What the frickin ars is this??!!(please take a look)


Well-Known Member
But I'm 99% sure no one spilled anything on it and 100% I didn't
But I'm 99% sure no one spilled anything on it and 100% I didn't
I have spilled nutes on my plants many times and didnt notice it. The reason I say is because that doesn't resemble any disease or deficiency I have seen especially this early on. the plant wont be deficient from anything its too young. Is this your first grow?


Active Member
Looks like a calcium or magnesium def. I don't see any soil. Is this a hydro plant? Cannabis needs a lot of calcium and its best absorbed when the pH is 6.2. When the pH is off plants absorb nutrients at different rates. And if it's too far out of range they don't absorb anything. Check your pH by testing runoff.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a calcium or magnesium def. I don't see any soil. Is this a hydro plant? Cannabis needs a lot of calcium and its best absorbed when the pH is 6.2. When the pH is off plants absorb nutrients at different rates. And if it's too far out of range they don't absorb anything. Check your pH by testing runoff.
how can it be deficient so young? if anything the first def you would see is nitrogen, yellowing bottom leaves. I know this looks like it could be cal mag but not so young IMO. When I first started growing I would germ with just PHed RO water up until week three with no Deficiencies. The seed has what it needs in terms of nutes to start life. He wouldn't see a cal mag def until weeks later. Just my experience. RO water has 0 TDS so that in theory should show a deficiency the fastest. I have never seen that on a plant of that age.


Ok cool will do. And it's My first dwc and using nutes but I used 1/4 teaspoon of micro then grow then bloom from advanced nutrients ph perfect. I also waited for the plant to be a week old before adding it


Well-Known Member
the PH perfect only seemed to work with RO water and is what they recommend. what I mean by work is the PH perfect aspect of it. If your water is high in calcium it will act as a natural buffer and raise your PH even if you have PH perfect formula.


Active Member
how can it be deficient so young? if anything the first def you would see is nitrogen, yellowing bottom leaves. I know this looks like it could be cal mag but not so young IMO. When I first started growing I would germ with just PHed RO water up until week three with no Deficiencies. The seed has what it needs in terms of nutes to start life. He wouldn't see a cal mag def until weeks later. Just my experience. RO water has 0 TDS so that in theory should show a deficiency the fastest. I have never seen that on a plant of that age.
Plants have enough energy to sprout. That's it. After that it relies on photosynthesis to live. In order for that the plant needs nutrients. In hydro that is very important because you are responsible for that. In soil nutrients are present usually for the plant to use for a couple weeks. Now in hydro deficiencies can pop up anytime. Even at a seedling stage. This is the most important stage of the plant. As the plant is trying to get established it is utilizing lots of different nutrients. Now I have never tried growing a seedling in a hydro set up but I think that could be hard on one. But yes a plant can have a deficiency at any time in its life. Even a seedling. Nitrogen is not the fist deficiency to always pop up in a seedling either. Especially if it's available. Ro water removes all calcium and magnesium and needs to be replace. Cannabis is a calcium whore.


Active Member
I would have grown out the seedling first and made clones for the dwc. That way you have an established root system going into the dwc. I think that will help you be successful more so than with seeds in the dwc.


Well-Known Member
I know RO takes out calcium and why I asked if he was using it. Anyway. You are incorrect the seed can sustain itself in hydro for the first few weeks without nutes. # is about the threshold I should know I grow in this manner but now germ in a kelp, fulvic, hummic,ammino acid blend then introduce nutes at about week 1-2. I still have never had a calmag issue from germing in RO for three weeks with out nutes which is why I dont think it is a cal mag problem. Please dont try to school me in an area where you are not even well versed. Oh and growing a seeding in hydro setup is simple. Nitrogen is the first to pop up if it wasnt getting nutes and at the time I didnt know he had introduced nutes at week 2.


Well-Known Member
I would have grown out the seedling first and made clones for the dwc. That way you have an established root system going into the dwc. I think that will help you be successful more so than with seeds in the dwc.
he will have an established root system weather he grows from seed or clone. If he wants a more established root sytem he should use a
Mycorrhizae + Trichoderma mix for seedling or clones.


Active Member
bro quit messing with it so u messed up a leaf that won't matter 3 weeks from now. don't ever flush a sprout. now because of the excess wetness u risk getting gnats. it'll grow out of it as it gets bigger homie you r going to kill it giving it to much attention they don't want to be messed with


Active Member
the PH perfect only seemed to work with RO water and is what they recommend. what I mean by work is the PH perfect aspect of it. If your water is high in calcium it will act as a natural buffer and raise your PH even if you have PH perfect formula.
I know RO takes out calcium and why I asked if he was using it. Anyway. You are incorrect the seed can sustain itself in hydro for the first few weeks without nutes. # is about the threshold I should know I grow in this manner but now germ in a kelp, fulvic, hummic,ammino acid blend then introduce nutes at about week 1-2. I still have never had a calmag issue from germing in RO for three weeks with out nutes which is why I dont think it is a cal mag problem. Please dont try to school me in an area where you are not even well versed. Oh and growing a seeding in hydro setup is simple. Nitrogen is the first to pop up if it wasnt getting nutes and at the time I didnt know he had introduced nutes at week 2.
he will have an established root system weather he grows from seed or clone. If he wants a more established root sytem he should use a
Mycorrhizae + Trichoderma mix for seedling or clones.
Adding bacteria to a hydro set up is useless. Bacteria and salt based nutrients don't mix. Furthermore it's not needed. Bacteria is used to break down nutrients so a plant can take them up. Liquid synthetic nutrients don't need to be broken down to be taken up by the roots. So there is no need for them. Plus they won't survive. Only products sold at hydro stores state that they do to sell it. Bacteria is for a soil web. But I guess you don't need to be schooled on that either.


Well-Known Member
Adding bacteria to a hydro set up is useless. Bacteria and salt based nutrients don't mix. Furthermore it's not needed. Bacteria is used to break down nutrients so a plant can take them up. Liquid synthetic nutrients don't need to be broken down to be taken up by the roots. So there is no need for them. Plus they won't survive. Only products sold at hydro stores state that they do to sell it. Bacteria is for a soil web. But I guess you don't need to be schooled on that either.
Dude just stop you are clueless. I guess great white is BS then but marketed for hydro. You have no idea what you are talking about. Source please!


Active Member

Dude just stop you are clueless. I guess great white is BS then but marketed for hydro. You have no idea what you are talking about.
Actually gw has ecto and plenty of fluff that isn't useful for cannabis is any grow method. You are a fucking idiot if you think otherwise. Ecto is for trees not cannabis. A lot of shit is just that, marketed to cannabis growers. Doesn't make it right.
Orca is way better. It has the specific bacteria that does the most for cannabis in it. But hey keep dumping that shit in because you read it on the label.


Active Member
Just like you probably use the whole nutrient line because some ass said you had to. You really should read a book or two on plants. Not some fucking cannabis grow bible under your pillow.


Active Member
Ecto in great white

An ectomycorrhiza (Gk. ἐκτός, ektos, "outside;" μυκός, mykós, "fungus;" ριζα, riza, "roots;" pl. ectomycorrhizas or ectomycorrhizae, abbreviated EcM) is a form of symbiotic relationship that occurs between a fungal symbiont and the roots of various plantspecies. The mycobiont tends to be predominantly from the phylaBasidiomycota and Ascomycota, although a few are represented in the phylum Zygomycota.[1]Ectomycorrhizas form between fungi and the roots of around 2% of plant species.[1]These tend to be composed of woody plants, including species from the birch, dipterocarp, myrtle, beech, willow, pine and rose families.[2]

Cannabis is not in that list or even related to anything on that list. If it doesn't help cannabis why use it? Your buying shit your plants can't even use. And I'm clueless.


Well-Known Member
Not worth arguing with you. You dont even grow in hydro and dont say you used to because you never would have switched back!. For your information I dont use big name brands anymore besides my base nutes. I dont even use great white. I buy from Kelp4less for most except base nutes. you're a jackass! I wish someone else would chime in and prove you wrong. you cant even source any of your info because bacteria not working in hydro in a myth dumbass!


Well-Known Member
Ecto in great white

An ectomycorrhiza (Gk. ἐκτός, ektos, "outside;" μυκός, mykós, "fungus;" ριζα, riza, "roots;" pl. ectomycorrhizas or ectomycorrhizae, abbreviated EcM) is a form of symbiotic relationship that occurs between a fungal symbiont and the roots of various plantspecies. The mycobiont tends to be predominantly from the phylaBasidiomycota and Ascomycota, although a few are represented in the phylum Zygomycota.[1]Ectomycorrhizas form between fungi and the roots of around 2% of plant species.[1]These tend to be composed of woody plants, including species from the birch, dipterocarp, myrtle, beech, willow, pine and rose families.[2]

Cannabis is not in that list or even related to anything on that list. If it doesn't help cannabis why use it? Your buying shit your plants can't even use. And I'm clueless.


Well-Known Member
No wonder you stuck with soil. You would fail miserably in hydroponics with all your misconceptions! not talking about the ecto and cannabis. I agree with you there.
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