Legislation created the income inequality disaster and only legislation can fix it.
Or, do you prefer magic?
Magic is always better.
The legislation we've enacted the last 6 years has caused the gap to widen, why on earf would you want more of that. You guys seem think you can take from the rich and give to the poor and all will be well. That strategy isn't working if you look at the data.
First, fix corporate law so the little guy competes on an even playing field, second make it easier and more attractive to start a business here in the US.
95% of the wealth created during Obama's term has gone to the 1%, yet you guys are constantly praising how awesome he's doing because "the stock market"
You are asking legislators to fix something they won't (nor will their supporters) admit they caused.
If I wanted to fool the public for political reasons, I would stop counting people who's unemployment runs out as part of the unemployment numbers creating a false narrative, then I would raise taxes on working people and tell them it was really a raise on the rich, then I would hope the Fed would print a trillion a year and funnel it directly to the too big to fail banks that I made bigger inflating the stock market and tell everyone "look how great I'm doing"
In other words, I would Gruber them. I'd also find someone, anyone other than myself to blame when the shit hits the fan.
The labor force is shrinking, a lower percentage of people are working today than at any time since the 70's. The population is aging, which means more people going on the dole for SSI, with less workers contributing. If we don't start manufacturing stuff here, instead of shipping those jobs to more attractive places with lower payrolls and taxes, we are screwed.
People blame NAFTA for a lot of it, yet Obama tried to ram through the same deal with Central and South America.
We have clownshoes running the country, I'd much rather see our legislators undo than do. Make the US an attractive place for business and you will see the magic happen. Do you think raising taxes and min wage the best way to go about growing business, forget all the social feel good stuff for a sec and think that through. What is the best way to grow business in the US. We could put tariffs on goods made outside of our country, that would do something to encourage our businesses to stay here, but then we don't get the cheap stuff and our dollar doesn't buy as much, that would be a wash wouldn't it. Let's attack the problems with the mind to make this place attractive to business instead of attacking those businesses.