The abysmal failure of Citizens United

It could be a wild card that pops up later when the shit hits the fan during debate time. imo

So it's a great debate topic for getting the base wound up, but that doesn't sound like a movement of the kind needed to ACTUALLY change it. Nevertheless, that would do for a start.
That's one of Bernie Sanders top priorities and I guarantee he'll bring it up during the primary debates and force the other candidates to take a stance on it

I'm under no delusion that it'll take some time, but I'm optimistic. We need 34 states to call for a convention, we have 4 so far, and this is one of the only issues in America that has total bipartisan support from the public; campaign finance reform, and that starts with overturning Citizens United & McCutcheon v. FEC.

Campaign finance reform touches every other issue we face, the current system has caused so much income inequality that average Americans are feeling it and asking wtf is going on, and it's only going to get worse. In essence, imo, the system is unsustainable, if nothing significant changes, it will reach a point where debates about the issue won't be necessary, people will take action.

That's called a crash of civilization and that outcome is exactly what I'd like to avoid. Some morons think they'd be able to survive and thrive in such a scenario, but rich people died too when the Titanic sank.

The faster real campaign finance reform is forced upon our government- let's just call the process something akin to what it is!- the more quickly our nation will regain its footing. Until it happens, we'll continue to tilt- until we capsize of our own stupidity and greed.
So it's a great debate topic for getting the base wound up, but that doesn't sound like a movement of the kind needed to ACTUALLY change it. Nevertheless, that would do for a start.

All we can do is vote , and my vote can be swayed with getting rid of pot laws. There is someone I know that has been sitting inside of an 8 / 10 cell for leaving pot on a coffee table with a minor in the house. He will be getting out in september after doing three years. It was a total waste of tax payer money. imo

Let this story be a lesson to everybody that has minors in their home. The minor was 16 at the time incase anybody is wondering.
That's called a crash of civilization and that outcome is exactly what I'd like to avoid. Some morons think they'd be able to survive and thrive in such a scenario, but rich people died too when the Titanic sank.

The faster real campaign finance reform is forced upon our government- let's just call the process something akin to what it is!- the more quickly our nation will regain its footing. Until it happens, we'll continue to tilt- until we capsize of our own stupidity and greed.
I agree, I see a lot of resemblance between our situation and the French Revolution. I actually recently read a passage in a book I have that was a couple paragraphs long, and as I was reading it I was consciously replacing "France" with "America" and changing dates and such, it's pretty remarkable how similar the two situations are from an objective perspective. I'll post the passage if you're interested

If nothing changes peacefully, violence is inevetable
All the fucking undeclared candidates.
Every fucking one of them is coordinating with PACs and 501cs something they can't do once they announce.

Any douchebag that supports citizens united is a traitor to this country.
All we can do is vote , and my vote can be swayed with getting rid of pot laws. There is someone I know that has been sitting inside of an 8 / 10 cell for leaving pot on a coffee table with a minor in the house. He will be getting out in september after doing three years. It was a total waste of tax payer money. imo

Let this story be a lesson to everybody that has minors in their home. The minor was 16 at the time incase anybody is wondering.

Voting is the LEAST we as citizens can do! Speaking out and public action are other avenues. We need to wrest control back from those who would profit from fascism practiced against the populace.

I'm also a convicted felon, for the horrible crime of growing medicinal plants in my basement. It's a badge of honor, not a criminal offense I need be ashamed for. The real criminal is the society that persecuted me for it. Keep up your good work supporting your friend, even if only in terms of solidarity of our cause.
I agree, I see a lot of resemblance between our situation and the French Revolution. I actually recently read a passage in a book I have that was a couple paragraphs long, and as I was reading it I was consciously replacing "France" with "America" and changing dates and such, it's pretty remarkable how similar the two situations are from an objective perspective. I'll post the passage if you're interested

If nothing changes peacefully, violence is inevetable

Please do, I'm interested. History repeats itself- which is why it pays to learn it.

Good quote re change. Change WILL come. It's not a matter of if; only of when, how and how bad it will be.
Voting is the LEAST we as citizens can do! Speaking out and public action are other avenues. We need to wrest control back from those who would profit from fascism practiced against the populace.

I'm also a convicted felon, for the horrible crime of growing medicinal plants in my basement. It's a badge of honor, not a criminal offense I need be ashamed for. The real criminal is the society that persecuted me for it. Keep up your good work supporting your friend, even if only in terms of solidarity of our cause.

Thanks for caring. I have been supporting him with keeping a little bit of cash in his commissary account. By the time he gets out pot will be legal in Oregon but that doesn't change the fact that there was a minor in the house. So anybody growing pot with a minor in the house is really taking chances. something to think about.
I agree, I see a lot of resemblance between our situation and the French Revolution. I actually recently read a passage in a book I have that was a couple paragraphs long, and as I was reading it I was consciously replacing "France" with "America" and changing dates and such, it's pretty remarkable how similar the two situations are from an objective perspective. I'll post the passage if you're interested

If nothing changes peacefully, violence is inevetable
I could totally hear "let them eat cake" come out of Romney if he thought no one was listening.
Oh but you were totally going to vote for him anyways.

Because anything was better than a black Democrat
You are a strange dude.

Go back and read and you'll see how much I bashed the dude. He reminded me of every boss I ever hated.

In b4 you say I predicted he would win because I'm a Nate Silver fan and trust his stats way more than any other site. Following 538 is what I would recommend to anyone who wants to stay informed of elections. The dude is the truth.

It's like you guys create a strawman of everything you hate and assign that stance to everyone who thinks Obama is not what was promised and doesn't toe the party line.

Might as well through out some foxnewses and kochs too, maybe it's how you few relieve inner pressure or something.

Ask the floor shitting stalker to check his file on me, if he can't find edited posts of me saying I was voting for Romney then you know it didn't happen.

@ChesusRice , hope the family is doing well.

If you want to consider 538 a betting site, that's fair, Nate definitely has it going on in that regard too.

It's like pro sports. I trust the lines from Vegas more than the predictions of sports writers. So in a sense, you a right that I will trust betting lines over polls because those betting lines are pretty damn accurate. They use a compilation of polls as part of the formula.

Pay attention to the betting lines next november and you'll see what I mean.
That's one of Bernie Sanders top priorities and I guarantee he'll bring it up during the primary debates and force the other candidates to take a stance on it

I'm under no delusion that it'll take some time, but I'm optimistic. We need 34 states to call for a convention, we have 4 so far, and this is one of the only issues in America that has total bipartisan support from the public; campaign finance reform, and that starts with overturning Citizens United & McCutcheon v. FEC.

Campaign finance reform touches every other issue we face, the current system has caused so much income inequality that average Americans are feeling it and asking wtf is going on, and it's only going to get worse. In essence, imo, the system is unsustainable, if nothing significant changes, it will reach a point where debates about the issue won't be necessary, people will take action.

The colonel will be debating Ron Paul at the local TGIF. America won't hear a word of it.
All the fucking undeclared candidates.
Every fucking one of them is coordinating with PACs and 501cs something they can't do once they announce.

Any douchebag that supports citizens united is a traitor to this country.

Aww, idn't dat cute. Diddums not like the result the SCOTUS handed down?

So, now the justices THAT RULED SANELY that groups of individuals can donate to candidates who represent their interests, are traitors? I guess we have forgotten about the DECADES of unions doing precisely the same thing.

Hey, they took a page out of our playbook, burn the damn book, burn it.
Aww, idn't dat cute. Diddums not like the result the SCOTUS handed down?

So, now the justices THAT RULED SANELY that groups of individuals can donate to candidates who represent their interests, are traitors? I guess we have forgotten about the DECADES of unions doing precisely the same thing.

Hey, they took a page out of our playbook, burn the damn book, burn it.
You are fuckin' brainwashed, dude..

I feel sorry for you
You are fuckin' brainwashed, dude..

I feel sorry for you

Yeah, groups of individuals called unions DIDN'T really donate vast amounts of money to Democrats for decades. They were really giving it to Republicans and those evil bastards found a way to make it look like the money went to Dems.

Holy fuck, do you people believe your own bullshit?
Yeah, groups of individuals called unions DIDN'T really donate vast amounts of money to Democrats for decades. They were really giving it to Republicans and those evil bastards found a way to make it look like the money went to Dems.

Holy fuck, do you people believe your own bullshit?
Do you not understand literally everybody BUT YOU is saying "GET ALL MONEY OUT OF POLITICS", that includes unions

Any money influencing politics is bad, even union money

What the fuck is the matter with you?
Do you not understand literally everybody BUT YOU is saying "GET ALL MONEY OUT OF POLITICS", that includes unions

Any money influencing politics is bad, even union money

What the fuck is the matter with you?

What's the matter is Citizens United EVENED the playing field and until you fucks eat about 50-60 years of the shit we've had to eat, go pound sand.

Amazing that NOW we all need to band together to get the bad, evil money out of politics. Where the fuck were you and your hypocritical ilk when you had the monopoly on large donations from groups?

And it's you and a bunch of gullible dumbshits with short memories against me and the SCOTUS. I feel real good about my position. Come on back after about 40 years of you sleeping in the bed you shit, then we'll talk about what's right. MmmK?