If a starving person is caught stealing food poll..

starving and caught stealing, disciplinary action?

  • eye for a eye

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • arrested and charged at taxpayers cost.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • decision made by store owner.

    Votes: 17 56.7%
  • government program to help starving at taxpayers cost.

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • nothing. give back the food with a warning.

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters
The children are "breading like rats". I don't know what's worse, the fact that you use rats as breading or that you want to use 3rd world children as breading. Definitely using the children I think.
everybody on the thread are more interested in the legal side of a starving person ???? << nup it didn't make sense to me either.

just madness to be blunt.

its a terrible world of lost children and a wonderfull world of stoned sluts, but as stoned as i am this means nothing as the picture we see before our own personal eyes is just some sort of bizzare fucking dream !!

to be blunt .
Really, even after the items had been paid for? Hope you stopped shopping there. Seriously..

Yeah thats what got me super pissed , the cashier & some security goon had her in tears while she was explaining she had nothing to give to her grandkids for xmas & didnt want to go to jail , this shit was like a few days before xmas & they kept telling her she was going to jail & she shoulda thought about it before she stole kids underwear & batterys for toys .

I told em those were my things she was holding in her purse & i planned on paying , she never left the store & my offer to pay appealed to their greed , the shame on that womans face was punishment enough so i paid for her .

I never really did shop at that shithole to start with but my wife wanted some silly shit on my way home & the store was right there .

When i used to own the co-op my wife & our house keeper used to make hot meals heavily laced with my hash for home bound MS & Cancer patients at no charge , we gave them free buds, hash & medible snacks as well , alot of times it was the only meal they had that day & the snacks we left them gave them medicine & more nutritious food ,i paid for it all out of my pocket but my partners thought it was stupid & stopped the program when i forced them to buy my 51% interest back from me or i'd shut the doors for good , greedy fucks dont give shit back all they see is lost profit .

Idk what the overall solution is but i do know if people with money to spare would help others directly vs giving it to their church or political organizations alot of people could be helped .
i totally agree with helping the starved but u have to ask why is that person in the situation their in?
i know of a heroin addict wo livws on the streets gets paid off welfare like may others who manage on that money yet he cannot? their is so many different types of starving people some i would help and some i would not

I even help the dope fiends all i ask of them is to NOT give me the i need a hamburger speel of shit & tell me what dope their after .

I'll drop a $50 spot on a wineo quick , heroin & crackheads get $20 spots .

I dont give a shit how they spend the money i give them , for me its about how it makes me feel , my wife is a devout muslim & demands we give a tithe of 10% , instead of giving it to religous entities we give in person to people , or direct deposit to St Judes , the ASPCA & Beaumont hospitals childrens oncology unit .

It cleanses the soul to give to others for no other reason than your able to give .
I even help the dope fiends all i ask of them is to NOT give me the i need a hamburger speel of shit & tell me what dope their after .

I'll drop a $50 spot on a wineo quick , heroin & crackheads get $20 spots .

I dont give a shit how they spend the money i give them , for me its about how it makes me feel , my wife is a devout muslim & demands we give a tithe of 10% , instead of giving it to religous entities we give in person to people , or direct deposit to St Judes , the ASPCA & Beaumont hospitals childrens oncology unit .
u sound like very good hearted people
Its so easy to rob food from supermarkets man. I used to go into Lidl and nick a whole english breakfast yes mate Im talking black pudding, bacon rashers, sausages beans and id even knick a couple of eggs. Could never figure out how to nick a couple of slices of bread though.
I think EVERYONE should rob big chain supermarkets, cause you literally can get away with robbing a whole english breakfast. lol
I wasnt exactly starving but i was pretty damn poor.
Its so easy to rob food from supermarkets man. I used to go into Lidl and nick a whole english breakfast yes mate Im talking black pudding, bacon rashers, sausages beans and id even knick a couple of eggs. Could never figure out how to nick a couple of slices of bread though.
I think EVERYONE should rob big chain supermarkets, cause you literally can get away with robbing a whole english breakfast. lol
I wasnt exactly starving but i was pretty damn poor.
Lol how does one steal eggs? That seems way to risky..If I were going to steal food it would be beef tenderloin, bone in rib-eye or pork belly.. If your going to risk going to jail go big or, well go to jail...lol
Lol how does one steal eggs? That seems way to risky..If I were going to steal food it would be beef tenderloin, bone in rib-eye or pork belly.. If your going to risk going to jail go big or, well go to jail...lol

Lol youve clearly never had a full english mate.
You just open the box and nick a few eggs. I think i just bought the bread and maybe some cookies for dessert and took everything else in a couple of pockets. Used to share it withmy neighbours cause he made it well nice and made potatoes and mushrooms to go with it. shit man loloooooool i just remembered i once nicked some mushrooms too for that number. Jesus i just remembered i had a friend that lived right behind a massive tesco and at the end of the day hed wait for the guys to throw out the bakery goods at end of day and sometimes hed just arrive with litterally bin bags fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuull of chocolate croissants fucking donuts aw what was this thing i really liked cant remember anyways u get the pic.

Maple and Pecan plains man that was the shit i wish therd be in the bin bag.
Back in the 08 crash the wife and I lost everything. My business was getting slow and I let the insurance on my truck and tools lapse. I'll be damned if I didn't get broke into and robbed after that.

My wife lost her job and we burnt through savings paying two car notes and house payment. My first child was six months old. I broke down and went to get some food stamps. They look at your income based on your ss number. It took a while to get some help because of how much income showed up.

Anyways, there was a short period we were flat broke. I would go to fast food restaurants and tell them they forgot items on my order to get food. Also some other things I'm not proud of to feed my wife and kid. You got to do what you got to do.

Of course we got back on our feet. So when it comes to theft for food, well do what you got to.

I'll also throw some money to people on the street. I also stop to help strangers. It comes back to you.
I asked a security guard the other day my local hoodmart if they have a lot of problems with theft and he said the most them when caught have cash on them..

Mean while in Texas
Not a very humane way to hunt. I dont know. Pigs are a nuisance but I also believe in a quick humane kill.