I was born a poor, white child...

clearly you don't know about how odds or probabilities work. i was just using simple probability too, not conditional or bayesian.

i have posted my erect penis on this site several times as well, so clearly you don't get how evidence or erect penises work either.

however, you presence here has upped the probability to 77.8% that at least one of the racist righties posting in this thread cannot even get his own penis to work.

that's a cold, soft fact.

You've also posted your flaccid penis stuck in your ass. So why should we believe anything you say?

Just a fact.
Interesting, however, if we include you in the calculation, the odds go up to 100% chance that there's at least one "racist" individual with a sexual dysfunction.
I wanted to see what you were replying to.

Lol, Uncle Buck thinks I'm over 40.
Damn white skin is someone else's , fuck, I just, help me?! Its not what I feel I really am, I should have been black. Lets cut it off or something, just make it not white, maybe some paint or toner, then BAM I will be a happy person.

I want seperate seating at all theaters across America, so all my transracial brothers and sisters can feel safe while watching their movie

And then I will be a hero
I want to be black
Have natural rhythm
Shoot twenty feet of jism, too
And fuck up Jews
I want to be black
I want to be a Panther

Have a girlfriend named Samantha
And have a stable of foxy whores
Oh I want to be black

I don't want to be a fucked up, middle class,
College student anymore
I just want to have a stable of foxy little whores
Yeah, yeah I want to be black

I want to be black
I want to be like Martin Luther King
And get myself shot in spring
And lead a whole generation too
And fuck up the Jews

I want to be black, I want to be like Malcolm X
And cast a hex over President Kennedy's tomb
And have a big prick, too


The world is a strange place, and I like that. She checked her privilege. At the door.

SPOKANE, WA (KREM) -- A recent investigation into racially charged threats made toward the president of the NAACP chapter in Spokane have raised questions beyond who made the threats.

On Thursday, Rachel Dolezal's parents claimed she had been deceiving people.

Ruthanne and Larry Dolezal said Thursday that they want people to know the truth including that their daughter is Caucasian. The Dolezals sat down with 11Alive's Spokane sister station, KREM 2 News and said their daughter is specifically German and Czech.
She used her lie to get a full scholarship into college. She just traded one doubtful "privilege" to get another.very real one. On a side note, I have noticed the NAACP seems to reserve their executive positions for the "whitest looking" blacks. What's up with that?
So the woman isn't allowed to self identify as black despite growing up immersed in black culture and having adopted black siblings?

If a man/woman is allowed to self identify as a woman/man, with genetics excluded from the conversation, why shouldn't a white woman be allowed self identify as a different skin colour?
She used it to commit fraud.
Why do white people get tans ?

It's a natural thing that happens to people when exposed to more sunlight.

Why do people with curly hair sometimes try to straighten theirs?

Why did you steal oranges from a poor farmer?

Why do these "black" kids have blond hair? Hint they are Pacific Islanders.

She used her lie to get a full scholarship into college. She just traded one doubtful "privilege" to get another.very real one. On a side note, I have noticed the NAACP seems to reserve their executive positions for the "whitest looking" blacks. What's up with that?

Eric Holder should look into that....no wait.
It's a natural thing that happens to people when exposed to more sunlight.

Why do people with curly hair sometimes try to straighten theirs?

Why did you steal oranges from a poor farmer?

Why do these "black" kids have blond hair? Hint they are Pacific Islanders.
but really why do white people get tans ? I understand it can be a natural occurrence, but why is it purposely done ?