Russia is supporting Bernie Sanders as well as Trump again in 2020.

So are you still going to pretend it is not happening? That it was just a couple tweets and memes posted by people?
So it turns out Sanders did pen a resolution in the Senate about it?

Turns out he's been condemning it since the 2016 election?

Any acknowledgment of either of those facts? Are you going to continue to pretend like Sanders hasn't done enough to prevent it or said enough about it?

Which of his surrogates or advisors met with Russian contacts to discuss details or go over payments?
None, you say?
The russians are only supporting Bernie to cause disruption in the democrats not because they favor his policies. I believe they have probably spread disinformation about all the democratic candidates not just Bernie. Trumps uncle Putin is over there fiddling about....
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So it turns out Sanders did pen a resolution in the Senate about it?

Turns out he's been condemning it since the 2016 election?

Any acknowledgment of either of those facts? Are you going to continue to pretend like Sanders hasn't done enough to prevent it or said enough about it?

Which of his surrogates or advisors met with Russian contacts to discuss details or go over payments?
None, you say?
The question was, since Bernie has come out and said this is a problem, do you now believe that there is a problem and that the Russians are attacking our democracy?

And btw, I am looking forward to reading that.
Of all the candidates running in the Democratic primary, Bernie most closely exemplifies the best ideals of the Democratic party as they were expressed by the Presidents Roosevelt
LMAO. How do you explain Barnie saying this? The Roosevelts would give old man Bern an atomic wedgie.

“My own feeling is that the Democratic Party is ideologically bankrupt.”

“We have to ask ourselves, ‘Why should we work within the Democratic Party if we don’t agree with anything the Democratic Party says?’”
SANDERS: “I will tell you that I was absolutely outraged by his behavior in Helsinki, where he really sold the American people out. And it makes me think that either Trump doesn’t understand what Russia has done, not only to our elections, but through cyber attacks against all parts of our infrastructure, either he doesn’t understand it, or perhaps he is being blackmailed by Russia, because they may have compromising information about him.

“Or perhaps also you have a president who really does have strong authoritarian tendencies. And maybe he admires the kind of government that Putin is running in Russia. And I think all of that is a disgrace and a disservice to the American people. And we have got to make sure that Russia does not interfere, not only in our elections, but in other aspects of our lives.”

“No candidate, whether Secretary Clinton or anyone else, should have to wage an electoral contest in the face of foreign government intervention,” Sanders said in a statement.

“As someone who campaigned hard for Secretary Clinton from one end of this country to another, it is an outrage that she had to run against not only Donald Trump but also the Russian government. All Americans rightly expected and deserved a fair election free of foreign government intervention,” he added.

Sanders Introduces Resolution to Protect American Democracy from Russian Meddling

Thursday, July 19, 2018

WASHINGTON, July 19 — Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced a resolution Thursday to force members of the Senate to go on the record in accepting the assessment of the U.S. intelligence community that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election and the looming threat of Russian interference in this year's midterm elections.

The resolution also calls for the Senate to commit to safeguard the U.S. election system, protect the ongoing investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and demand that President Donald Trump cooperate with the investigation.

Sanders will speak on the floor regarding the resolution at 11:20 a.m. today.

"If President Trump won't confront Putin about interference in our elections and his destabilizing policies, Congress must act. Tweets and speeches are fine, but we need more from Republican senators now," Sanders said. “If their leadership won’t allow votes on this extraordinarily important matter, then my Republican colleagues must join with Democrats to make it happen or all of their words are worthless.”

It is interesting he doesn't actually acknowledge in those that he himself was supported by the Russians.

Also even though he acknowledged the attack on our minority communities:

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None of his 'resolutions' actually address the problem that is the attack on the citizens, only the election systems:

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Which is exactly what the line Trump and the Republicans drew.

But I am happy that he has not been silent on the issue, even if it is not nearly dealing with the problem.

So do you now accept that the Russians have been attacking our minority communities, and that it is very important that we all understand this and combat it?
I am starting to feel that the russians paying so much attention to Bernie, is a real good reason to vote for him.
Bernie was the only one to vote against sanctions on Russia, Putin is helping his campaign, and there is ample photographic evidence to believe that Putin has kompromat on him but just ignore all that because I like him ok?
Bernie was the only one to vote against sanctions on Russia, Putin is helping his campaign, and there is ample photographic evidence to believe that Putin has kompromat on him but just ignore all that because I like him ok?
Oh wow, he also failed to show for a vote to stop Trump from dropping sanctions on Deripaska:
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Was actually surprised he voted against the Magnitsky act too. Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 7.03.59 PM.png

No wonder Putin loves this guy.
So Putin is afraid of Bernie getting elected so he starts a dis-info campaign acting like he supports him to disrupt the election, cause dissension and weaken the democrats, and I'm supposed to not see right thru this.....Yeah ok
So Putin is afraid of Bernie getting elected so he starts a dis-info campaign acting like he supports him to disrupt the election, cause dissension and weaken the democrats, and I'm supposed to not see right thru this.....Yeah ok
Except he supported him prior to everything coming out in the Mueller report. It was not like they leaked it to the public through wikileaks. It was the FBI releasing the communications of the Russian military to the Trump campaign (via Stone and wikileaks) well after the fact that we found they supported Sanders, and attacked everyone else.

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Except he supported him prior to everything coming out in the Mueller report. It was not like they leaked it to the public through wikileaks.

You're like a dog with a bone, I'll give you that.

On a more serious note... What's it like to see the matrix?
A really good quick video on how the Russians are attacking our citizens by their continual theft of our data:

If you buy/bought stuff off social media, it is very important to understand what is going on, and might explain a lot of how the information you receive is being formulated.
Why haven't we blown up Moscow? Rumor has it they have oil.

If the oil industry ever need an excuse they are ignoring this one.
Vlad is one of them or at least useful, much of the anti global warming bullshit is coming out of Russia. The climategate hoax was started with them hacking scientist's emails in the UK, Russia depends on oil more than most countries.
Vlad is one of them or at least useful, much of the anti global warming bullshit is coming out of Russia. The climategate hoax was started with them hacking scientist's emails in the UK, Russia depends on oil more than most countries.

Are you saying it's the oil industry that told trump to lower regs and charge tariffs on solar panels or Putin?

Either way they are killing Americans.
I'm done hearing about Russia this and Russia that, it's gotten old and the fear factor is gone for me. Just another beat to death talking point in my view.