This story has offended those on the left who would prefer to maintain the pure posture of righteous indignation regarding all cries of racial injustice.
Reality has little influence upon those of us who wear ideological blinders.
If one is praised as being courageous when declaring their trans-gender awakening, so therefore, also, are those who would pretend to be trans-racial.
DNA is irrelevant. I am what I say I am. (apologies to Popeye)
Interesting take on this revelatory story below:
But here’s the thing: beyond that level of banal abstraction, our freedom to live out our stories as we see fit is
not a universal entitlement. Some of us get to daydream on the way to work about who truly is our “
deepest self.” Others have to be more worried about being
twice more likely to be shot dead while unarmed if we get pulled over.
Dolezal may get to wear her blackness like an outfit she can take on and off—even if she never actually does discard it, even if she
truly does believe that she is black. But actual black Americans will
never get that option.