Fire Hydrant?!


Well-Known Member
Ok so there's no way I am the only one that has thought of this idea.
I have a big guerrilla grow going on with several spots, 2 of my spots are inadvertently near fire hydrants. when I say near I mean more like 200-250ft.
My area has been going through some real bad dry spell. Rain is all around but not where it needs to be.
So I thought maybe I could tap into the hydrant and use eh I dunno 100 gallons every couple weeks if needed.
I looked up how to work the hydrant and open it etc. the tool you can buy online is only about 20-30$. A fire hose for about 100ft is about $65 on eBay and other areas on the web. On one site I found an end piece to go on the hose that has 4 garden hose thread spouts on it. So I could then buy about 200ft or so of some cheap garden hose, hook it up, snake them around all of my plants.... (98 in one spot) stake them down some so they don't move often and then turn her on and let it run until the ground is saturated.
I'd bury all the line and have 15ft of the fire hose rolled up and hidden in the woods to be attached when they need to be watered. If I had to water them I would do it at like 3 am so no one would be around or no car traffic.
Let me know what ya'll think or your experience.....
That water is super hard coming out of that hydrant....ask any fireman
Hard as in pressure or hard water? Because in my area they are as far as I know connected to the main water supply to the houses. Its a city supplied water line.

I know the pressure on a hydrant is ridiculous, they can run at and above 2k gallons a minute.
But like the garden hose on your house you don't HAVE to open it wide open. So maybe 10% would be all the pressure I'd need to run my 200 or so feet and supply them with enough water in about 15-20 minutes.
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interesting idea. top and maybe the outlet caps of the hydrant are usually color coded to indicate GPM and or pressure. pressure could be as high as 120 PSI or so, but not usually in residential areas. should work out as long as you don;t fuck up something. make sure you get all quality shit.
Haha I can see the headlines now.

Hell I can too, hopefully they won't have my name in them lol!!!

interesting idea. top and maybe the outlet caps of the hydrant are usually color coded to indicate GPM and or pressure. pressure could be as high as 120 PSI or so, but not usually in residential areas. should work out as long as you don;t fuck up something. make sure you get all quality shit.

The hydrants I'll be using are one color and I can't find any local codes on that color, so like I said I'll open as much as I need. It will definitely be a trial and error thing. All the gear I'll be buying that will hook up to the hydrant is directly from a fire house supplier. Hopefully it will work out, I'll update once I get things in motion. I'll be buying the tool very soon.
plugging in to a fire hyd is fucked up. that's the kind of things that give growers a bad name. like stealing elec. or someone elses grow . I smell a theif.

I can't disagree with you, I am so with the Jorge Cerventes school of thought. Never steal anything... If you get busted for pot at least its not a bad thing. Meaning ppl that would sympathize with you normally won't if your stealing something power water etc.
The other side of me has to say.... I have given MUCH to my country and state (willingly) and tired of a certain medical system pushing me and my brothers around. So its my turn to take some back.
But I do see the bad side to it.
Ok so there's no way I am the only one that has thought of this idea.
I have a big guerrilla grow going on with several spots, 2 of my spots are inadvertently near fire hydrants. when I say near I mean more like 200-250ft.
My area has been going through some real bad dry spell. Rain is all around but not where it needs to be.
So I thought maybe I could tap into the hydrant and use eh I dunno 100 gallons every couple weeks if needed.
I looked up how to work the hydrant and open it etc. the tool you can buy online is only about 20-30$. A fire hose for about 100ft is about $65 on eBay and other areas on the web. On one site I found an end piece to go on the hose that has 4 garden hose thread spouts on it. So I could then buy about 200ft or so of some cheap garden hose, hook it up, snake them around all of my plants.... (98 in one spot) stake them down some so they don't move often and then turn her on and let it run until the ground is saturated.
I'd bury all the line and have 15ft of the fire hose rolled up and hidden in the woods to be attached when they need to be watered. If I had to water them I would do it at like 3 am so no one would be around or no car traffic.
Let me know what ya'll think or your experience.....
Yea, not a good idea. My dad was fire fighter for 35 years. Hydrants have problems. Last thing you need is someone snooping around to figure out why.
Get a truck and spray paint it whatever silly color the municipality you live in uses. Get two or three buddies to stand around with shovels and stuff staring into a little hole they dig near the fire hydrant, make sure one is obese and has a good plumbers crack going too. Last have somebody standing there with a clipboard and looking sort of official. You should be good to go then. Good luck.
I can't disagree with you, I am so with the Jorge Cerventes school of thought. Never steal anything... If you get busted for pot at least its not a bad thing. Meaning ppl that would sympathize with you normally won't if your stealing something power water etc.
The other side of me has to say.... I have given MUCH to my country and state (willingly) and tired of a certain medical system pushing me and my brothers around. So its my turn to take some back.
But I do see the bad side to it.
At least he knows it's wrong! maybe hope for him yet.:|
Like nuggs said, this is the reason why they are making such strict regulations. If you want to grow.. Go get a job and pay for it like all the rest of us.

I do have a job actually, cleared 84k last year. I smoke very little anyways, I use it mostly for a pain relief and ptsd related medicine.
I'm doing a decent sized grow to bankroll a legal business when it comes to my state (because its coming).

My main spot had to be abandoned because of various reasons. My new main spot was only meant to be a small extra location that I could carry in the water, but lugging in 5 gallons at a time for 90-100 plants just isn't realistic.
There is a abandoned home about 300 ft from my spot. I was thinking of literally just hooking up to the spout and turning on the city water...... but a las it didn't have city water it has a well. I then began working on how to tap into the well (powering the pump etc.) but the well house is right by the road and that isn't a possibility for security reasons.

Thanks to everyone for the input, I know its crazy and not great for the reputation of ppl like myself and I am sorry to the community for that but I am taking every precaution possible and if i feel its unsafe at any point I will back out and pray for rain.
That close to multiple fire hydrants and you dont think someone is going to smell it?

The closest hydrant is about a football field and beside the road there, which is not a road that you would walk down not saying that some people don't but not likely. Besides that it is surrounded by 5 acres of forrest on one side 10 on the other. Yeah there is a chance that people could get close enough to smell something but how obvious would it be I dunno. Hopefully not too much.
Another thing I have noticed is a lot of turkey scratches on the ground within 100ft of my spot. Turkeys don't much like ppl so they wouldnt be around if people were.
I do have a job actually, cleared 84k last year. I smoke very little anyways, I use it mostly for a pain relief and ptsd related medicine.
I'm doing a decent sized grow to bankroll a legal business when it comes to my state (because its coming).

My main spot had to be abandoned because of various reasons. My new main spot was only meant to be a small extra location that I could carry in the water, but lugging in 5 gallons at a time for 90-100 plants just isn't realistic.
There is a abandoned home about 300 ft from my spot. I was thinking of literally just hooking up to the spout and turning on the city water...... but a las it didn't have city water it has a well. I then began working on how to tap into the well (powering the pump etc.) but the well house is right by the road and that isn't a possibility for security reasons.

Thanks to everyone for the input, I know its crazy and not great for the reputation of ppl like myself and I am sorry to the community for that but I am taking every precaution possible and if i feel its unsafe at any point I will back out and pray for rain.
Well its safe to assume you are not in washington, colorado or california. Clearing 84k is a lot of money and average cost of living where you are im sure is pretty cheap, especially if there are abandoned houses around. Seems with that much money you can make some lifestyle changes to pay for your grow. Sell your house and buy land. My wife makes over 100k a year before taxes, about what you cleared and we have plenty to buy land and live comfortably with just her income in california, im pretty sure land is cheaper where you are. Sounds like you're being greedy.
just because you "willingly" gave "plenty to your country and state" in no way makes it okay for you to steal water. A lot of us could make that claim. there are plenty of veterans on here that have given years of their lives and lost family and friends in war. You were already compensated for the things you "willingly" did, either in form of a paycheck or personal satisfaction and honor, but not tapping fire hydrants.
The closest hydrant is about a football field and beside the road there, which is not a road that you would walk down not saying that some people don't but not likely. Besides that it is surrounded by 5 acres of forrest on one side 10 on the other. Yeah there is a chance that people could get close enough to smell something but how obvious would it be I dunno. Hopefully not too much.
Another thing I have noticed is a lot of turkey scratches on the ground within 100ft of my spot. Turkeys don't much like ppl so they wouldnt be around if people were.
Turkey not around people? Tell these turkey in my neighbors driveway or the ones in the road that i have to slow down for almost daily.20150228_094618.jpg
these deer in my front yard dont like people either.