I inoculated a substrate jar with spores for the very first time. And things are going pretty well so I figured I would update you guys on what's been going on and see what I should do once the jar is fully colonized.

- I inoculated 2 jars with about 5cc each. (I was having trouble with the syringe and fucked up)
- One jar started colonizing and is now at about 90%. The other didn't do anything and was tossed last night.
- The strain I chose was B+
- I bought a grow kit from midwestgrowkits.com
- The 1/2 pint jars that came with the kit contains brown rice flower, vermiculite, liquid worm castings, and bee pollen.

So the one jar that survived is completely colonized except for the bottom. No strange smells or discoloration so far. It should be done within the next week. I plan to wait a week after full colonization just to ensure the mycelium is fully established.

-is the dunk and roll method necessary, or can I just birth and stick into the fruiting chamber?
-what does it mean when someone says they're on their second or third "flush"?
-is there still a good chance of infection even though the jar is almost done?
-how many grams dried do you think this one 1/2 pint cake will produce?
-what's the easiest way to innoculate more jars without having to buy another syringe?

All comments are appreciated, and I will answer any questions you may have :)
what ever happened to the days of growing shrooms in a styrofoam box in a pill of shit in the back of ya shed ?? been doing it this way longer then i have grown herb just keep one mushroom tap into the horse poo leave for a month more moushrroms then u can poke a stick at
I'm sorry, but the idea of growing anything i'll be eating in any kind of manure is just fuckin gross to me lol. I'd love to be able to count ounces though because I do plan on selling once I really get the ball rolling. I'm trying to keep it basic and discreet for the time being because I do still live with my parents. I'll be moving into my own apartment within a couple of weeks though. when that happens I'm definitely gonna look into upgrading to get a bigger yield. But for now, a personal supply is all I really need.
Thanks for the comment. :)
you do no 90% of the veg u eat is grown with or in shit ;)
Hey guys. So a few weeks ago I inoculated a substrate jar with spores for the very first time. And things are going pretty well so I figured I would update you guys on what's been going on and see what I should do once the jar is fully colonized.

- I inoculated 2 jars with about 5cc each. (I was having trouble with the syringe and fucked up)
- One jar started colonizing and is now at about 90%. The other didn't do anything and was tossed last night.
- The strain I chose was B+
- I bought a grow kit from midwestgrowkits.com
- The 1/2 pint jars that came with the kit contains brown rice flower, vermiculite, liquid worm castings, and bee pollen.

So the one jar that survived is completely colonized except for the bottom. No strange smells or discoloration so far. It should be done within the next week. I plan to wait a week after full colonization just to ensure the mycelium is fully established.

-is the dunk and roll method necessary, or can I just birth and stick into the fruiting chamber?
-what does it mean when someone says they're on their second or third "flush"?
-is there still a good chance of infection even though the jar is almost done?
-how many grams dried do you think this one 1/2 pint cake will produce?
-what's the easiest way to innoculate more jars without having to buy another syringe?

All comments are appreciated, and I will answer any questions you may have :)
another way my mate does it is he uses brown rice powder mixed into a past then he puts that into a jar then taps gold tops onto it same goes into a semi dark spot mushrooms in a month mine do get u trippen more then the brown rice ones
Not over the top,needed for saftey ...but you came here for advice,but know what to do so ......I'm confused...have a good time,good luck!!!
Sorry lol I didn't mean for it to come off like that. I was just saying that at the time I originally read that thread, I thought that the sanitary precautions described just seemed too far out that I thought growing mushrooms would just be impossible for me to carry out while I was living with my parents. Right now I know a little bit of information based on this new experience, but I do know that i still have a lot more to learn and that's why I'm sharing it with you guys.