Finished the original series, all movies, Enterprise (I actually kinda liked it,) and I'm on S5 of TNG (for the 3rd time I think,) I watched it in the 90's with endless reruns, I think I've seen farpoint a good 15+ time from having it on TV in the background in the 90's.
Really getting more out of TNG than I did when it was new and I was a teen. The original series now feels campy, almost Adam West campy at times. I've seen them all so many times that there's nothing new other than my interpretation of it. As to getting high and watching it, well I get high within my budgetary means of as high as I can stay throughout the day. So always high, ST has been my insomnia fun lately. Also been subjecting the wife to it since her parents didn't do the Sci-Fi thing as much.
I get stuck on the idea that there could (probably won't) but could be a time when we've put away all our petty bullshit and work together as a planet. Sadly I think we'll need to get our shit together under the pressure of a planetary enemy vs because we're just good, intellectual people; if we do at all. In a way it makes me sad on the other hand, I really do like the fantasy of humanity having it's shit together.