Hash and Oil Picture Thread

it is the result of a test run of a machine that uses alcohol in a pressurized/heated/chilled? environment I don't know I didn't build it or run it .
just the lucky guy that got the results need to evaporate it all off gonna take forever. hope it is worth it lol
Not my system but I get to help/learn a bit more today on the Mr.Extractor. Super cool machine. Simple, purrrty, and always produces a superb product.
not sure what we are going to do with all of it lol. still have around a half lb of the best trim(still old as shit) of the bunch to run. just wish it had not been ground up.
Looks good hyroot, just wondering why a full week of openness? Whats ur humidity? again looks great.

Bellow is some Uk cheese 1996 hydro cup runner up, 45u. 24 hours open air.

The jar wasn't open the whole time lol. I just didn't keep it in the fridge because I didn't want to run the power for 2 little jars I have left that I'm keeping to myself. Still hasn't caked out.