injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight...

Approved medical patients (under either regime) are allowed to posses but there's no mention of the production or acquisition?

Sounds like another grey market. :s
Guess we're expected to make our own using Lp bud as a starting point lolol


Well-Known Member
Key is they didnt suspend the declaration and give the gov a chance to change the regs first.
We would reject the Crown’s request that the declaration of invalidity be suspended to keep the prohibition in force pending Parliament’s response, if any.
The if any, seams like a fuck you, to parliament for not following previous judgments.

Good day for Canadians and a very good one for the Smith clan.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis has never been proven..... Go readmedical documents, some by great minds like DR. Grinspoon from Harvard or any of the publishings from millions of other doctors and researchers. Why are you the head of health Canada when you studied political science miss Ambrose?????


Well-Known Member
Im sure there is more proof regarding medical cannabis than there is showing proof that she actually has a beating heart, what a horrible person, she along with her ilk should be incarcerated until rehabilitated and fit to be a part of a beneficial society.