deserate for some solid advice...

Yeah fucked up I know... here's the thing. For the last few years his entire waking life has been centered around RIU. I have encouraged and supported and been behind him every step of the way while he has set up his grow and sought advice and in the process has become what he always wanted to be. One of the best in the world. He has given more of his heart and soul to strangers than he has to the people putting up with his shit all the time. In fact at one stage he even told me to get involved on RIU.... except when I actually did want to sign up and get involved he said I shouldnt. I was growing when we met and love this plant just as much as he does ... actually thats a different conversation. I guess I am hoping he might stumble upon this.. even though I really hope he doesn't.... and maybe see what a fucktard he's being by the responses to unbiased. opinions. I really dont know. I'm sorry to throw people off.
Some of the users only use the growing forums, I did for years. Just a heads up
I just seen that dude but a couple days ago damn.
Alota good texans are dippin.
Speaking of which, hope my fellow southern brethren are fairing this weather allright, its some shit.
Wish I had some outdoors going right now.. that's for damn sure
Hell yea. Already got our avg rainfall for the year in 2 weeks. Damn near 2ft of rain up by dallas. Islands on lake travis going away
Fuck it im going all in now..sorry thread..
Yall see that fence of fish? Lol with the the gar or whatever stuck halfway through and all the fishies.

The complete opposite of that one year like 3-4 ago. We had 100 days over 100° and no measurable rainfall for 12 months. Wtf..that was killer growing outdoors
It's just I remember claytonbigsby making a thread about how he got drunk and went to a park and found some, unique group of people, and how he mentioned he had a wife at home, and he had met a girl that he liked at the park, and that they were going on some type of journey or something, he asked for advice on how he should leave his wife , I don't know if it is him, it just sounds similar.
2 sides of a story and we're only getting one. Hate to sound cold, but it's the truth. I've listened to friends bitch about their sig. other only to later hear different details from that sig. other that blew my friends story out of the water..ya know.."opp's i left out that detail where she saw me kissing that girl at the bar"...i think there is some of that going on.

All I'm gonna say is it's going to be near impossible to work things out if he won't sit down and openly discuss your issues. Been there, done that, that relationship fell apart.
2 sides of a story and we're only getting one. Hate to sound cold, but it's the truth. I've listened to friends bitch about their sig. other only to later hear different details from that sig. other that blew my friends story out of the water..ya know.."opp's i left out that detail where she saw me kissing that girl at the bar"...i think there is some of that going on.

All I'm gonna say is it's going to be near impossible to work things out if he won't sit down and openly discuss your issues. Been there, done that, that relationship fell apart.
If that is her husband. You just pulled her heart out and stepped on it.
If that is her husband. You just pulled her heart out and stepped on it.
I've always been known as an asshole because i tell it like it is without sugar coating..I don't want to stomp on anyone's heart but sometimes reality sucks and you need to face it. I've had a few friends walk out on me because i told them what i thought about their life situation, only to have then come back later and apologize once they realized i was right..or at least kinda right.
The ads are back again, there's something fishy going on here.
a web designer is working out the glitches, seems normal to me.

@Unclebaldrick - I think he left because someone spoke up and indirectly expressed distain towards the freight train of bailey jay shit. yea it's funny at first, but became severe overkill ime. that is unless u have a growing affinity towards such a fetish, which I'd understand if u did. ;-)
Yeah fucked up I know... here's the thing. For the last few years his entire waking life has been centered around RIU. I have encouraged and supported and been behind him every step of the way while he has set up his grow and sought advice and in the process has become what he always wanted to be. One of the best in the world. He has given more of his heart and soul to strangers than he has to the people putting up with his shit all the time. In fact at one stage he even told me to get involved on RIU.... except when I actually did want to sign up and get involved he said I shouldnt. I was growing when we met and love this plant just as much as he does ... actually thats a different conversation. I guess I am hoping he might stumble upon this.. even though I really hope he doesn't.... and maybe see what a fucktard he's being by the responses to unbiased. opinions. I really dont know. I'm sorry to throw people off.
And when did the push pull shit start? Do this...don't do that...I will bet you this has been getting progressively worse over the last 12 years....and it will only continue to get worse...
What about the albums and worthless i recall thats why the site was taking so long when they redid this place last year, gave progress updates and shit.
Where are the pics?!

But ummm yea, whatever they said^^^ Leave his ass
a web designer is working out the glitches, seems normal to me.

@Unclebaldrick - I think he left because someone spoke up and indirectly expressed distain towards the freight train of bailey jay shit. yea it's funny at first, but became severe overkill ime. that is unless u have a growing affinity towards such a fetish, which I'd understand if u did. ;-)
Hmmm, I see that Rolli left a message on his board Sunday saying that multiple accounts were verboten. He must have been puppeteering. But I thought I read a message saying that he was leaving specifically because of our resident shart.

I know what he was trying to do with Bailey Jay. And yes, I do have a growing affinity for Bailey. Something about that trashy, trashy sneer almost makes me forget that she has an enormous schwantzstücker.
It's just I remember claytonbigsby making a thread about how he got drunk and went to a park and found some, unique group of people, and how he mentioned he had a wife at home, and he had met a girl that he liked at the park, and that they were going on some type of journey or something, he asked for advice on how he should leave his wife , I don't know if it is him, it just sounds similar.

You can't be serious. WAKE UP dude.