Anyone else like to get baked and watch Star Trek?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if I am the only nerd stoner out there that likes to get high and watch Star Trek. Been watching voyager all day I'm digging it, im in season 4 now. Gotta love 7 of 9, that is one hot ass chick. I feel like they got back to the old school with voyager, I love TNG but Picard was kind of a pussy. Janeway is more of a cowboy like Kirk was. Anyways I hope this will be a fun ass thread full of all kinds of nerd speak lol.
I have watched all of the series except DS9 and enterprise. I don't like DS9 and I just havent had time to catch up on enterprise but I have liked what I have saw so far. I have seen the original and TNG like a million times each.
i... love... william... shatner... and totally dig watching star trek. love watching the old shows, i have a few episodes on my iphone for moments i'm out and bored. i liked voyager and TNG but didn't like DS9 at all.

of course, i grew up watching t.j. hooker and was in love with shatner even then. yeah, i dig older guys-my husband is nine years older than i am.
I like to put on a full length sequin evening gown and get baked and pretend I am Dr. McCoy.



I was wondering if I am the only nerd stoner out there that likes to get high and watch Star Trek. Been watching voyager all day I'm digging it, im in season 4 now. Gotta love 7 of 9, that is one hot ass chick. I feel like they got back to the old school with voyager, I love TNG but Picard was kind of a pussy. Janeway is more of a cowboy like Kirk was. Anyways I hope this will be a fun ass thread full of all kinds of nerd speak lol.
I will always regret 7 of 9 not becoming the first lady of my state. Blagoyavitch's wife's ass was terrible.
Finished the original series, all movies, Enterprise (I actually kinda liked it,) and I'm on S5 of TNG (for the 3rd time I think,) I watched it in the 90's with endless reruns, I think I've seen farpoint a good 15+ time from having it on TV in the background in the 90's.

Really getting more out of TNG than I did when it was new and I was a teen. The original series now feels campy, almost Adam West campy at times. I've seen them all so many times that there's nothing new other than my interpretation of it. As to getting high and watching it, well I get high within my budgetary means of as high as I can stay throughout the day. So always high, ST has been my insomnia fun lately. Also been subjecting the wife to it since her parents didn't do the Sci-Fi thing as much.

I get stuck on the idea that there could (probably won't) but could be a time when we've put away all our petty bullshit and work together as a planet. Sadly I think we'll need to get our shit together under the pressure of a planetary enemy vs because we're just good, intellectual people; if we do at all. In a way it makes me sad on the other hand, I really do like the fantasy of humanity having it's shit together.
Start trek should be sumat a stoner like me should have watched but i tried once and found it so boring i couldnt make it past half an episode i think. I gotta try again with a more open mind i guess
Finished the original series, all movies, Enterprise (I actually kinda liked it,) and I'm on S5 of TNG (for the 3rd time I think,) I watched it in the 90's with endless reruns, I think I've seen farpoint a good 15+ time from having it on TV in the background in the 90's.

Really getting more out of TNG than I did when it was new and I was a teen. The original series now feels campy, almost Adam West campy at times. I've seen them all so many times that there's nothing new other than my interpretation of it. As to getting high and watching it, well I get high within my budgetary means of as high as I can stay throughout the day. So always high, ST has been my insomnia fun lately. Also been subjecting the wife to it since her parents didn't do the Sci-Fi thing as much.

I get stuck on the idea that there could (probably won't) but could be a time when we've put away all our petty bullshit and work together as a planet. Sadly I think we'll need to get our shit together under the pressure of a planetary enemy vs because we're just good, intellectual people; if we do at all. In a way it makes me sad on the other hand, I really do like the fantasy of humanity having it's shit together.

I have had the same dream while watching Star Trek. Then I read the news and see 15 year old black kids getting body slammed and Muslim women being beaten for daring to show their faces and I go fuck humanity has a long way to go.

Star Trek is also my insomnia show, I'm right with you I have seen all of TNG at least three times lol and have also developed an awful awareness of how cheesy the first generation stuff was. It bums me out that I i feel that way now, but there is still some really cool social commentary in the first Gen and lots of good philosophy. It really is amazing that a show that deep made it as far as it did during the time it was made.

Back to the first topic the key to the Star Trek universe is the replicator. When the people have no need for material wealth it becomes nearly impossible for large government and corporate interest to rule their lives. It also allows the poor freedom from their cage thus destroying crime. The second key is that people in that world have turned twods science and truth rather than religion. Even those who practice religion in the Star Trek universe don't allow it to come in the way of science.

Look at our world today we have been to space NASA may have accidentally created a warp bubble, yet still we are locked in religious wars that may one day end all of us before those of us who are reasonable have a chance to realize the true potential of humans. Furthermore we have over populated this world and are exhausting our resources, at this point for the sake of humanity we have to get off of earth.

The only thing I don't like about Trek is that it promotes moral relativism. Thankfully we see the captains of all of the ships at one time or another throw in the towel and say fuck moral relativism. What's even cooler is that gene roddenberry though promoting the the philosophy of relativism also exposes the flaws in this philosophy, a true sign of an intelligent man.

This may sound lame but Star Trek gives me hope and a sense of peace. I too dream that one day we will get to that place where humans aren't retarded lol. Really dig your comments man thanks for replying to the thread.