You Have The "Religious Liberty" To Suck Baby Dicks

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I am sure both would be delicious in a sandwich. Unfortunately the top penis likely is less sensitive then the natural one.

Replace female with 'little baby boy:'

In many African countries they force this upon their young women and girls, this sounds oddly familiar with curcumcising baby boys for non-medical reasons.
Don't know about the sandwich part, but the rest is spot on.

Circumcision of male infants is a sexual ritual handed down for thousands of years. Buck defends it because it's a Jewish tradition and because he thinks "dead babies belong in the garbage can".

Lots of Christians do it too.


Well-Known Member
Don't know about the sandwich part, but the rest is spot on.

Circumcision of male infants is a sexual ritual handed down for thousands of years. Buck defends it because it's a Jewish tradition and because he thinks "dead babies belong in the garbage can".

Lots of Christians do it too.
Sometimes religious rites should not be allowed, when it harms a creature that cannot consent this should true.

Why not alter things so that the child can 'choose' when they are older after indoctrination/religious education, at the very least they get to consent. Let the child do it when they are a young man. The Masai do that, if you make it through that you really are a man.

Again, they are indoctrinated, etc, but at least you can choose to run off into the bush and live like a hermit with your foreskin intact should you so choose.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Sometimes religious rites should not be allowed, when it harms a creature that cannot consent this should true.

Why not alter things so that the child can 'choose' when they are older after indoctrination/religious education, at the very least they get to consent. Let the child do it when they are a young man. The Masai do that, if you make it through that you really are a man.

Again, they are indoctrinated, etc, but at least you can choose to run off into the bush and live like a hermit with your foreskin intact should you so choose.
I totally agree. A conscious, consenting adult can do whatever they like with their own penis. Nobody should be allowed to amputate a baby boy's healthy, normal foreskin.

Europe is WAY ahead of the US in this bit of prehistoric sadism.


Well-Known Member
Vincent Van Poo is a good one. The actual artist cut off his own ear. I wonder what Van Poo has severed?
Its believed Van Gogh never actually cut his own ear off, but he actually lost it in a gentlemans dispute but didn't want to rat the dude out.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I can't really believe we're not just all agreeing that it's so wrong for a man to put a child's dick in his mouth, and then cut part of it off.


Well-Known Member
Nobody should be allowed to amputate a baby boy's healthy, normal foreskin.
you are aware that there is a difference between amputation and circumcision, right?

or are you one of those deluded rend pawl fanbois who refers to hepatitis B vaccinations, which are transmitted via a needle, as a "sexually transmitted disease"?

your dishonest language gives you away every time, skinhead rat.