Growing Weed with Mama


Well-Known Member
You would have loved to see me in a bonnet and apron, teaching kids how to sew marble bags the other day on an old fashioned Pioneer Day field trip. We had to pack a lunch that pioneers would have eating, no chips or sodas... and wear all old fashioned clothes. l
that reminds me of when I was in grade school...I grew up in Placerville and we used to have Pioneer mother made my sister and I Little House on the Prairie dresses and bonnets...I loved it!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, my name is Mjmama, an outdoor organic grower in sunny California, a bit north of Sactown. I'm starting to feel at home here at Rollitup, so hopefully you'll all give my grow a warm welcome. I innicially started my journal in the Grow Journals section, which I now realize is 99% indoor growers. So I'm starting fresh here in the outdoor section where I belong. Feel free to comment and shoot the shit, ask questions, etc. Im here to make friends, learn, and share what I know. I'll be posting a few of my favorite tea and soil recipes in my next few comments.

First off, the plants. Im growing

Alien OG
818 Headband
Deadhead OG
Original Sour Diesel
from Cali Connection

Holy Grail
from DNA

Cherry Sherbet
from GAS

Golden Gun
from Hillbilly Genetics

Then Ken's GDP and another cut of Sour Diesel from clone.

I had a Hindu Kush and Banana OG going but chose to swap them out for the Chem4OG and Cherry Sherbet.

Holy Grail
View attachment 3423702

Ken's GDP
View attachment 3423704

Golden Gun
View attachment 3423705

View attachment 3423706

Cherry Sherbet and Chem4OG are still babies.

I'll take some fresh pics of all the strains in the AM.[/QUOTE

Is your Holy grail from seed or a clone, I'm guessing clone?


Well-Known Member
The first two picks are from last year's grow Heavyweight Fruit Punch and me holding one of the buds. And the last photo is one of my 250 gal bottomless home made pots full of my own organic mix.
I should add that the 250 gallon pot is one of six and it's all new for me this year. There will be two Holy grail two Incredible Bulk and two of my own purple strains. I should add that I live way up north.


Well-Known Member
Right on. That's not to far away from where I am in Placer County. I loved little house when I was a kid. I still long to live that life.
I am in South Sac now...I would love to live up there again though. My mother started us watching Little House because she hoped it would make my two brothers and sister and I behave a little better...quit fighting and such...BWAhahaha :)


Well-Known Member
I should add that the 250 gallon pot is one of six and it's all new for me this year. There will be two Holy grail two Incredible Bulk and two of my own purple strains. I should add that I live way up north.
I like your style! Lots of root space and a good organic soil are a winning recipe in my book. The Holy Grail is a good plant to grow outdoors. She seems pretty tough.