Manure and Marijuana 2015 - revived thread

Overgrowth? What do you mean by that? We have undergrowth that the goats eat to keep the back part of the property from looking like a jungle. I'm not sure what kind of greenery that is tho. Just plain old under brush.
overgrowth, undergrowth..same thing..lots of excess plant material. That's what you want in a compost pile..i think the recipe was like 30% green material ( freshly cut grass, leaves,brush,) 30% brown)old grass leaves etc), and 40% soil/manure/worm casings/etc. mix it all up, go back once a month to mix it.. in a year you'll have some great dirt. I also keep all kitchen scraps ( except for meats, animal fats or dairy) and turn them grounds and egg shells are great for compost. Shit i even throw poison ivy in there and after a year it's not an issue anymore..well i dont think..I'm not too sensitive to it..
I'm wanting to use our goat manure on inside plants. The goats are well taken care of, go to the vet for their checkups and eat only our good grasses. I'm not wanting to use on anything edible and don't plan on making any edibles out of my grow. I just feel as tho I'm growing too slowly and not green enough in my eyes. I have some old manure but my niece that goes back to feed them grains cleans their "house" (where they shit? yep) often and there's not a lot of old manure around. I would have to look (answering somebody Weedfreak78's post). I guess the best thing to do would be to collect it, compost it and wait til next year.
Yes that would be the best thing to do for using your goat Manure.
What I would do if I were you for the stuff that you already have growing this year is Feed your plants with a water-soluble fertilizer like 8–5–5 would probably be good twice a week or maybe even every other day.
Yes. We can talk about it all day long....are you using the composted goat shit? If so just pay attention to what there eating you said there eating grass but goats eat everything they get there face on.
No, I have no compost, hence this thread to learn. I went back and watched them for awhile. There's only two. And, yes, they do eat anything. Matter of fact, they come to the gate when I go back there because they're wanting some fresh greens. I'll grab some low hanging branches off the trees and yank them down and they'll eat it. Jeez. I didn't realize. Well, they get their "house" cleaned about once a month (my niece gets as much of the poop as she can) and get fresh hay for their bedding. Their water is a self-feeding watering trough. So they get all the fresh water they want. I have tested our water, naturally, and although we are on city water, it has no chemicals in it, not even chlorine. Mother said it had been tested by the water co. and they also said it had no chemicals. It's got a high pH tho. I wonder what causes that. I haven't lived here long enough to know exactly what they eat all the time, but I'm sure it's just leaves and the goat food we give them. I'm not sure what's in the goat food but it's just for goats and we get it from Pet Smart? I think. I hope this paints a clear enough picture. thanks for your help. I'm gathering information, but from what I've gotten so far, I'm not going to be able to use any goat poop this year! Wah!:-(:wall::bigjoint:
That goat shit will lbe an asset to your mj grow in the not too distant future but yeah you are gonna hafta compost it & let the microlife break it down for awhile until you can actually use it. Keep reading all you can in the organics section. There are several other ways to feed your plants without resorting to expensive nutrients like fermented plant extracts and worm poop tea. You probly can find some veganics growing around your farm like dandelions, comfrey, or alfalfa & then just soak them in clean water to make a fermented tea. You can source earthworm castings at any grow or garden store & they are cheap like $15 a bag- of you don't have a worm farm (I love mine!) & it will last awhile if stored in a cool place. You only need a couple handfuls of EWC to bubble up a tea that will feed the microlife but more importantly you need a good well draining organic mix like fox farm ocean forest, happy frog or sunshine advanced mix to use as a base. You can start with bagged soil & then simply add soil amendments to enrich it. Then after your initial grow you can recycle your soil & use it over & over- it actually gets better with age.
its a good idea to get a soil test and review a scientific analysis of what your soil needs or doesnt.

I dont know about goat's crap but many manures are high in k and na. Compost is often not the best answer to improving tbe quality of your produce.

Folks working in agriculture are way more well versed in soil science than most stoner gardeners who want to use whatever is closest at hand to improve their bud.

Advancing eco ag, aglabs. etc
use science and avoid stoner site gurus
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Back on the manure thing. I'm growing outside this year and buying everything I need for the plants. However, I just realized that I had aged cow manure I've used for my vegetable garden, along with my homemade compost out of mainly fruit and veg scraps, leaves, cow manure and grass clippings (and old worn out plants). I wouldn't know where to begin using any of this now that my girls have started flowering or is there something I can add to like side-dress the plants? Oh, and the goat died two months ago.