Hillary officially launches 2016 Campaign for President


Well-Known Member
it's the same as being born with blue eyes over brown..hetero over LGBT? it's not a lifestyle 'choice' or bad behavior.

you are born this way.

LGBT has been since the dawn of time and not something just invented this century to be PC.

personally, i don't get how people, don't get it..i get it..everyone under 40 get's it..
You are not born having sex. LGBT has been frowned upon since the dawn of time and not something just invented this century to be PC.
Yet the two guys who killed a gay and left him tied to a fence were under 40, so........no.


Well-Known Member
Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders. A two-fer
i know your just trying to irritate me however:

Rand Paul Opposes The Legalization Of Marijuana
Rand Paul’s position on drugs like marijuana is “not to legalize them.” He stresses that smoking marijuana is “a bad thing to do.” Paul’s view is that instead of legalization, penalties for drug use and possession should be reduced.

Reason, a libertarian magazine, is not impressed: “He wants to keep everything illegal, but institute gentler penalties. That’s not remotely libertarian.”

Paul did recently support a bill that would assure states that legalize medical marijuana that patients would not be federally prosecuted.



Well-Known Member
You are not born having sex. LGBT has been frowned upon since the dawn of time and not something just invented this century to be PC.
Yet the two guys who killed a gay and left him tied to a fence were under 40, so........no.
frowned on by who? OH! i mean what?..the bible?:lol:..such an evil little book.


Well-Known Member
Yea those those documents showed up oh her coffee table a day after the statue of limitations ran out,imagine that
While she may not ever be prosecuted, a media blitz could end any chance of winning the election. I believe she had Vincent Foster murdered as part of her cover-up. This woman is evil.


Well-Known Member
I am actually quite happy that Hillary is running. I don't think she is electable. We'll see.
I think people need to b eve more aware if who they are voting for. The only candidate that actually cares about u and NOT Their constituents. Please everyone think avout this it likely the most important decisions on the decade.


And vote for a dem just because u belive in gay marriage or because your friends tell you too. Republicans are NOT against gay marriage they are just trying to promote Christians rite to have their own bond specific to their religion.


Well-Known Member
i find it interesting throughout history the bible has been thrown in bonfires and people have tried to eradicate this cult fantasy.


Well-Known Member
i know your just trying to irritate me however:
True enough

Rand Paul Opposes The Legalization Of Marijuana
Rand Paul’s position on drugs like marijuana is “not to legalize them.” He stresses that smoking marijuana is “a bad thing to do.” Paul’s view is that instead of legalization, penalties for drug use and possession should be reduced.

Paul did recently support a bill that would assure states that legalize medical marijuana that patients would not be federally prosecuted.
So, eliminating punishment for it isn't good enough for you?

Not a word about Bernie Sanders?


Well-Known Member
True enough

So, eliminating punishment for it isn't good enough for you?

Not a word about Bernie Sanders?
I hope noone is insinuating that I am red. And i just really dont like Rand paul. Or for that matter the source of his namesake.

i support many democrats, go Sanders for vp, lol. Ever even considered a splite white house. Maybe.less wouldnt get done and consider myself a society liberal but a fiscal conservative. I dont agree with many politicians these days. Ive grown up now and met too many. They really dont understand being broke. But all i cam say for sure is Ben Carson cares and in hardship work with him at the hospital he worked at. So he gets it.

I 80% of the time have voted democrat. But idk this time.
I dont like the idea that any other way of thinking outside of democrat policy is seen as "a completely unrealistic and unintelligent way of thinking" I just want Christians to be happy too. Along side with any other group. And maybe they could be alittle less judgmental in the process.


Well-Known Member
While she may not ever be prosecuted, a media blitz could end any chance of winning the election. I believe she had Vincent Foster murdered as part of her cover-up. This woman is evil.

Yep evil. And read what David Emmet Secret Secive ageny had to say lol pretty much wat you say